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minecraft village remastered v1.1

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by death_reaper0
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this is a remaster of my very first custom map i made over 2 years ago, lots of people wanted this to be remade and now with me actually half knowing how to do stuff, i decided to remake this

this map is also available in my map pack featuring multiple other maps here,12233.0.html

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V1.1 update
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so there were a few problems hopefully that are now fixed, as well as a few hud updates. these are whats fixed:
gumballs that return perks now restore mule kick weapon
removed wallguns from the mystery box (more chance at better stuff)
wonderweapons should be much more common than they were
QED fixes (with randomizing sound now)
missing textures on the l118 and paped peacekeeper fixed
blaze boss fight easier (not by much but should be noticeable)
qed powerups can now drop in the nether and boss areas
paping certain weapons giving a default weapon


gobblegums (bo3 styled)
BO3 Re-Pack-A-Punch abilities
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after a gun is pack-a-punched it can be re-pack-a-punched as many times as you want, with the exceptions of wunderweapons, explosives and special weapons
these can NOT be used on boss type zombies

turned - makes a zombie an ally for a short time, ignored by other zombies as it attacks them
blast furnace - sets a zombie and all nearby zombies on fire, killing instantly
dead wire - electrocutes a zombie and spreads up to 8 others nearby
fireworks - a gun spawns from a zombie and shoots nearby zombies
thunder wall - sends nearby zombies flying into the air

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original - just normal zombie rules

gungame - get a certain amount of kills to advance a gun, finish last gun to win

sharpshooter - every minute you get a random gun to survive with

one in the chamber - you get a revolver with one bullet, get a kill, get a bullet, no reserve ammo (this is your only gun)

z confirmed - the only points you can gain are from bonus points drops (50% chance a zombie will drop one)

deprived - (co-op only) players will go head to head trying to be the first to buy the buyable ending, hold use + aim to open a menu with various things to put other players at a disadvantage, including:
swap guns
taking their perks
swapping locations
disabling perk machines (only for that player)
and more... (about 10 in total, and more may come)

i have plans for more including a grief gamemode, will be added later
extra game settings
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these are extra setting just to set up slight challenges and stuff

note: some of these are overwrited by gamemodes and some maps

difficulty - beginner, easy, normal, hard, veteran
these dont change things too much,mostly just the start rounds (i plan on making veteran extremely hard later on)
they modify:
zombie speed
zombie spawn rate (time between spawns)
start points
starting zombie health (just the round one health, they add the same amount after each round in all settings)

buyable doors - normal, off, double price, all open

wallbuys - normal, off

mystery box - normal, off, 2 box (fixed to give more slots if mule kick or non weapon obtained, eg monkeys)

perks - normal, off, random locations(some perks with exceptions), wunderfizz only

weapons from various cods (cod4-bo3)
custom wounder weapons
3 hit down without jugg
xp system (currently has no real use)
bo3 style slide
easter egg ending
3 bosses (2 for easter egg)
10 wonderweapons from various maps (one custom)
new custom powerups

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this is a list of perks within the mod, not all maps will use them however

BLADE-O-RADE - replaces your knife with a bowie knife and deals 30x normal melee damage
BLOOD BULLETS - slowly regenerate ammo for your current weapon, clip size determins how fast and how much (wont work in infinite damage weapons)
CANDOLIER - able to carry 2 clips worth of extra ammo in all guns
CASHBACK COCKTAIL - after every purchase you get 20% of the money back
DOWNERS DELIGHT - able to use primary weapon when in last stand with full ammo and a longer bleedout time
GUARDIAN ANGEL ALE - when hit you get a temporary godmode lasting a few seconds, then it will need to cooldown
NO BEAR BREW - no teddy bear from box and box randomizes faster
PACK-A-BOX - 20% chance of getting a paped weapon from the mystery box
POINT CRUSHER - earn up to 100 extra points rounded to the nearest 10 on a kill and 10% chance of 20 points on a hit
REPAIRMAN RUM - barriers are repaired twice as fast
LAZER PINT - puts a laser sight on all guns

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gobblegums are gumballs that can be purchased within the map and used for different enhancements, to select your gumballs go to the GUMBALL selection at the main menu, it will load up a small box map with 3 power switches and 5 red squares, the red squares let you cycle between gums to select for your pack, you may have up to five in one pack

so save your pack, just pause and hit save and quit

the switches let you spin for mega gumballs witch have much greater effects, depending on their rarity, mega, rare mega and ultra rare megas, to get these you must spend divinium on the vats,
1 vat - cost 1 divinium but only get whats in the first slot
2 vat - cost 2 diviunium and get the first 2 slots
3 vats - cost 3 divinium and get all three vats

you can also get:
a reward doubler, which gives 2 of everything else
a divinium, used for an extra spin
power boost (only when using 1 or 2 vats) which opens all vats

mega gumballs are a one time use, if you use one, you have to get another. these however can be stacked and you can have hundreds at a time!

to get divinium spend money on things within a map, the higher its price the more you can get!
you can also get 15 by completing an ingame challenge, theres a new one every game! (check in pause menu)

these are the gumballs: (there will be more in updates!)
gumballs are color coded
time based
player activated (x on keyboard, dup on controller)
round based
activated under certain circumstances
enhances perk effects

treyarch gums
these are gums from treyarch zombies that i have working so far, some effect may vary slightly from their original effects
classic gums
classic gums have an unlimited amount of uses and dont need to be obtained through vats like mega gumballs
Stock Option - use ammo from reserve instead of the clip
Coagulant - double bleedout time
In Plain Sight - zombies ignore you
Danger Closest - no explosive damage
Alchemical Antithesis - instead of every 10 points you get 1 bullet for active gun
Luck Crit - more chance of repap ammo effect
Sword Flay - knife deals 5x damage

Dead of Nuclear Winter - spawn a nuke powerup
Crawl Space - turns nearby zombies into crawlers
I'm Feelin' Lucky - spawn a random powerup
Who's Keeping Score? - spawn a double points powerup
Unquenchable - can buy an extra perk (only used when all perk slots filled)
Pop Shocks - knifed zombies are electrocuted and spreads up to 5 zombies
Slaughter Slide - 2 explosions when sliding
Disorderly Combat - every 10 seconds you are given a random gun
aftertaste - perks are kept if you become revived
phoenix up - revive all downed allies and they keep their perks
mind blown - gibs the heads of all zombies in sight, killing them instantly

rare megas
Cache Back - spawn a max ammo powerup
Kill Joy - spawn an instakill powerup
On the House - spawn a random perk powerup
Fear in Headlights - all zombies in your view will freeze (due to a bug they still attack when close)
Undead Man Walking - all zombies will walk at a round 1 speed
Wall Power - next wall weapon you buy will be paped
Crate Power - next box weapon will be paped
temporal gift - powerups last 5x longer
bullet boost - repap your current gun (if supported)

ultra rare megas
Head Drama - all shots on zombies will do damage to the head
Secret Shopper - you can buy ammo for your active gun at any wallbuy (even wonderweapons)
Profit Sharing - Points you earn are also received by nearby players and vice versa
Killing Time - all zombies will be frozen, all zombies shot will be killed
Shopping Free - all purchases are free (because of buyable endings and other things, you need the amount of the item your buying for it to take effect
Perkaholic - all perks in the map instantly
self medication - revive yourself after getting a kill, keep perks (you will have a raygun out)
near death experience - revive downed allies just by being near them, and they keep their perks (WILL NOT WORK IN SOLO!)

custom gums (so far)

Here They Rise - spawns 20 extra zombies
Dead Aim - more accuracy with deadshot
Trigger Finger - faster rate of fire with double tap

rare megas
Blood Bag - 100 aditional health with jugg (2 hits)
Extreme Conditioning - longer sprint time with staminup
Money Hungry - extra points with point crusher
Shock Theropy - double damage with electric cherry shocks
Extra Pockets - ammo regen for third weapon with mule kick
Flashed Blur - faster reload with speed cola
Medic Man - faster revive speed with quick revive
Firearm Formulation - spawn a random weapon powerup
Cash Stash - spawn a bonus points powerup
Perk Pursuing - spawn a free perk SLOT powerup (whoever picks this up has +1 perks slots for the rest of the game)
Bottomless Bullets - spawn a bottomless clip powerup
Faith Finder - spawn a godmode powerup
Racing Stripes - spawn a speed boost powerup

ultra rare megas
Loan Shark - all buys take no points, when expired half point spent are taken
Advantage Amnesia - perks will instantly randomize locations
Bullet Bucks - turns each bullet in your active gun into 50 points

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this is still a work in progress, for now only 4 games works

in the arcade you can earn tickets and spend them on gobblegums as an alternative to divinium

the games:
gumball dropper
you are a perkaholic, move to avoid the "bad" gobblegums, when one goes off screen, you get a point, after a while they speed up making it harder and harder, for every 10 points you earn a ticket!

move a helicopter and shoot enemy helicopters, every 5 kills gives a ticket, 3 misses and game over

shoot random targets as fast as you can, every 5 hits gives a ticket, 3 misses and game over. they will gradually speed up until its near impossible to finish

nade toss
you get 4 grenades to try and throw into a moving hole, each one you get in give you 3 tickets

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this isnt beneficiary at all, but with this its possible to change the textures of the map
all you need to do is find the mod in your mods folder and replace the file: "trxture_pack.iwd" with one of these

pack 1:


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original texture pack from the mod (or any texture pack, but recommend original so you can tell what the textures are) -
if you are going to be using an original mc texture pack (a texture pack used in the real game) you will need the textures from it
tom_bmx's iwi to dds program -
7zip or any program that can be used to open an IWD file -

take my trxture_pack.iwd and open it
extract the images folder to somewhere you can find it easily
open the extracted folder
drag and drop the IWI files into toms Tom_IWI&DDS.exe (DO NOT open that exe, simply drag the files to the exe then drop them on it)
if done right, there should now be a dds file for every iwi file
delete the iwi files

get all your new texture pack images ready
open any of the .dds files into
open that texture in your new texture pack images in
make the new image the same size as the old one (most likely 512x512, or if it a door, 256x512)
save the new image as a dds, replacing the old one with these settings:

repeat for each texture (there needs to be one for each texture, however you can just use the old one for any if you don't wish to use the new one for it)

once you have all your .dds files for the texture pack you need to once again drag them all to toms Tom_IWI&DDS.exe to make them into .IWI files
open up the trxture_pack.iwd and delete everything in the images folder
move all your .IWIs (NOT THE .DDS!) into the images folder inside of the trxture_pack.iwd
save the trxture_pack.iwd

that's it, you now have a texture pack to use for the mod, install it by placing the file in the mod replacing the old one located:
C:\Users\YOUR PC USERNAME HERE\AppData\Local\Activision\CoDWaW\mods
if you provide me a url link and an image showing off the texture pack, i will include it in the OP for others to use, with credit to yourself

thank you to these awesome people who helped make this happen (in no particular order)
if i forgot you im sorry, let me know and i'll add you (likely since im forgetful :p)

madgaz gaming
Harry Bo21
various people across ugx
NG caudle

NOTE: these were the beta testers that actually reported bugs


sorry if i missed you, if your here and want your name changed, or not here and you think you should be, contact me via twitter where i sent beta links


Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 07:25:34 pm by death_reaper0
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Looks good, will play later
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Had been waiting for this since the WIP came out!
Looks nice!
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Finally it came out!  :D
P.S could you make a sphax pure BD craft texture pack?
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Finally it came out!  :D
P.S could you make a sphax pure BD craft texture pack?
i could, i could also make a short tutorial on how to make your own, its not very hard
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 :lol:Looks good, thank you for your work :nyan:
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Looks good, will play later
creating duplicate accounts is against the rules you know
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creating duplicate accounts is against the rules you know

So? &lt3
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This link is not Mindcraft remasted.
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Doesn't work for some reason. Everytime I launch the map I always get a script error that won't let me start. please send help...  :'( :'(
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can you provide a text walkthrough of how to finish the map?
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can you provide a text walkthrough of how to finish the map?
but that would ruin the fun of finding it  :'(
if i do i'll wait a week or two first to give people the chance the find it, but there are people who has done it, if you find them they can help
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but that would ruin the fun of finding it  :'(
if i do i'll wait a week or two first to give people the chance the find it, but there are people who has done it, if you find them they can help

can u answer pms please... I wanted to know something.... it a mapping/modding quetion
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Just completed this map. Absolutely fantastic and a lot of fun. Good work man!
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you have to make maps for B03 PLEASE

Double Post Merge: February 25, 2017, 10:18:36 pm
Also, the game crashes every time I try to save my gobble gums so yeah....
Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 10:18:36 pm by sean_a_z

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