So you only want to put the player back into the map after he fell down? If so you could use this code.
Code Snippet
back_to_map() { fall_down_trig = getEnt ("fall_down_trig","targetname"); fall_down_spawn = getStruct ("fall_down_spawn","targetname"); while(1) { fall_down_trig waittill("trigger", who); if(IsPlayer( who )) { who DontInterpolate(); who SetOrigin( fall_down_spawn.origin ); } } }
Just call this somewhere:
Code Snippet
thread back_to_map();
In radiant you have to create a trigger multiple with the targetname "fall_down_trig" and a scriptstruct with the targetname "fall_down_spawn" where you would like to "respawn" the player.
hi for some reason this doesn't work in game... I called the thread back to map under post_load in Mapname gsc and the function at bottom of map name gsc but to no avail?? anything wrong with it
So you only want to put the player back into the map after he fell down? If so you could use this code.
Code Snippet
back_to_map() { fall_down_trig = getEnt ("fall_down_trig","targetname"); fall_down_spawn = getStruct ("fall_down_spawn","targetname"); while(1) { fall_down_trig waittill("trigger", who); if(IsPlayer( who )) { who DontInterpolate(); who SetOrigin( fall_down_spawn.origin ); } } }
Just call this somewhere:
Code Snippet
thread back_to_map();
In radiant you have to create a trigger multiple with the targetname "fall_down_trig" and a scriptstruct with the targetname "fall_down_spawn" where you would like to "respawn" the player.
thanks man il try this can u hmu in pm as I need some help
i want to know how I can respawn the players instead of dying when falling off the map but so that they still die if killed buy zombies?? when they respawn from falling off the map they still have all their perks guns an everything
so I ported the clowns from zombies in spaceland, and I want to make them replace the dogs... but first I need to rig them... could someone help me rig them please and help me make them work??
im not here necesarily for modding help (yet) but i am just wondering about something. In everyones opinion, could me and a few of my freinds who have no experience in modding World at War, build a decent Zombies map if we had help?
well I wouldn't say I'm new to modding/mapping but I'm great at detailing and asking areas and terrain so ad me on steam advanceddecay and ill gladly help u