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Welcome to UGX-Mods in 2017 - Past, Present & Future

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Created 8 years ago
by treminaor
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If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
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Hello everyone, and happy 2017 :) Hope you are having a great new year thusfar. It's been a while since we've checked in to see how we're all doing. Yes, we're still alive and paying attention ;) Also, a warm welcome to anyone who's new around here and hasn't been with us for very long! If you'd like to learn more about the history of UGX-Mods you can read about it below.

How are we doing? What's planned?
I'd like to get an idea of how UGX-Mods is doing... how well are we serving our purpose for you?

What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? What can we improve? Add? Change? Go ahead and reply to this topic with your thoughts!

We want to continue adapting to serve the ever-changing community that lives here and we can't do that if we don't stay in touch with you - the community <3

You might ask "what is UGX-Mods planning for 2017?" - great question. We want to finish the following projects:
  • Release a redesigned and improved version of our forum design (Project UGXSMF, currently in beta for donators)
  • Release a public version of UGX Launcher which supports WaW, BO3, and potentially other games as well, to rival Steam Workshop.
  • Release a beta version of UGX Play, an online service for the UGX Launcher which can be used via a web browser like Steam
  • Release some kind of simplifed and more usable online UGX Chat, or replace/remove it altogether.
  • Increase the amount of servers we use to better handle the load of all of our users and services.
This is obviously a lot of work. Most of it also relies on the free time of our main developer Alexander 'Delta' Diller, who has a lot on his plate already. If you or anyone you know have lot of C++ or web development/server experience (frontend or backend) please let us know because we are looking for help. Please note this is way more advanced than the average website development, we dont need someone who just knows HTML and CSS. Also as a reminder we have other positions we are looking to fill, which you can find on our Careers page.

A Brief History
  • UGX-Mods was created November 2010 by Co-Founders Andy 'treminaor' King and Jack 'WING3D' Dolley.
  • June 2011, the first project of UGX, UGX Cabin was released. One of the first maps with objectives and difficutly setting.
  • December 2011, the first version of the UGX Mod with the Map UGX Christmas was well recieved by the community.
  • October 2012, map UGX Comosea was released with the UGX Mod.
  • January 2013, the standalone release of the UGX Mod v1.0.3 for other maps created by the community.
  • The UGX Mod was #74 in the "Mod of the Year 2013" contest on ModDB.
  • January 2016, the UGX Mod was #35 in the "Mod of the Year 2015" contest on ModDB.
  • October 2016, UGX Mod was released for Black Ops 3
Our vision
We want to deliver the Ultimate Gaming Experience to everyone!
Besides producing high quality content, we ensure that the community can also create this amount of quality by delivering tools tutorials and help.
We try to constantly improve ourself and listen carefully to feedback from our fans.

What makes us unique?
  • Over 6 years experience in Modding
  • Large & active community with lot's of User Generated Content
  • High Quality Maps created by UGX and by the awesome community
  • Time saving tools, knowledge base and forum for modding
  • Mod download tool, UGX Map Manager and soon replaced by the UGX Launcher
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Any questions? PM me or find me in chat. I'm on chat most of the time on school days.

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Hopefully the UGX Chat will gain more activity this year. It may not. But it will be cool if it becomes active like 2-3 years ago.
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Hopefully the UGX Chat will gain more activity this year. It may not. But it will be cool if it becomes active like 2-3 years ago.

Everyone uses Discord these days. It's a shame because it was nice to have all of our community talking in one place. Maybe a new update to the chat will spark things off again? :)
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Recently, Lukkie and I fixed a few minor bugs in the chat relating to inactivity and messages notifications from self during certain statuses. I'll try to find a feature that might get some attention and maybe will be added.
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Quote from: TTheenderr link= date=1484937231
Hopefully the UGX Chat will gain more activity this year. It may not. But it will be cool if it becomes active like 2-3 years ago.
We aren't sure what the future of UGX Chat is yet, since the usage has dropped dramatically. People have asked us if we intended to have an official UGX Discord channel but so far we aren't too interested in that since it encourages people to chat somewhere other than on our website. If the chat contines to decline we might just link to a Discord server eventually, we'll see.

I know Delta has plans to do a basic rewrite of the current chat to fix a lot of the bugs that people regularly run into but we haven't decided if it's worth the time yet, due to the current low demand. 
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We aren't sure what the future of UGX Chat is yet, since the usage has dropped dramatically. People have asked us if we intended to have an official UGX Discord channel but so far we aren't too interested in that since it encourages people to chat somewhere other than on our website. If the chat contines to decline we might just link to a Discord server eventually, we'll see.

I know Delta has plans to do a basic rewrite of the current chat to fix a lot of the bugs that people regularly run into but we haven't decided if it's worth the time yet, due to the current low demand.
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Recently I find the bugs, and Lukkie fixes it. its looking good right now, you can see how it improved. but its still inactive XD.
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Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
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BO3 Modtools Alpha
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Recently I find the bugs, and Lukkie fixes it. its looking good right now, you can see how it improved. but its still inactive XD.

Bugs people have been reporting for past three years? 👏
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Bugs people have been reporting for past three years? 👏
Thats the ones!
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'Straya Mate
Please give me beta access, I would LOVE to test CO-OP
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COuld you also include some form of Box-Map Moderation? or is that too much to ask?
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Quote from: JiffyNoodles link= date=1486474369
COuld you also include some form of Box-Map Moderation? or is that too much to ask?
With UGXL you can filter out box maps entirely if you want. 
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With UGXL you can filter out box maps entirely if you want.
Can we filter out UGX mod maps as well?
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Quote from: MAK911 link= date=1486600295
Can we filter out UGX mod maps as well?
Yep, as well as other mods and tags. 
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Thanks for the progress/news update! It's been great following UGX for so long.

On the topic of chat, which I saw earlier, could you maybe make it so you open chat up like Chatango does, where it pops up in the bottom right or something? That way you can have chat open, and still browse around the site, all while in the same tab. Just an idea.
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I believe that is one of the feature of the new chat we are getting. If not, just... don't yell at me. pls.

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