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Messages - Lukkie1998

Dear members,

As you might have noticed, post approval tends to take more time than usual.
This has two main reasons that I would like you to be aware of:
  • Our current Moderator Team has less available time for moderation in general.
  • We have been experiencing a major spam bot attack. Thanks to our approval system, all these posts will never see the light of day on our forum! Unfortunately, while Delta is implementing countermeasures for this, we have to keep the spam topics in our approval system, mixing the few legit posts from you with hundreds of useless spam topics.
This will temporarely cause no new approval of new topics as we can simply not filter them. New replies to existing topics are not affected by this!

Please, if you have made a topic on our forum which has not yet been  approved by a moderator, make a moderator or team member aware of this such that we can look up your post individually! You can reach us via PM, find us in the UGX-Mods Discord Server or simply leave a reply on this post!

On behalf of the UGX-Mods team,

4 years ago
Is this question regarding Black Ops 3 or rather World at War? Sounds like a World at War problem but you posted in the BO3 section.
If so, please let me know so we can move your topic and you will get better response.

5 years ago
Welcome!  :cool_doge: 
5 years ago
whenever i try to play any of the maps from the installer it has an overlay of fire on the screen how do i take it off i have tried deleteing waw and nothing happens 
6 years ago
Welcome to UGX!

A basic laptop will definately be able to run W@W, both game as well as modtools.
When I started modding years ago on my laptop i believe it only had 4GB of RAM, a lame i5 and (although dedicated) a small Nvidia GPU. So as long as you get enought RAM (definitely 8GB) and a good processor you'll probably be fine. Make sure it has enough storage though, assets can and will take up a lot of your space :)
Hope this helps a bit! Enjoy your stay.

6 years ago
We need more information than this, nobody will be able to help you without knowing how it looks / what you have done.
6 years ago
Good job finding an almost two year old post ;)
Topic closed.
6 years ago
Really sorry still not working
Oh yeah I see, there is a problem with the new editor. You could also just copy/paste the link for now :) 
6 years ago
Hi, cld you let us know, i just want the bo1 weapons but don't want to go through the long hassle of porting them from the bo1 game.

Clicked the link and it led me to a blank page. :\
 I fixed the link for you!
6 years ago
Thank you all for your participation so far! I have recieved 10 responses on the survey which is a lot less than I expected to be completly honest, but Im grateful none the less. I still need 3 more people that are willing to answer one-on-one questions over DM if anyone else is willing to help. Thanks!
If you still need some people to answer questions over DM I guess you are welcome to message me as well (on whatever medium you prefer)!
6 years ago
Filled in your form, glad I could help :homer:
6 years ago
why is this posted in waw custom maps forum?
It is not actually. It is posted in our BO3 Map release section, as can be seen from the breadcrumb at the top:

UGX-Mods» Call of Duty: Black Ops 3»Custom Maps, Mods & Tools»Map Releases»Labor Fünf
6 years ago
Thank You! I followed that video and you were definitely right.  It was a compiling error.  Well... I went back to the tutorial series I've been following and I compiled it the way he does and I get the errors(He didn't compile the bsp info or the patch).  However, the video you provided worked great. 

Here's the video I watched.  He explaind radiant well, but compiled wrong?
You should never compile your mod before your map, since when you compile your mod it also uses the .d3dbsp file you create when compiling your map. That one should be new everytime you make a change to your map in radiant.
Also your _patch contains important files that the game needs.
And I'd suggest never to use the "Run after compile" button, always go to the last tab in your launcher, select your mod and start the game from there ;)
6 years ago
Sounds like you are not compiling your map correctly. Are you sure you have checked the correct boxes and are compiling everything you need?

Below is a video that shows what options you need to check, etc. (it might be old but worked for me when I was a beginner)

6 years ago
Ok so i really want to play with my friend cod waw modded zombies , we have every thing the patch the lan fix but when he hosts i cant find his server in the lan section. Anyone can help?

UGX-Mods does not supply any help for games that are not legitimately obtained through i.e. Steam or a bought CD Disc!
Unfortunately your topic will be locked.
I'd suggest just spend the few bucks and get a legit version!
6 years ago
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