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Contact Support - Help Center Get help on the UGX Discord. Join it now! add_challenge_reward(1, level.zombie_powerups["nuke"].model_name, &spawn_powerup, "nuke");
add_challenge_reward(2, getweapon("shotgun_pump").worldModel, &free_gun, getweapon("shotgun_pump"));
add_challenege("Anchored Down", &challenege_anchored, "Don't Move");
player thread add_ancient_evil_challenge_power(power);
Try to place it derectly in your appdata's mods folder. Using winrar, or anything that opens that iwd and place it all in there. (If you understand what I am saying). if not you might have a long day reinstalling all your mod tools, not optional.
(But Best perferred).
zone = level.zones[ zkeys[z] ];
players = get_players();
players[i] thread location_display_text();
hint_hud = create_simple_hud(self);
hint_hud.alignX = "left";
hint_hud.alignY = "top";
hint_hud.horzAlign = "left";
hint_hud.vertAlign = "top";
hint_hud.fontscale = 2;
hint_hud.color = (1, .2, .2);
hint_hud.x = 2;
hint_hud.y = 2;
hint_hud.alpha = 1;
text = "";
text = self get_location_text();
hint_hud SetText( text );
wait .1;
text = "";
zone_name = "";
zkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones );
for( z=0; z<zkeys.size; z++ )
zone = level.zones ];
for (i = 0; i < zone.volumes.size; i++)
if (self IsTouching(zone.volumes[i]) )
zone_name = zone.volumes[i].targetname;
switch( zone_name )
case "start_zone":
text = "Spawn Room";
case "power":
text = "Power Room";
text = "zone not defined";
return text;
switch( zone_name )
case "start_zone":
text = "Spawn Room";
case "power":
text = "Power Room";
text = "zone not defined";
case "start_zone":
text = "Spawn Room";
So quick question, how can I go about updating this mod without getting my level and progress reset? B/c generally all the files are replaced and in that case all the progress would be gone. Is there a specific file to be careful with or is there no way to update the mod without losing something?
Is the Knie Tief easter egg working fully? Without spoiling anything it seems like a handle by a tree is broken and can't be activated? Would love to know if its working, not looking for help with the easter egg though.
there is just no tool out there that allows you to extract models, scripts, images, etc form BO2 files.