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Contact Support - Help Center Get help on the UGX Discord. Join it now! add_challenge_reward(1, level.zombie_powerups["nuke"].model_name, &spawn_powerup, "nuke");
add_challenge_reward(2, getweapon("shotgun_pump").worldModel, &free_gun, getweapon("shotgun_pump"));
add_challenege("Anchored Down", &challenege_anchored, "Don't Move");
player thread add_ancient_evil_challenge_power(power);
level thread add_perk("vending_jugg", "specialty_armorvest", "jugger_light", "zombie_vending_jugg_on", 2500, undefined, &"ZOMBIE_PERK_JUGGERNAUT", "specialty_juggernaut_zombies", "zombie_perk_bottle_jugg", "mx_jugger_sting", undefined);
add_perk( vending_machine, specialty, light_fx, machine_change, cost, perk_name, perk_name_actual, shader, bottle_weapon, short_jingle, function);
vending_machine - targetname on machine
specialty - trigger specialty (script_noteworthy)
light_fx - name of fx used for machine (level._effect[ -> light_fx <- ]) e.g. "zombie_vending_jugg_on"
machine_change - name of model to change to when powers on (CAN leave undefined if none)
cost - cost of the perk (should be a whole number e.g. 2500 )
perk_name - string of perks name e.g. "Deadshot Daquari" (leave undefined if string is already made e.g. &"ZOMBIE_PERK_JUGGERNAUT")
perk_name_actual - use this if above is undefined ONLY! should be used if string exists e.g. "ZOMBIE_PERK_JUGGERNAUT"
shader - name of icon to show up in game e.g. "specialty_juggernaut_zombies"
bottle_weapon - name of bottle used when drinking e.g. "zombie_perk_bottle_jugg"
short_jingle - name of jingle to play upon purchase e.g. "mx_jugger_sting"
function - threaded fuction that will only play if perk exists e.g. ::my_fuction
add_custom_perk( vending_machine, specialty, light_fx, machine_change, cost, perk_name, perk_name_actual, shader, bottle_weapon, short_jingle, function);
HasPerk( specialty_NAME ) -|- will become -|- maps\_zombiemode_perks::HasCustomPerk( specialty_NAME )
UnsetPerk( specialty_NAME ) -|- will become -|- maps\_zombiemode_perks::UnsetCustomPerk( specialty_NAME )
SetPerk( specialty_NAME ) -|- will become -|- maps\_zombiemode_perks::SetCustomPerk( specialty_NAME )
extra fuctions for custom specialty perks
maps\_zombiemode_perks::IsCustomPerk( specialty_NAME ) - returns true if specialty is listed as a custom specialty
maps\_zombiemode_perks::CreateCustomPerk( specialty_NAME ) - shouldnt be needed, but this will create a custom specialty (add_custom_perk() will automaticly use this)
maps\_zombiemode_perks::HasThePerk( specialty_NAME ) - finds out if player has that perk as custom or normal (it will find out if its custom or normal for you)
level.perk_limit = 4; //change to be perk limit for all players
tufbrew_func( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player, amount )
if(player HasThePerk("specialty_bulletdamage") && ( mod == "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" || mod == "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" ) )
if(amount >= self.health)
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "death", mod, hit_location, self.isdog );
self DoDamage( amount, player.origin );
return false;
tufbrew_func( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player, amount )
if(player HasThePerk("specialty_rof") && ( mod == "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" || mod == "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" ) )
if(amount >= self.health)
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "death", mod, hit_location, self.isdog );
self DoDamage( amount, player.origin );
return false;
level thread candolier(); //bandolier perk, 2 extra clips of ammo for each gun, add to weapon files of each gun
#precache("xmodel", "c_54i_cqb_fullbody");
level.teleport_zombie_reap_dist = 190; //teleporting distance
level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_min = 3; //minimum time to teleport
level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_max = 3; //max time to teleport (time to teleport random between min and min + max)
level.teleport_zombie_reap_health_multiplier = 3; //health modifier, this many times more health than a normal zombie
level.teleport_zombie_reap_percent = 15; //spawn rate percent, this many out of 100 will become teleporters
level thread reap_special_zombies();
level.pathdist_type = PATHDIST_ORIGINAL;
function reap_special_zombies()
zombies = getaispeciesarray( "axis", "all" );
for( i = 0; i < zombies.size; i++ )
if( !isDefined( zombies[i].reap_special_zombies ) )
zombies[i].reap_special_zombies = true;
if(randomint(100) < level.teleport_zombie_reap_percent)
zombies[i] thread reap_special_zombie_teleporter();
wait 0.1;
function reap_special_zombie_teleporter()
self endon( "death" );
self.is_teleport_zombie = true;
self.force_gib = false;
self.gibbed = true;
self.maxhealth = self.maxhealth*level.teleport_zombie_reap_health_multiplier;
self.health = self.health*level.teleport_zombie_reap_health_multiplier;
self.is_on_fire = true;
self.no_gib = 1;
self.head_gibbed = true;
self.needs_run_update = true;
self.allowpain = false;
self.ignore_nuke = true;
self.is_boss = true;
self detach( self.headModel, "" );
self detach( self.hatModel, "" );
self setmodel( "c_54i_cqb_fullbody" );
wait randomint(level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_min)+level.teleport_zombie_reap_time_max;
front = AnglesToForward(self.angles);
dist_pos = self.origin + VectorScale( front, level.teleport_zombie_reap_dist );
if( bullettracepassed( self.origin + (0, 0, 10), dist_pos + (0, 0, 10), false, undefined ) &&
(IsDefined(self.in_the_ground) && self.in_the_ground == false || !IsDefined(self.in_the_ground)))
if( IsVehicle( self ) )
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx_veh", 1 );
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx", 1 );
self PlaySound( "zmb_elec_jib_zombie" );
wait .2;
self hide();
wait .2;
self forceteleport(dist_pos);
wait .2;
self show();
wait .2;
if( IsVehicle( self ) )
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx_veh", 0 );
self clientfield::set( "tesla_shock_eyes_fx", 0 );
when you have a death machine, you can swap weapons to loose it early (beneficial since you cant do certain things while holding it)
there IS still a perk limit, to increase it zombies will drop blue perk powerups, they also drop free perk powerups giving all players a random perk
the doubletap IS doubletap 2.0, and functions as it does in bo2 (splits the bullet into 2 for bullet based weapons)
in Ascension the monkeys probably wont take the added perks, i didn't set that up, i'll probably fix it later
on moon the no mans land perk will always be point crusher, jugg and speed are now on the moon
the perk shaders used are the bo2 ones, i like it like that, im not changing it!