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Messages - death_reaper0

my best solution to have it rounded off to 10 is to put
Code Snippet
points = points*10
Code Snippet
points = randomIntRange(low,high);
or something along those lines
9 years ago
this is my simple bonus points script that i'm happy to share with the UGX community!

feel free to use in your maps with credit

first of all you need to go into your map's _zombiemode.gsc script and add place

Code Snippet
    include_powerup( "bonus" );


Code Snippet

next open up your map's _zombiemode_powerups.gsc and scroll down to

Code Snippet
add_zombie_powerup( "nuke", "zombie_bomb",	&"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_NUKE", "misc/fx_zombie_mini_nuke" );
// add_zombie_powerup( "nuke", "zombie_bomb", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_NUKE", "misc/fx_zombie_mini_nuke_hotness" );
add_zombie_powerup( "insta_kill", "zombie_skull", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_INSTA_KILL" );
add_zombie_powerup( "double_points","zombie_x2_icon", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_DOUBLE_POINTS" );
add_zombie_powerup( "full_ammo",  "zombie_ammocan", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_MAX_AMMO");
add_zombie_powerup( "carpenter",  "zombie_carpenter", &"ZOMBIE_POWERUP_MAX_AMMO");

and under that place

Code Snippet
	add_zombie_powerup( "bonus",        "zombie_points",  "bonus");

change the "zombie_points" to whatever model you want the bonus points powerup model to be

next find

Code Snippet

and under

Code Snippet
case "carpenter":
level thread start_carpenter( self.origin );
players[i] thread powerup_vo("carpenter");


Code Snippet
case "bonus":
    players[i] thread bonus_powerup( self );

scroll down until you find

Code Snippet

and under that piece of script place

Code Snippet
bonus_powerup( drop_item )
players = Get_Players();

low = 100; //lowest amount possible
high = 2000; //highest amount possible

points = randomIntRange(low,high);

// give the points funtion
for(i=0;i<players.size;i++) //gives points to all players
if(level.zombie_vars["zombie_point_scalar"] == 1) // if double points is off
players[i] maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score( points );
else // if double points is on
points = points * 2;
players[i] maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score( points );

for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
players[i] playsound ("points_vox");


change the number of high and low for the highest amount and lowest amount possible is

next you need to open your "mapname".csv in codwaw root folder/zone_source and put this at the bottom

Code Snippet

change the "zombie_points" to whatever model you had set earlier

that should be everything you have to do, enjoy your new bonus points! feel free to use in maps with credit
9 years ago
this is my script for a weapon locker like in black ops 2 TranZit, die rise and buried. if you don't know what that is, then basically its a place to store a weapon and keep it between games!. it will keep track of your stored weapons ammo in reserve and in clip and can be modified to not accept certain weapons.

v1.2 update
players can now take the weapon if they have a free weapon slot, without it placing your current weapon in

part 1

first you will need to get this prefab and place it in your map. if you do not wish to do this move to step 1b, if you do want to, skip part 1b.

the prefab can be found here!PFZQXBaA!XyiHpYPvG4_-6mwye7vupBU5E1P80H1FKwRG_Rta7ls
or here

part 1b

use this if you do not want to use my prefab

make a trigger use by right clicking in radiant on the 2d view, then go to trigger then trigger use. place it where you want and while its selected press N to bring up the KVPs
in the top text box at the bottom insert

Code Snippet

and in the bottom place

Code Snippet

press enter and it should appear with the other KVPs

this is where you need to go to use the locker

part 2

now you will need to go to waw root/raw/maps and find your MAPNAME.gsc and open it up


Code Snippet
	level thread DLC3_threadCalls2();


Code Snippet
	thread weapon_locker_begin();

now at the very bottom of that file place:

Code Snippet
players = getplayers();
for(i=0; i<players.size; i++)
players[i] thread get_stored_gun();
self thread weapon_locker();

wait 1;
self.stored_gun_ammo = self GetStat(3007);
self.stored_ammo_clip = self GetStat(3008);
self.has_stored_weapon = self GetStat(3009);
keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons );
self.stored_weapon = keys[ self GetStat( 3006 ) ];

wait 2;
weapon_locker = getEnt("weapon_locker", "targetname");
    weapon_locker setHintString( "press & hold &&1 to store current weapon" );
weapon_locker setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
weapon_locker waittill( "trigger", user );
    if( is_player_valid(user))
user.old_gun = user getcurrentweapon();
user.gun_ammo = user GetAmmoCount( user.old_gun );
user.gun_ammo_clip = user GetWeaponAmmoClip(user.old_gun);

// this line is for non valid weapons, such as perk bottles, knuckle crack and the syringe when reviving, this should only need to be changed if adding extra perks etc.
if (!( user.old_gun == "none" || user.old_gun == "syrette" || user.old_gun == "zombie_melee" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_revive" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_jugg" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_sleight" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_staminup" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_phd" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_mulekick" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_deadshot" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_cherry" || user.old_gun == "zombie_perk_bottle_vulture" || user.old_gun == "zombie_knuckle_crack" || user.old_gun == "stielhandgranate" || user.old_gun == "zombie_cymbal_monkey" || user.old_gun == "zombie_bowie_flourish" ))
primaryWeapons = user GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( (IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size == 1 ||  IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size == 2 && user hasPerk ("specialty_extraammo")) && user.has_stored_weapon == 1)
user giveweapon( user.stored_weapon );
user SetWeaponAmmoStock(user.stored_weapon,user.stored_gun_ammo);
user SetWeaponAmmoClip(user.stored_weapon,user.stored_ammo_clip);
user switchtoweapon( user.stored_weapon );
user.has_stored_weapon = 0;
user SetStat(3009,0);
// the following line is for weapons that you do not want storeable, i added some from my own map and advise customizing for weapons in your own map. zombie colt should be changed to your starting weapon
if ( user.old_gun == "colt" || user.old_gun == "zombie_colt" || user.old_gun == "zombie_colt_upgraded" || user.old_gun == "tesla_gun" || user.old_gun == "tesla_gun_upgraded" || user.old_gun == "thundergun" || user.old_gun == "thundergun_upgraded" || user.old_gun == "ray_gun" || user.old_gun == "ray_gun_upgraded" || user.old_gun == "scavenger" || user.old_gun == "scavenger_upgraded" || user.old_gun == "vorkuta_knife" || user.old_gun == "vorkuta_knife_upgraded" )
user iPrintLnBold("^7cannot store this weapon");
wait 2;
primaryWeapons = user GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if(!( IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size == 1 ||  IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size == 2 && user hasPerk ("specialty_extraammo") ))
user takeweapon( user.old_gun );

    if(user.has_stored_weapon == 1)
user giveweapon( user.stored_weapon );
user SetWeaponAmmoStock(user.stored_weapon,user.stored_gun_ammo);
user SetWeaponAmmoClip(user.stored_weapon,user.stored_ammo_clip);
user switchtoweapon( user.stored_weapon );
user.switch_weapon = user.stored_weapon;
wait 0.1;
user.stored_weapon = user.old_gun;
user.stored_ammo_clip = user.gun_ammo_clip;
user.stored_gun_ammo = user.gun_ammo - user.stored_ammo_clip;
wait 0.1;

keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons );
for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i ++ )
if( keys[i] == user.stored_weapon )
user SetStat( 3006, i );
user SetStat(3007,user.stored_gun_ammo);
user SetStat(3008,user.stored_ammo_clip);
user.has_stored_weapon = 1;
user SetStat(3009,1);

  user playlocalsound("cha_ching");
user.cur_gun = user getcurrentweapon();
primaryWeapons = user GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size > 0 && (!(user.cur_gun == user.switch_weapon)))
user SwitchToWeapon( primaryWeapons[0] );
wait 2;

thanks to alaurenc9 and Ray1235 for their help!

that should be it, have fun with your new script (please credit if used)
9 years ago
all the major game breaking bugs should now be fixed, sorry about all that  ::)
9 years ago
According to TheRelaxingEnd's recent gameplay on your map, why does it so happen that you can't get jug or double tap from the wunderfizz, but you can get an invisible bottle that mystically takes up perk slots and you can't buy anymore perks, making your 19 (or 20) perk challenge a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
you cant get the original 4 because of the way it was scripted, i dont know whats casuing it but i can either have them in the wunderfizz or the custom perks, either way there will be "blank bottles" in the wunderfizz
9 years ago
its been a while since i played moon co-op, but i think it had something when a QED was thrown while a player is down, it will revive them but down yourself. i remember this has happened once but not sure if it was the QED that downed me
9 years ago
it seams i combined the folder with another maps folder (my mistake) it should work now
9 years ago
It would be nice if the Bloody thing worked. It crashes in both Co-Op and Single player....Nothing more annoying !!
that shouldn't happen, are you sure you downloaded it completely and have you tried reinstalling?
9 years ago
i found what i assume is a glitch, if your holding ballistics and you have the sickle it displays that right, but when you knife it uses a normal knife, as in the character will put the ballistics and the sickle away and will get out the original knife and use it with the damage of the original knife
i hope that's clear enough to understand :)
9 years ago
in 1 weekend ???

Im doing something wrong clearly lol

cant see the pics, but features sound good, good job :)
it was originally done in 3 days for version 1 but had bugs that i had to fix so in the end it was about a week for v1.1
9 years ago
this is just a quick map i created over a long weekend

there is no story line but it is set in Beijing China

20 perks (new one added in v1.1)
MOTD zombies
custom power-ups
teddy bear song
no dogs
buyable ending
solo quick revive
double tap 2.0
der wunderfizz
imported weapons (papable but without camo or lasers)
zombie counter
custom perks appear in the wunderfizz
origins styled perk bottle drops
8 perk limit to start
no power switch (power already on)

1.1 update
new perk!
easter egg
electric cherry gives points
new wall weapons
thundergun and scavenger
fixed constant freezing in solo
better guardian angel ale

custom perks and their effects:
deep impact - increased knife damage
flash cola - double running speed
point crusher - double points on the kill
discount soda - 25% of everything (need original price)
no bear brew - no bear from box for that player
blood bullets - regenerating bullets
repairman rum - instantly repair barriers
power-down punch - power-up effects when downed
guardian angel ale - 5 seconds of god mode when hit by zombie (icon inverts when in use, black and white when cooling down)
point palosa - multiplies points on when damaging zombies


how to unlock pap:
Spoiler: click to open...
1. shoot the pink light in the other building (this will open a new perk)
2. find all 6 parts
3. look for the monkey and offer to it
4. a new door will open reveling a hidden room with the pap and buyable ending

credits: (all stated also in map opening credits)

bamskater33 for bo1&2 perks as well as MOTD zombies
Zombie madness aka rorke for the gun imports
WARDOGSK93 for the increasing perk limit
ZOMB1E-KLLR aka ZK for his map making tutorials
9 years ago
So you finally decided to post your maps on UGX? Great progress, love the challenge of the map
Btw Lukkie it' his third map
i was going through my youtube comments and saw one from you sugesting this, and so i did, i'll put up my others but not all at once, dont wanna spam the forms  ::)
9 years ago
There's almost no way to put malware or any other kind of virus into a zombie map without the user knowing about it. There are no suspicious files inside the mod folder.

Antivirus programs can always flag innocent things as a virus.

I say that the program is safe and free from any sort of malware, unfortunately I can't confirm 100% since i'm not using any kind of virus scanner.

this is most likely because windows detected that the installer needs to find out what the computer username is, and place files within there
9 years ago

please note the trailer is outdated (before explosives and swapper were made)

supremechicken's nest is a small, sniper only map which is somewhat complex. with 16 perks, custom powerups and 6 different game modes to play in!



normal - the classic zombies we all love

drained - players will receive 50,000 points from the moment this game mode is selected, however, they will not gain any more points (except for some exceptions)

zombie - play as a new breed of zombie, faster and stronger than the rest, however the old zombies still see you as food and will try and take you down. wall weapons, perks, powerups, box and the pap is disabled in this game mode

stockpile - every second or so, players will receive between 0-50 points. they cannot gain any other points except from a kill (no hit, barrier etc. points, except for some exceptions)

explosives - players will be stuck with a paped colt and scavenger and that is all they will be able to use. wall weapons, box, and pap is disables

swapper - every 30 seconds (time will vary for multiplayer) the players will receive another random weapon, pap or normal, wall weapons, the box and pap is disabled


the perks will need to be shot to purchase (with the exception of quick revive) the perks are as followed:

double tap 2.0
speed cola
phd flopper
electric cherry
vulture aid

custom perks

blood bullets
deep impact
guardian angel ale
discount soda
repairman rum
point crusher
point palosa
power-down punch

custom perk effects and prices stated inside map


bottomless clip - infinite ammo for 30 seconds
god mode - god mod for 1 player for 30 seconds
speed boost - double speed for 1 player for 30 seconds
bonfire sale - pap cost 1000 for 30 seconds
bonus points - extra points for all players

extra features

3 hidden song (2 copyrighted and 1 is not)
mob of the dead zombies
buyable endings
no dogs
solo quick revive (not needed in some game modes)
imported weapons (from cod4, black ops and mw2)
zombie counter
electric cherry gives points
nuketown 2025 character models

v1.1 fixes
fixed guardian angel ale
fixed a bug that gave a gun in zombie mode
better map look
other small bug fixes


tom_bmx for his export/import tools
bamskater33 for bo1&2 perks as well as MOTD zombies
Zombie madness aka rorke for the gun imports
WARDOGSK93 for the increasing perk limit
ZOMB1E-KLLR aka ZK for his map making tutorials
MrDunlop4 for the character models
WoLf_GoLd for the cod4 weapons
and of cause
supremechicken himself for his ideas for this map (the guy i play zombies with on youtube)
(please tell me if i forgot any credit)
 :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan:
9 years ago
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