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Messages - thezombieproject

 I asked question 1 and u answered what i needed. thank u for that BTW. I then marked your answer as best answer and gave u +1. Then a short time later i got a idea and  i wanted to know how to move it with a model then jbird answered question 2 and i marked his answer as best answer for question 2 and i gave him +1 also.
sorry but I cant mark 2 answers as best answers or else i would have. i think im only allowed to mark 1 as best answer.
it wasnt anything personal.

9 years ago
I have tried to portal each window and door and any other point that can be seen through on my map however i keep getting the error ERROR: portal has the same cell on both sides, portal ignored.

After searching i see this error is because a room is not fully sealed but from what i can see i ahve sealed every part of the room that can be seen. So if anyone has any tips or suggestions on portalling a map ( my is is a medium / big in size )


ok im not sure how your map is designed but when i do portaling i dont portal every single room i look at my layout and think of the best way to go about it. You can still portal your whole map without portaling every room!
Im not sure if other mappers portal the same way i do but when i start a map i build my map inside boxes for portaling reasons i find it so much easier and almost never get errors

EXAMPLE:i make a big square box and make it hollow. lets call that "square box 1" for this example!
 Square box 1 = portal area #1 and lets say i make three rooms inside "square box 1" Those 3 rooms now become part of portal area 1.
 Then i cut out a doorway in Square box 1 and portal it off and connect it to "square box #2"
 now lets say i make 2 large rooms inside "box #2". now those 2 rooms inside "box #2" become portal area 2 and so on.

now  if your player ingame is standing in area #2 then it will only render shit in that area, in this case it would be 2 large rooms! Everything in box 1 that your player cant see would disappear, in this case three rooms.
Thats kinda how i approach portaling but i sure most mapper have there own ways.

Now your maps is already made so what i wound do if i couldnt find that leak! i would make a box around that room or section and try and portal it off that way


Redo your walls in the room your having issues in and cut out your doorways ect using the cut tool. Now instead of deleting the brush that u cut out u want to make that brush a portal. This way it is air tight.

9 years ago
stange, i never needed "enablelinkto()"?

(Image removed from quote.)

thats the exact way i was trying it at first   If you try to link trigger to model and try to move just the model then  the trigger gets left behind, trigger doesnt move with model.
 jbird said enablelinkto();
and that worked perfect when i tried that.
i think you need it if u link a trigger to something and try to move it.
9 years ago
Code Snippet
trigger EnableLinkTo();
trigger LinkTo(model);
Then just move the model with script, it will move with the model.

thats what it was i forgot the to enable


9 years ago

awsome thanks for quick reply :) +1

Double Post Merge: August 10, 2015, 11:59:48 am
You can move by subtracting the 3 different xyz values from the origin, like:

Code Snippet
self.origin += ( 0, 0, -10000 );

ok that worked but  i have an other question how would you link the trigger to a model.
i pretty much need my trigger to move with model.
9 years ago
is it possible to move a trigger here is a quick basic example:

example = getent( "example " , "targetname" );
example waittill( "trigger", player );
example MoveZ(500, 2);

anytime i try to move a trigger it doesnt work. is there a certain way this must be done?
9 years ago
If you want to change any gun sounds open waw/ mods / yourmapname / weapon / sp / name of weapon, edit using notepad++ if you do not have notepad++ i recommend downloading that sorry i havent got a link, The reason i say use notepad ++ is it is easier to view weapon files in but you can use notepad, Ctrl + F to search for firesound then change that section to the sound you require
hope this helps

i recommend doing it the way makecents said to do it. UGX weapon editor works great when it comes to viewing weap files.
9 years ago

So this:
Code Snippet
old_gun = player getcurrentweapon();
trigger waittill("trigger", player);
player takeweapon( old_gun );
player giveweapon( "WEAPONNAME" );
player switchtoweapon( "WEAPONNAME" );

yes that should work
9 years ago
self waittill("trigger", player);      
self.current_weapon = player GetCurrentWeapon();
player takeweapon(self.current_weapon);
player giveweapon("zombie_thompson");
player SwitchToWeapon("zombie_thompson");
9 years ago
no i understand lol i just need to double check details before scripting so i know what approach to take.  The script is finished if you u want to test coop? I made it so you can add as many doors as you want and you dont have to do any additional scrpting to do so, pretty much just copy and past doors where ever you want them.  Also i made it so any zombies that get left behind will die off. That way zombies dont get stuck on the other side of the door.
9 years ago
ok ill pm u later i had a script for something like this already that i made im going to tweak it then we can test it. do u want fx or sounds or text on screen when door closes. let me no so i can implant what u need or do u want basic. also do u want to have more then one of these doors in your map or just one.

let me know :)
9 years ago
Woah I'm honestly not too adept at the whole porting thing, especially with animations. Is there a good tutorial you can point me to so I can get a good start on it?

porting is super easy but i wanted to learn how to do anims and i couldnt find any good indepth tuts either for making cod 5 anims. I would actually like to know the answer to this also. I made script for but  still need the anims for the bo1 hacker and wavegun before i can release. so yea if anyone knows any good ones please let me know.
9 years ago
yea I'll see what I can do its a fairly easy script I'll make one tonight
9 years ago
open the sniperbolt tut map and copy and paste the teleporters into your map those are pretty much what u are looking for
9 years ago
well if i was going to do this i would maybe put a trigger multiple on the other side of the door and script it so if all players are touching the trigger the door closes behide them and trigger deletes.   If u close that door you dont want zombies to spawn in the previous zone because the door will be closed. so u would have to set your zones up so they only spawn in the new zone / area.
9 years ago
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