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Messages - thezombieproject

In your mapname.gsc add this to the bottom
Code Snippet
function CheckForPowerSwitchTZP()
{ level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" ); wait 5;
Power = GetEntArray( "use_elec_switch", "targetname" );
if(!isdefined(Power) || !Power.size)
// level.PowerSwitchExist = false;
level flag::set("power_on");
// turns global power on - tzp

Also in mapname.gsc  under:  zm_usermap::main();
add this line
Code Snippet
thread CheckForPowerSwitchTZP();

If there is no switch on your map global power will be turned on.
7 years ago
ok thanks for testing that im home now so i can look into it. It might not be getting notified when power is turned on ill take a look.

Double Post Merge: February 25, 2017, 11:09:54 pm

yourmapname.gsc and above zm_usermap::main();
replace: level.initial_quick_revive_power_off = true;  ( if you still have it there )
Code Snippet
thread reviveoffatstart(true); // true or false  

At the bottom of script add this:
Code Snippet
function reviveoffatstart(on_off){
if(!isDefined(on_off) || !on_off) return;
level.initial_quick_revive_power_off = true;
level flag::wait_till( "power_on" );
level notify( "revive_on" );

should work. Let me know ;)

7 years ago
TRY going to yourmapname.gsc and above zm_usermap::main();
add this line
Code Snippet
level.initial_quick_revive_power_off = true;

havent tested this yet but might do the trick let me know ;)
7 years ago
have you tried doing something like this
Code Snippet
zm_powerups::powerup_remove_from_regular_drops( "minigun" );

7 years ago
if player goes into laststand during drink process player waittill("burp"); will NOT be notified.
if you go into laststand im pretty sure it returns before player notify("burp");
may cause issues with re buying perk.
SEE: function vending_trigger_post_think( player, perk )

You could always add player zm_score::minus_to_player_score( the perk cost here );
in function vending_trigger_post_think( player, perk ) before player notify("burp");
this should work the same and you dont need player waittill("burp"); where you have it now.


you could make it so it just gives points back if player goes down during drink process
add a small code in mapname.gsc this way you dont need to edit perk script.
something like this...
Code Snippet
function watchPlayersPerks()
level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" );
players = GetPlayers();
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] thread watchPerksBought();

function watchPerksBought()
{ self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "end_game" );
        // self is player
self waittill( "perk_purchased", perk ); wait 0.1;
{ IPrintLnBold("player is drinking"); // remove later
wait 0.01;
} // after perk is purchased see if player is down.
if ( self laststand::player_is_in_laststand())
if ( isdefined( level._custom_perks[ perk ] ) && isdefined( level._custom_perks[ perk ].cost ) )
cost = level._custom_perks[ perk ].cost;
self zm_score::add_to_player_score(cost);
7 years ago
Okey ty give  me the tuto  when you have done pls
yea its finished already i just need to find time to post it. I need to finish bo3 elevators for someone first then ill post a tut maybe tomorrow. Ill let you know when i post it :)
7 years ago

pretty much instead of a soul chest, souls will fly into a door/debris.
i assume thats what your looking for right?

I made this exact same thing like a year ago.
I will look over the script tonight and make a tut for it 2morrow.
7 years ago
In your mapname.gsc add this to the bottom
Code Snippet
function CheckForPowerSwitchTZP()
{ level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" ); wait 5;
Power = GetEntArray( "use_elec_switch", "targetname" );
if(!isdefined(Power) || !Power.size)
// level.PowerSwitchExist = false;
level flag::set("power_on");
// turns global power on - tzp

Also in mapname.gsc  under:  zm_usermap::main();
add this line
Code Snippet
thread CheckForPowerSwitchTZP();

If there is no switch on your map global power will be turned on.
I use this on a test map. Im not sure if there is an easier way ive never looked into it
either way this should work fine.

If you want to keep power switch for pap ect and just want perks only to be powered on at the start
i have a script for that also just let me know.
7 years ago
if you still need help pm me i might be able to help out.
7 years ago
are you trying to say you want liquid to move up while player touching origins generator trigger
Then go back down when no players are touching trigger?
7 years ago
it also seems like they got an idea from this movie. watch this video and tell me what it reminds you of
8 years ago
send him file - located in map_source  / zm

8 years ago
I made this with respawn a few months ago. I didnt test it that much but i shared the scripts with a few mappers and everyone said it works great.
PM me if you still need this
8 years ago
What logic can be used to solve my problem of collecting the zombie shot, the player who shot him, and the weapon used to doSomething(); perhaps I have the idea completely wrong but there is 0 documentation tutorials
or help on this subject.

cant you simply use zombiemode spawner for this?

go to _zombiemode_spawner.gsc

find FUNCTION...


add this line
Code Snippet
self thread zombie_damage_check(amount , attacker , type);
      if( !IsDefined( self ) )

So it looks like this. (IMAGE)

next add this to the bottom of the script (change and add whatever checks to this fuction you need )
Code Snippet
zombie_damage_check(amount , attacker , type)
weapon = self.damageWeapon;
iprintlnBold("damage weapon "+weapon);
iprintlnBold("damage type "+type);
iprintlnBold("damage amount "+amount);


self.damageWeapon - is the weapon used to damage zombie
amount - is the amount of damage caused by weapon
attacker - is the player who caused damage
type - is the type of damage used to damage zombie

8 years ago
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