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Messages - Koan

edit: original post was wrong :please:

For pandora box, look in _zombiemode.gsc in the init_fx() function:

Code Snippet
level._effect["chest_light"]	= LoadFx( "env/light/fx_ray_sun_sm_short" ); 

It's in zombiemode.csv somewhere around line 317, check if you commented it out as Hitman said.
8 years ago
Been there, Done that :(

Just got an 400 'FX' asset error

Tried removing extra useless fx but same thing comes up

How did you "remove" it? Did you just comment out lines in the script? Cause you need to comment out the lines in various CSV files too.

Have a look at: dlc3.csv, mapname.csv, mapname_patch.csv, comment out some FX there, as well as the mod.csv in the Launcher.
8 years ago
This is a very original idea

Set up the door as you would normally, make sure the trigger is a trigger_use, then give the trigger the KVP "script_string" / "door_thirty_trig".

In _zombiemode.gsc, at the bottom of the main() function, add:
Code Snippet
level thread butt_stuff();

Then add this new function to the script:
Code Snippet
self endon("disconnect");

sef_trig = getEnt("door_thirty_trig","script_string");
sef_trig SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
sef_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
sef_trig SetHintString("Come back at round 30...");

cost = sef_trig.zombie_cost;

if(level.round_number == 30)
sef_trig waittill("trigger", player);

sef_trig maps\_zombiemode_blockers_new::door_think();


wait 2;

Compile, build mod & play. I'd recommend to test it using a lower round so you don't have to wait until round 30 to test it :please:

I can't be bothered to test this, so let me know if there are any issues/errors.
8 years ago
I would recommend using UGX Easy FX ( since it means most of it is done for you, all you do is declare/load the FX with one line of code and add a few KVPs to a script_struct.

Follow that tutorial in the link and let us know how you get on.
8 years ago
Have you called maps\_zombiemode::main(); twice in your mapname.gsc? Because the main() function calls all the other scripts like score, spawners, all the stuff you've doubled
8 years ago
The first tier will be an anomalous submission of users submitting their choices

I think you mean anonymous. ::)

It'll be interesting to see the results for this, since map reviews are just one guy's opinion and contests are limited.
8 years ago
Being obsessed with dragons, to say I'm excited would be a gross understatement. I'll be playing the hell out of this...
8 years ago
seth, you need to...

Joke's on you, I fucking love this song. :gusta:
8 years ago

This is a port of the map Arena from Pirates, Vikings & Knights II.
My other WIP "Cara" isn't exactly cancelled but I sure as hell don't want to work on it with WaW tools.

I'm not sure exactly what the final result will be like. I have some ideas, but nothing's concrete yet. I do also plan on adding at least one new area, maybe underground, but again I'm not sure. This isn't a huge project, so I'm not gonna add a fuckload of new content and areas.

                              Credits so far:   
Tools for porting maps from Source Engine
Octoshark Studios   
Original level design, models, textures, etc.
Scobalula, ProRevenge, ricko0z   
Weapon ports
Harry Bo21   
Script help
Script help
8 years ago
[Link removed by Moderator]
8 years ago
In dlc3_code.gsc, the function include_weapons() is where you include them.

Code Snippet

    include_weapon( "zombie_sw_357" );
    include_weapon( "zombie_sw_357_upgraded", false );


The weapons with "false" appended to them will NOT appear in the mystery box. The others will appear.

Spoiler: click to open...
Extra info:

The parameters for the function in _zombiemode_utility.gsc are:
Code Snippet
include_weapon( weapon_name, in_box, weighting_func )
Only the first parameter is required. The other two are set to default if they're not defined, so leaving the second parameter out will set it to true. If you want a weighted weapon (like the ray gun, wunderwaffe, etc) then take a look at functions such as factory_ray_gun_weighting_func() in dlc3_code.gsc for guidance.

If you want them as wall weapons you'll need to edit init_weapons() in _zombiemode_weapons.gsc
8 years ago
What Boxmaps do you see have an outside? What boxmaps do you see have a roof? What boxmaps do you see with different weapons from other CoDs?

Almost all of them.
8 years ago
This makes me sad

Racists and xenophobes are out in force across the country, thinking they've won their country back. But in reality, they'll probably be the first to be significantly affected by the vote when their shitty holidays to Benidorm become more expensive.

People like the racists in that album are far too common in this shithole of a country.
8 years ago
no, you were "dragged out" by the majority of england, scotland, wales, ireland, gibralta and the rest of the common wealth countries

Those places are separate countries in their own right. And no, the commonwealth had nothing to do with this, that's not what the commonwealth is...

if scotland dont like being part of the group they should have voted out before, not vote to stay in then stomp their feet when a "joint" decision is made that they dont like

You cannot seriously say that Scotland, a country in its own right which voted to remain in the EU with a 62% majority, should have an extremely significant decision imposed upon them against their democratic will.

One of the main arguments for Scotland voting to remain in the UK was the EU membership. Now that's changed, and with the above results, Scotland should absolutely hold another referendum, given the dramatic change in conditions.

To effectively say "well you should've thought of that before" is dumbfoundingly asinine, how the fuck were they supposed to predict what would happen? The conditions have changed, and Scotland needs another vote.
8 years ago
In the first referendum I wanted Scotland to stay, but if (or rather, when) they have a second vote I wholeheartedly wish for their independence. They've been screwed over.

This whole process has been a fucking mess.
8 years ago
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