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Topics - Koan

Apologies for the poor quality gif, couldn't get ShadowPlay to work:

Credit to codmoddd1234 who sent me the bulk of this stuff, I adapted it into a tutorial with his permission.

Step 1

Right click in Radiant, go to script > vehicle. Give it the following key-value pairs:
Code Snippet
 targetname | veh_projectile
vehicletype | rubber_raft
      model | <any_xmodel>
You can use any xmodel. The rubber_raft vehicletype allegedly makes better curves, according to codmoddd.

Step 2

Right click in Radiant, go to info > vehicle > node_rotate. The node_rotate means the vehicle will follow a curve; if you want straight lines, select node instead of node_rotate, you can also use combinations of both.
Deselect everything. Select the vehicle, then the node_rotate, then press W to connect them.

Give it the following key-value pairs:
Code Snippet
spawnflags | 1
     speed | 80
 lookahead | .5
Play around with the speed and lookahead settings later as you wish.

Step 3

Place another node_rotate or node (or copy previous one, but if you copy it remember to remove spawnflags KVP from new nodes). Deselect everything, select the first node, then the new node, press W to connect.

Repeat this step until you have the path you want. As you place new nodes, you will see a red curve appear between the first and last nodes (select any node to see it). This is the path the vehicle will follow.

Step 4

Make a new script, call it setupvehicles.gsc, with this code:
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_anim;

build_acustom_vehicle( "rubber_raft" );

build_acustom_vehicle( type )
model = undefined;
death_model = undefined;
death_fx = "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion";
death_sound = "explo_metal_rand";
health = 1234;
min_health = 1233;
max_health = 1235;
team = "axis";
turretType = undefined;
turretModel = undefined;
func = ::blankpointerfunction;  //vehicle.gsc needs this for nothing

if( type == "rubber_raft" )
model = "makin_raft_rubber";  //boat steers different than jeep
death_fx = undefined;
death_model = "makin_raft_rubber";
health = 1234;
min_health = 1233;
max_health = 1235;
team = "allies";
func = ::blankpointerfunction; //vehicle.gsc needs this for nothing

maps\_vehicle::build_template( type, model );
maps\_vehicle::build_life( health, min_health, max_health );
maps\_vehicle::build_team( team );
maps\_vehicle::build_localinit( func ); 


With regards to the above script...
I don't actually know how much of this is needed, but just to be on the safe side I've included everything codmoddd included.

In your mapname.gsc, BEFORE the line maps\_zombiemode::main();, add:
Code Snippet

Step 5

Add this function at the bottom of your mapname.gsc:
Code Snippet
veh = getent("veh_projectile", "targetname");


start_vehnode = getvehiclenode(, "targetname" );  //first nodes in path

veh attachPath( start_vehnode );
veh StartPath();
veh waittill("reached_end_node");

While testing this I had launch_boat() set to start whenever I press P, by using BluntStuffy's tutorial here. When including it in a map properly, you will need to either: add a line such as thread launch_boat(); after zombiemode::main() is called, or add a function that wait for a trigger then remove the while loop, or waits for some other event... you get the idea - this is a basic function for you to modify, not a drag-and-drop feature.

Step 6

Add this to your mapname_patch.csv:
Code Snippet

Step 7

Compile, build mod after ticking new things (e.g. script), run game.

Please reply/let me know of any issues.
9 years ago
I'm trying to get projectiles to launch out of a volcano and into the playable area.

So far I've tried doing this in two different ways: following UGX's Airstrike tutorial, and using code from BO2 Nuketown's method of having random perks come from the sky. In UGX's airstrike tutorial, it instructs me to set vehicletype to "corsair". This caused the game to crash upon loading:

Other vehicletypes cause it to crash too.
When I remove the vehicletype KVP, the game throws an error:

When I remove the script_vehicle and all related ents from the map completely, the game loads fine.

Originally I had a bunch of script_origin ents linked to each other and had the projectile MoveTo() each node, but it looked ugly as fuck because it moved to each node in a straight line, and paused for a split-second before moving to the next node, so just looked horrible.

Double Post Merge: July 12, 2016, 08:13:52 am
Codmoddd1234 has fixed this issue, he sent me a couple of things via PM. I asked him if I could post the code here in case others have the same issue:

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_anim;


build_acustom_vehicle( "rubber_raft" );

build_acustom_vehicle( type )
model = undefined;
death_model = undefined;
death_fx = "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion";
death_sound = "explo_metal_rand";
health = 1234;
min_health = 1233;
max_health = 1235;
team = "axis";
turretType = undefined;
turretModel = undefined;
func = ::blankpointerfunction;  //vehicle.gsc needs this for nothing

if( type == "rubber_raft" )
model = "makin_raft_rubber";  //boat steers different than jeep
death_fx = undefined;
death_model = "makin_raft_rubber";
health = 1234;
min_health = 1233;
max_health = 1235;
team = "allies";
func = ::blankpointerfunction; //vehicle.gsc needs this for nothing

maps\_vehicle::build_template( type, model );
maps\_vehicle::build_life( health, min_health, max_health );
maps\_vehicle::build_team( team );
maps\_vehicle::build_localinit( func ); 


Code Snippet
// Base script (boat loops around)
// For building on in future

veh = getent("launch_test", "targetname");
start_vehnode = getvehiclenode(, "targetname" );

while (1)
veh attachPath( start_vehnode );
veh StartPath();
veh waittill("reached_end_node");

wait 5;
veh setmodel( "woodthrone" ); // PLACEHOLDER MODEL

Added to mapname_patch.csv: rawfile,vehicles/rubber_raft
then put maps\setupvehicles::setupvehicles_preload(); before maps\_zombiemode::main();

I'll probably make a tut/download later on for this, too.

edit: tut here,11894.0.html
9 years ago

This is a port of the map Arena from Pirates, Vikings & Knights II.
My other WIP "Cara" isn't exactly cancelled but I sure as hell don't want to work on it with WaW tools.

I'm not sure exactly what the final result will be like. I have some ideas, but nothing's concrete yet. I do also plan on adding at least one new area, maybe underground, but again I'm not sure. This isn't a huge project, so I'm not gonna add a fuckload of new content and areas.

                              Credits so far:   
Tools for porting maps from Source Engine
Octoshark Studios   
Original level design, models, textures, etc.
Scobalula, ProRevenge, ricko0z   
Weapon ports
Harry Bo21   
Script help
Script help
9 years ago
I figured I'd make a poll so we can see just how we all feel about the section, since many people on the forum and in chat have expressed their contempt for it. Obviously not binding, the results can simply exist for the UGX team to ponder over.

Vote away!
9 years ago

That graph at the top of the article should say all you need to know. Almost all consultants approached by the government are opposed, but MUH BUSINESS of course are in favour. Lo and behold, the authoritarian tech-illiterate anus bleachers who run the country want to introduce a TEN YEAR SENTENCE for file sharing.

For comparison, the sentence range for rape is 4-8 years. (Type/nature of activity: Single offence of rape by single offender)

The government has forgotten what the purpose of prison is. It's to isolate people who pose a risk to other people or society. Apparently, piracy falls under that category.

Thanks, Cameron.
9 years ago

This is a port of the multiplayer map Cara from Pirates Vikings and Knights II. It features medieval and Old English style scenery. I wanted to go for something a little different to the usual "Element 115 experiment" or "Infection spreading" kind of thing, and the map in the original game is beautiful so I went for it.


27th January:

Map doesn't currently have 'features' as I'm still doing shit in Radiant (doesn't even have spawners or anything yet lol). I'll update the WIP as progress is made (obviously).

CREDITS (so far):

johndoe - Tools for porting maps from Source engine
Octoshark Studios - Original level design, models, textures, etc.
More will come as the map progresses
9 years ago
Map created by HitmanVere.

I loved this action shot too much not to use it.

After way too much time and way too many issues, one of the community's most anticipated maps finally sees its release. Long story short – it's good. I didn't expect being liquefied by a massive motherfucker with a hammer could be my Tuesday night entertainment, but I've come to terms with the strange realities that exist here.

With the sheer amount of time put into this project, I had high expectations. It's technically a remake of 2 CoD4 maps, but it doesn't feel like it at all. Remakes don't have to be completely different to their originals when it's new content the community hasn't seen before, but with CoD4 multiplayer it's an environment which we all (hopefully) know like the back of our hand. Hitman's done an awesome job of making it feel like a completely different environment while maintaining the respect that Vacant deserves. Multiplayer maps have a wholly different gameplay style to Zombie mode, and it takes more than adding a couple of spawners to do justice to MP maps, as we've all seen from disasters like Hijacked.

Of course, it's not perfect. No map is. Some rooms or barriers serve literally no purpose other than to exist, or give the player another price tag to train zombies for. When you clear a debris for 1000 points, it pisses me off when it leads to nothing but another debris or door. What pisses me off even more is when it leads to an empty room. Why are these necessary!? Why bother making any area that no player is going to return to?

I'd say I found the map hard. When a zombies map is difficult, it gets mixed opinions on the gameplay that actually makes it difficult. With some maps, it's the absurd number of bosses you face in early rounds, which gets marvellous comments like “this is to hard i die round 2 pls nerf panzers”. With others it's the progression of the weapons, and how well you can defend yourself once shit hits the fan. Project Contamination manages to strike a balance somewhere in that ground; difficult enough that you have to think, but not so absurd that it makes you rage quit. Difficult enough that you're not mindlessly training, but steady enough that it lets you prepare yourself for the horrors it unleashes.

In addition to all of this, there are FOUR game modes to choose from! I love it when maps have more than just classic mode, because it means players are given a choice. I don't like any non-story based game that dictates what I do and how I do it. Zombie mode has always been about letting the player choose how they play their game, not forcing them into some specific strategy that everyone then uses. Where's the fun in that? Project Contamination not only has the game modes to add to player experience, but its layout inherited from multiplayer means it's already designed around player choice, rather than story dictation like single-player environments. Don't get me wrong, I live for good stories - but who the fuck plays zombies for the story?

In summary, it's fantastic. Grade-A gore.


Arbitrary yet mandatory scores section:

Level of Detail: 9/10
Custom Content: 10/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 8/10

Overall Score: 35/40

Download link:,9927.0.html
9 years ago

It's been discovered alongside elements 113, 117 and 118. It has yet to be named; it currently has the placeholder name "Ununpentium".

Extracts from the article:

Four new elements have been added to the periodic table, finally completing the table’s seventh row and rendering science textbooks around the world instantly out of date.


IUPAC announced that a Russian-American team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California had produced sufficient evidence to claim the discovery of elements 115, 117 and 118. ...


The elements, which currently bear placeholder names, will be officially named by the teams that discovered them in the coming months. Element 113 will be the first element to be named in Asia.


“IUPAC has now initiated the process of formalising names and symbols for these elements temporarily named as ununtrium, (Uut or element 113), ununpentium (Uup, element 115), ununseptium (Uus, element 117), and ununoctium (Uuo, element 118).”


The four new elements, all of which are synthetic, were discovered by slamming lighter ­nuclei into each other and tracking the following decay of the radioactive superheavy elements.

Like other superheavy elements that populate the end of the periodic table, they only exist for fractions of a second before decaying into other elements.
9 years ago
You can play for free until Sunday 1PM Pacific time (9PM GMT).
Turns out this gives you fuck all. Sale is still there though.

The -25% Steam sale ends Tuesday 10am Pacific time (7PM GMT).
9 years ago
Map created by steviewonder87.

Oil Rig is based on the MW2 mission “The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday.” A title rather ominous, because this map really isn't that easy. An isolated platform in the middle of the ocean is a rather unusual location for hordes of relentless, bloodthirsty zombies, but rarely is Treyarch's own zombie mode ever in a typical environment. Why should customs be any different? :please:

Stevie's maps tend to be more difficult than other maps, which some players don't take too kindly to, but in the modding world, many creators tend not to give a fuck. Oil Rig seems not to be drilling for oil, but rather for a single fuck for Stevie to give.

Without further ado...

- Detail. Obviously, there is always room for improvement, but this is the case with all maps, and I doubt I could do any better. For the environment given, the mapper's done a damn fine job of making it feel like a real oil rig. There are a lot of models, some may say modelspam, but they're used in context and most of the models present are used to the map's benefit.
- Nearly everything is custom. I couldn't find any WaW assets, other than the Ray Gun, but even that was customised. Guns from Titanfall and more, Ammo-matic perk, there is plenty of custom content to be found.
- The easter egg gets the player interacting with the map and forces them to search, think, and plan ahead after inevitably failing the first (or fifth) attempt. It means the map isn't finished with after one playthrough, as some maps seem to be.
- Selection of guns available in the mystery box is very good. Players are bound to find a gun they like to use, even if that gun is only useful as a points builder and nothing else. I found myself spending rather a lot of points on the box just to see all the guns.

- Difficulty progression seems a little superfluous. Having multiple bosses per round isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when several panzer soldats and Juggernaut soldiers are trying to fuck you sideways while you're surrounded by Nova crawlers breathing down your neck, all before round 20, it can get annoying. DW Deagles saved my ass nearly every time, and there are plenty of OP guns to counteract it, but regardless I do think the progression of how many bosses appear per round could have been slowed down a little.
- Players aren't given much choice. There's only one direction to choose from when you start. Granted, the map is based on an existing campaign map, and campaign maps tend to be linear and don't exactly lend themselves to zombie mode, but the point still stands. Combined with the difficulty level, players form very specific strategies which leave very little room for diversion from it, and it doesn't give players the opportunity to try anything new because they'll be raped by a panzer soldat if they dare to.
- Again, this is mainly due to campaign being the source of inspiration, but there isn't much diversity in the areas of the oil rig. The first indoor area doesn't feel or look any different to the others. This is only a minor point, and more of a personal criticism, but there is no harm done in creating diverse environments for the player to explore.

- No option to change FOV (I realise this causes problems with Zombie Blood but it's still frustrating).
- No extra game modes. Not required for a map to be good, but extra modes are always a good addition.

Oil Rig is excellent work from all the creators involved, and is a great addition to the library of maps that this community has to offer. I look forward to Stevie's next project, Isla Nublar, with sethnorris.


Level of Detail: 9/10 Edit: changed detail from 8 to 9
Custom Content: 9/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 8/10

Overall Score: 33/40

Download link:,9134.0.html
9 years ago
Whether it be music, movies, hobbies, books, games, it could be anything - this is essentially a recommendation thread.


If you like stories with emotion, you may like Ori and the Blind Forest (game).

If you like Glass Animals (artist), you may like Sohn or Movement.

If I like Life is Strange (game), what else will I like?

If I like Noisia and Spor (drum and bass), what else will I like?
9 years ago
Map created by Bwc66930 (Apex). I know it's been released for a while, but a non-humorous review doesn't yet exist for this map, so I thought “hey, why not?”

Spoiler: click to open...

You must worship the Purple SquareTM.

This is probably the most unique map I've ever played, for obvious reasons, and I honestly quite like it. If you thought this was too purple and BWC-esque, just you wait until Purple Base. What I like about Purple Dimension is that it doesn't take itself too seriously, and it captures what zombie mode should be about – a fun time for yourself or with friends.

I'm also a fan of maps that make you say “what the fuck is going on,” simply because it's funny. I imagine the mapper got quite a kick out of the YouTube players saying that.

- There's so much custom content here; weapons, models, effects, skybox, textures, everything! There's very little of anything stock besides perks, and it's all used well. I also really like all the random scenery in the sky, and the crazy clouds and snow effect, it really adds to the craziness.
- Detail is good. Some may disagree with this, but it's not an average map which can be compared to another for the purpose of a review. For the theme the mapper is going for, the detail fits. It feels like you're inside BWC's head (whether this is a positive or not is up to you, lol).
- The map is funny. In my opinion, a sense of humour is sometimes needed when making maps. There's very little harm done when including a joke in the easter egg, or making the perk posters funny. For most maps this isn't needed, and is sometimes detrimental, but I always appreciate a little humour from content creators.

- It feels linear, since there's only a few short diversions to take from the main route, and the entire tower and upper area doesn't have much use other than somewhere to put stuff.
- The EE/objective is fairly small. 3 parts to build, then 85k points and you're done. Getting 85k took a while, but it was otherwise unchallenging since the weapons are seriously OP, which is deliberate but still relevant. The map is fun, but I had hoped for more tasks.

- The epilepsy maze is funny, but it hurts my eyes...

Purple Dimension is a good map, and if you haven't already downloaded it, you should do so. I'm looking forward to Purple Base, but I'd really like to see more in-depth objectives included next time, to give players more reason to return to the map.


Level of Detail: 7/10
Custom Content: 9/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 6/10

Overall Score: 30/40

Download link:,5078.0.html
9 years ago
Honestly, they're going to disappoint a lot of fans with this move. The reasons they've put in the third paragraph don't justify anything at all, it's just lazy. It's even worse that they would call it "wasted time".

Seriously, they didn't even give any prior warning! What kind of developer puts so much effort into something, creates such a huge hype train, then cancels at a moments notice? I wanted that fucking Charizard god dammit!

What are your thoughts, guys?

9 years ago
Map created by pcmodder.

Spoiler: click to open...

At an unknown location, an entire research facility has been experimenting with teleporters gone wrong, and they're turning people into flesh-eating zombies. The zombies bit one of the researchers, and the infection soon spread. Your mission as a survivor is to find out how the facility staff all became walking corpses – even though the mapper has just told you how. Kill the zombies – for science!

I somewhat enjoyed Undead Overkill, if only for a short while. For a first map, it's better than many of the releases I've seen, but there is room for improvement (though this is the case for every map).

- Thankfully, there are no useless rooms in this release, which I must praise highly. It's always good to see when there are no vast open areas where I can train zombies in circles until the sun implodes. It stops the map from being too easy.
- It also features more than one direction from spawn, so the map doesn't have too much of a linear feel to it. Having only one direction to go is more of a personal hate of mine, but it's justified.
- Randomised perks ensure the player has to move rather than camp in the same spot blasting an LMG. Another peeve of mine.
- Zombies also enter the playable area from the ceiling, forcing the player to use a vertical perspective on top of the horizontal one they may be used to in FPS games.

- Soul chests can be good when used suitably, but they don't really fit to this map's theme with how they're used here. If custom models had been used I'd be more inclined, but the default model supplied looks more out of place than a paedophile in Toys R Us.
- There doesn't appear to be much in the map that makes it unique; much of it is someone else's signature on another mapper's work.
- The textures and models used are quite plain and seem to be arbitrary, and there isn't much to look at in the map. Much of it is stock. I personally don't mind stock textures, when used well, but in my opinion this isn't one of those maps.
- Though the map doesn't feel linear, it does feel closed, with similar rooms and no outdoor areas.

- Objectives serve their purpose in this map, even if they're not the most unique.
- High FOV, but there is no option to change it.
- UGX Mod is good fun, but doesn't improve or worsen the map.

It's a solid effort, but the low replayability value makes it hard to recommend. I'm sure the mapper will improve with his next release, as most mappers do. It will be interesting to see his progress. I'd suggest adding some more custom content that is the mapper's own work, and experimenting with different types of area within the same map, rather than similar rooms.

Level of Detail: 5/10
Custom Content: 5/10
Fun Scale: 5/10
Replayability: 4/10

Overall Score: 19/40

Download link:,8085.0.html
9 years ago
The Academy Awards are in a few months, and as inaccurate as they can be, I love predicting them in advance to see if I can beat my previous year's accuracy.

Post your own predictions! And feel free to criticise mine!

Best Picture
The Hateful Eight
The Revenant
Mad Max: Fury Road
Steve Jobs
Inside Out
Crimson Peak
Bridge of Spies

Best Director
Quentin Tarantino, The Hateful Eight
Alejandro G. Inarritu, The Revenant
Todd Haynes, Carol
David O. Russell, Joy
Steven Spielberg, Bridge of Spies

Best Actor
Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs
Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant
Jason Segel, The End of the Tour
Bryan Cranston, Trumbo

Best Actress
Jennifer Lawrence, Joy
Carey Mulligan, Suffragette
Charlize Theron, Mad Max: Fury Road
Cate Blanchett, Carol
Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn

Best Supporting Actor
Samuel L. Jackson, The Hateful Eight
Bradley Cooper, Joy
Tom Hardy, The Revenant

Best Supporting Actress
Rooney Mara, Carol
Ellen Page, Freeheld
Jessica Chastain, Crimson Peak

Best Original Score
Michael Giacchino, Inside Out
Thomas Newman, Bridge of Spies
Thomas Newman, Spectre
Alexandre Desplat, The Danish Girl
Hans Zimmer, Freeheld

Let me know what you think, if you agree or disagree. I like talking about these things.
9 years ago
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