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Messages - BuIlDaLiBlE

1. Remove the cmp map from mod.arena as Dukip said

2. Write "rawfile,mod.arena" in mod.csv box in Launcher

3. In your (back up original first) find line ~269:
Code Snippet
exec "set ui_gametype cmp; set ui_mapname "FIRST_PLAYABLE_CAMPAIGN_LEVEL
Change to this:
Code Snippet
exec "set ui_gametype cmp; set ui_mapname "yourmapname
where yourmapname is obviously your map name. Idk why but mine only works when there's only a double-quotation mark before yourmapname, not after, so it looks like this

(Image removed from quote.)

4. In (again back up original first) find line 66:
Code Snippet
CHOICE_DVARLIST_VIS( 		1, "@MENU_GAME_TYPE", "", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, ownerdraw UI_NETGAMETYPE textaligny 20, execOnDvarStringValue "ui_netGametypeName" zom "set ui_hostOptions 0; set ui_hostOptionsEnabled 0;";, 1 )
Comment it out. Then, if you want, change the index (first parameter) of all the next CHOICE_ options by -1 so there isn't a blank space where the game mode option is, but that's not essential.

5. Save, then build mod twice.

Report back with any problems, I rushed so I'm willing to bet a better scripter will correct me but w/e ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It works, but I've seen in some maps that they don't completely remove gamemode select option, it just does nothing upon clicking on it. And I don't see the name of my map in the list:

But pretty much your tut is good, thx.
8 years ago
rawfile,mod.arena in FF
you can see them.
Yea I know where mod.arena is, but I tried removing cmp arc gamemode at all and you can still switch between modes so that causes the game to crash if you change from cmp arc to zom and back.
8 years ago
remove it from coopmaps.arena or override using mod.arena
Removing from coopmaps.arena results in nothing and I'm not sure how exactly to override.
8 years ago
I've seen it's possible to remove Semper Fi from coop map selection screen? How can it be done properly?
8 years ago
Just need a if / else statement and a check for the nuke being active in the right spot

If ( nuke == true )

Something to that effect anyway
I'll see what I can do. Just not sure if "nuke" from _zombiemode_powerups will be seen here, nor I currently have any idea where to place a check.
8 years ago
However in both bo1 and 2 they still hit you actually - however they will not hit the "host"
W0t?  :o
Never noticed that, maybe 'cuz I like hosting all the time, but still.
8 years ago
So here goes another one. There is actually pretty good amount of things fixed in Black Ops and even more in Black Ops II. In WaW zombies can still kill you even if the nuke is active. What actual workaround can be implemented here? Enabling godmode for all players is okay but still not that good (but it will be better than what's in WaW so that'll do it).
The best will be to make all zombies act like in BO: they just won't bite. I believe that can be done, someone please share the knowledge!  :nyan:
8 years ago
Try der riese and see for yourself

This is why ppl constantly say "I had 950 points and the box wouldn't work"

Coz they actually had 945

Unless you mean it won't "with your fix" in which case yea it will not happen
Oooh was wondering that myself. Now I get it.

Thanks for replies everyone, gonna go ask another question xD
8 years ago
Because somewhere in the ownerdraw score handling it rounds down in tenths rather than updating based on what the value set is.

Can't be fixed only by modifying the games internals.
But I've seen on some maps it's fixed. Are they using different scoring system?
8 years ago
Well, gonna be straightforward: when you lay down near the perk it gives you +20 points instead of +25, even tho it's supposed to give you 25. Question: why does this happen in WaW scoring and how to make it score with numbers ending also on 5 and not just 0?
8 years ago
Wow. I came to UGX to check some stuff and what a drama you have here!
8 years ago
Hey guys,

Im loving this map, having such a great time with my friends.  However, I couldnt seem to find all of the power box locations.

Locations I have found:

Could someone help me out with the last location?

Thanks in advance, Row.
Look underground where you build power.
9 years ago
That's intended.
Indeed it is.

Even using T4M the error occurs, is there any debug procedure to find what causes these crashes (crash log or something) ? I have a recent computer and my graphics drivers are up to date, I think thats'a a map related issue because all other maps I have never crashes.. :(
Yep, all other maps didn't crash or were causing WaW to stop responding that frequently.
9 years ago
Beat the map. But shortly after that WaW just stopped responding. That's new...
Spoiler: click to open...
But great map anyway, even got Thundergun as 4th weapon :D
9 years ago
Anyone else having "Unhandled exception caught" error when playing the map? I've almost finished the map but this fucking error appeared and it's really frustraiting, it was appearing 3 or 4 times already, argh...
P.S. Also, dunno what to do after "Fire now burns" hintstring down at the table. Circle of fire appears which says "Event Horizon, the point of no return" but I can't even guess what does that mean. Any help?
9 years ago
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