I just want to say that I never saw this map before but it looks great! Didn't play WaW for a while, this got me a bit pumped.
8 years ago
I knew someone would find a solution! Thank you Scobalula! At least now with my shitty Athlon II I can compile lights at low...
8 years ago
8 years ago
I guess you weren't paying attention, Harry, Nate & other modders moved completely to Modme.
Yep, I don't have time to do that so I miss things. Sad to see them go.
Didn't notice anythin...
8 years ago
Really wtf is going on this month? Some people just leave or get their profiles removed. What's the deal with natesmithzombies?
8 years ago
Not sure what you mean
I mean what is the purpose of that "level" before calling the function?
8 years ago