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[Tutorial] How to port Source Engine maps to Call of Duty

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by johndoe
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I was actually thinking of doing that
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

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How do i change the directory for the textures? it thinks my game is on my desktop.   ???
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How do i change the directory for the textures? it thinks my game is on my desktop.   ???
try changing the game directory on settings. that's how it handles the directories of models and textures.
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try changing the game directory on settings. that's how it handles the directories of models and textures.

It kept on telling me that i needed to insert a game disk. And when the message went away then it says this:

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no offense, but doesnt this go against what delta said in this forum (

Post Merge: June 06, 2014, 02:19:49 am
and thats not helping matters
Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 02:19:49 am by n123q45
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no offense, but doesnt this go against what delta said in this forum (

He was asking for "input". Currently there isn't any rules saying you can't post ripping tools. Though that may change in the future.

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no offense, but doesnt this go against what delta said in this forum (

Post Merge: June 06, 2014, 02:19:49 am
and thats not helping matters
as far as i understand, that topic is more like response to people who recently steals scripts from other people's maps. also, as you'll need to ask permission from the map's creator if it's a custom map, you won't be breaking any rules. same rules apply if you give credit to when you port a stock map from a source engine game.
It kept on telling me that i needed to insert a game disk. And when the message went away then it says this:

(Image removed from quote.)
i'm not quite sure why it doesn't work. when does that happen actually? when you set the game directory or when you try to copy materials?
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as far as i understand, that topic is more like response to people who recently steals scripts from other people's maps. also, as you'll need to ask permission from the map's creator if it's a custom map, you won't be breaking any rules. same rules apply if you give credit to when you port a stock map from a source engine game.i'm not quite sure why it doesn't work. when does that happen actually? when you set the game directory or when you try to copy materials?
so basically, your sayins is that its ok to steal maps from the professionals, but not the community. Im pretty sure that topic did not specifically say that they were only talking about waw. If the Trem and Delta cant see this... then they are hyprocrites. John you are a good friend and all, but i recommend the removal of this tool. Noobs will just rip source maps and release it. It will become worse than our box map releases.
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so basically, your sayins is that its ok to steal maps from the professionals, but not the community. Im pretty sure that topic did not specifically say that they were only talking about waw. If the Trem and Delta cant see this... then they are hyprocrites.
The difference between Source maps and WaW maps is that Value gave their community the tools to rip each other's maps as well as Valve's own maps. Treyarch did not give us this ability which is why we feel differently about it as a community. Anyone who makes a map for Source knows that their map is subject to ripping - it's part of their reality. If they don't want their map ripped they can simply state as such wherever they have released it for download.

I'd like to see some zombie maps made from CS maps but I certainly don't want to see 10 cs_assult remakes come out.

If a large amount of people disagree with my opinion here regarding ripping source maps then we can certainly have a site-wide vote on it. If the communtiy votes that map ripping should not be allowed regardless of what game it comes from then I would be happy to enforce such a rule.

PS: I certainly don't like being accused of hypocrisy before a decision has even been made on something.
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so basically, your sayins is that its ok to steal maps from the professionals, but not the community. Im pretty sure that topic did not specifically say that they were only talking about waw. If the Trem and Delta cant see this... then they are hyprocrites. John you are a good friend and all, but i recommend the removal of this tool. Noobs will just rip source maps and release it. It will become worse than our box map releases.
I don't see how it can be called "stealing" when a person gives credit to the creator of the map. As you can see here, Valve is totally cool with that if credit is given. Also, I don't really think a "noob" guy can properly port a Source Engine map easily as it requires more than it does to make a box map. Also, I posted a tutorial on porting Goldsrc (predecessor of Source engine) maps before and didn't see anyone ranting about it so I really don't get why you get so mad.
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Would of been awesome if this worked for titanfall maps since its source and you can get the bsp file, but turns out its in a format the bsp to vmf converter can't read. Oh well. :P
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Would of been awesome if this worked for titanfall maps since its source and you can get the bsp file, but turns out its in a format the bsp to vmf converter can't read. Oh well. :P
Titanfall's built on a heavily modified Source Engine so we need to wait for someone to release a decompiler for Titanfall's maps. I've already seen people porting Titanfall models to Call of Duty so i think it's not impossible to do it, but I still couldn't figure out how to convert terrain patches and fix texture alignments so we need to wait a little longer i guess.
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Titanfall's built on a heavily modified Source Engine so we need to wait for someone to release a decompiler for Titanfall's maps. I've already seen people porting Titanfall models to Call of Duty so i think it's not impossible to do it, but I still couldn't figure out how to convert terrain patches and fix texture alignments so we need to wait a little longer i guess.

Yeah I know that. The game is still fairly new so it may not be thing anytime soon. Will be pretty nice when its possible. :)
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I need help. :l

I tried copying my textures, but it gave me an error of some sort.

As for the models, it said 'Copying done with errors.'

I went to copiedassets, and the folder for the map is there (along with the "models" and "textures" folders), but those two folders are empty.

Any help?
Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 11:18:52 pm by CyberMan1011

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