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[Tutorial] Black Ops 2 Style Wall Weapon FX

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Created 10 years ago
by Scobalula
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OnionmanVere Bo21
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Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy :)

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Code Snippet
weapon_spawns = [];
weapon_spawns = GetEntArray( "weapon_upgrade", "targetname" );
// playfx("wall_weapon_light", weapon_spawns.origin); // not here

for( i = 0; i < weapon_spawns.size; i++ )
hint_string = get_weapon_hint( weapon_spawns[i].zombie_weapon_upgrade );

weapon_spawns[i] SetHintString( hint_string );
weapon_spawns[i] setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
weapon_spawns[i] UseTriggerRequireLookAt();

weapon_spawns[i] thread weapon_spawn_think();
model = getent( weapon_spawns[i].target, "targetname" );
                playfx("wall_weapon_light", weapon_spawns[ i ].origin); // here instead, so it plays per member of the array, using the member as a point of origin

model hide();

could also use

to grab the model from the prefab and use that instead of the trigger itself

I think hes right, need to load it before zombiemode::main() i think, I always load fx in my init functions, which are called prior to that

Surprisingly that didn't work either, I'll look into it in more dept tomorrow, it's late here haha, thanks for the help though, really appreciate it.
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Code Snippet
weapon_spawns = [];
weapon_spawns = GetEntArray( "weapon_upgrade", "targetname" );
// playfx("wall_weapon_light", weapon_spawns.origin); // not here

for( i = 0; i < weapon_spawns.size; i++ )
hint_string = get_weapon_hint( weapon_spawns[i].zombie_weapon_upgrade );

weapon_spawns[i] SetHintString( hint_string );
weapon_spawns[i] setCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
weapon_spawns[i] UseTriggerRequireLookAt();

weapon_spawns[i] thread weapon_spawn_think();
model = getent( weapon_spawns[i].target, "targetname" );
                playfx("wall_weapon_light", weapon_spawns[ i ].origin); // here instead, so it plays per member of the array, using the member as a point of origin

model hide();

could also use

to grab the model from the prefab and use that instead of the trigger itself

I think hes right, need to load it before zombiemode::main() i think, I always load fx in my init functions, which are called prior to that

You mean model.origin I think.

I meant he was missing the level._effect["wall_weapon_light"] = part. He just has the load fx part, without establishing the key. Yours is also missing that, of course, when you try to play it.
Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 12:34:22 am by MakeCents
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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level._effect["wall_weapon_light"] = part

that was what i meant ;)

well yea you would use the origin, i just meant that .target is referring to the model in question. so yea .target.origin would be used for playing the fx :)
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OnionmanVere Bo21
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Updated tutorial, thanks to Hitman for the script and to everyone else for helping. :D
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Updated with better FX rather than just a light, it actually has a little "flare" that shows, and will disappear as you get close.

Updated script part of the tutorial with less steps.
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could also use

to grab the model from the prefab and use that instead of the trigger itself

if you use and play fx on model
most prefabs have half of the gun is in the wall and the origin of the weapon model is in wall?
also some  weapon origins are not centered on the model  so fx will  play few units away from the center of the prefab?
Just wondering :)

Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 02:07:26 pm by thezombieproject
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if you use and play fx on model
most prefabs have half of the gun is in the wall and the origin of the weapon model is in wall?
also some  weapon origins are not centered on the model  so fx will  play few units away from the center of the prefab?
Just wondering :)
In BO2 the blue light fx around the chalk shows because all of the weapon chalk in BO2 is done by FX, and so they added that as just a little feature to make it stand out more, idk. But in BO2 they play the fx at the model origin is it should be fine because the model isn't 'in' the wall, its 'on' the wall.
Or even play fx at the origin of the trig, unless the angle matters.
Two things I want to say.
#1: I noticed in BO2 FX that there is a billboard sprite flare and an oriented sprite flare. So if you want to, you could make both, but that would mean angles would matter.
#2: You can use angles in PlayFX, like this:
Code Snippet
PlayFX( fx, origin, AnglesToForward( angles ), AnglesToUp( angles ) );

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