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New Weapons help

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Created 7 years ago
by coulter.andrew
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I need/want some different guns for my custom waw map.  I dont have the money to buy maya, I not a student so cant get that version, also, im not going to download a pirated version.  But most of all, I dont have the time to do so and there are no tools anywhere to actually extract all the weapon files from Black Ops.

So, anyone have a pack of weapons I can add to my waw map?  A pack with all the correct sounds and scope lens images?  I will even pay anyone to give me a weapon pack.
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From how you all blew something so small up, I can tell that you all are libtards.  Just worthless fucking libtards.
You went full retard man... never go full retard. :derp:
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Hey there!

DO NOT pay anyone lol. No need for that. This tutorial should help you out as long as you follow everything EXACTLY.

There is a whole playlist here which can help you for other things as well if you'd like to add some more custom stuff. Cheers!
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Thank you.  I will admit, I had my doubts.  I thought it would be actual porting I would have to do.  But thanks for reading my post.  Everybody else doesn't.
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Well, I take that back... I can see now it was only a clickbait.  There is a video but no weapon files actually exists.  Your kind makes me sick.
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Well, I take that back... I can see now it was only a clickbait.  There is a video but no weapon files actually exists.  Your kind makes me sick.
Well evidently you did not note the year in which that video was uploaded. The link did work at one point of time but one can assume that it has since been taken down. You need to be more cautious in the future before making such harshly worded replies.
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I wasn't aware that the link = gone. Posted in 2013  :derp: (Not my video by the way.)

You should do a bit more looking before you act on a whim and tell me something that is so out of my realm of giving a shit. On the other hand, I should have opened the link and checked to see if it was still working. So we're both at fault here. Enjoy your day  :please:
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I wasn't aware that the link = gone. Posted in 2013  :derp: (Not my video by the way.)

You should do a bit more looking before you act on a whim and tell me something that is so out of my realm of giving a shit. On the other hand, I should have opened the link and checked to see if it was still working. So we're both at fault here. Enjoy your day  :please:

That's what happens when you meet new modders. Some of them are rough and only want to see files just to make a quick map. Sorry to say but you shouldn't spend your time on this topic. Still I have a lot of blackops weapon packs I can share with him but I am not going to do that because of his rude behaviour! :troll:
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Eating Doritos and making maps. LEAVE ME ALONE!
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That's what happens when you meet new modders. Some of them are rough and only want to see files just to make a quick map. Sorry to say but you shouldn't spend your time on this topic. Still I have a lot of blackops weapon packs I can share with him but I am not going to do that because of his rude behaviour! :troll:

My man  :troll: :alone: <3

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That's what happens when you meet new modders. Some of them are rough and only want to see files just to make a quick map. Sorry to say but you shouldn't spend your time on this topic. Still I have a lot of blackops weapon packs I can share with him but I am not going to do that because of his rude behaviour! :troll:
And you are going to hell because I wasn't being rude.  I simply said it makes me sick being mislead by so many people.  But I guess people like you just have no sympathy.  From how you all blew something so small up, I can tell that you all are libtards.  Just worthless fucking libtards.
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And you are going to hell because I wasn't being rude.  I simply said it makes me sick being mislead by so many people.  But I guess people like you just have no sympathy.  From how you all blew something so small up, I can tell that you all are libtards.  Just worthless fucking libtards.

Well my friend-o, you just did exactly what you're blaming us for. Blowing something small up into something big. Nobody is trying to mislead you, you just are too blind or too impatient to check that the video was uploaded in 2013, and the link probably an earlier year than that. The link since does not work anymore and I wasn't aware of that before responding to you. I had watched the video a day before I sent it to you lol. I just didn't have the time to try it myself.

I'm going to hell? Charming, I don't give a shit. I'll be sipping margaritas with the devil and burning trees. "Your kind makes me sick." NOPE. Doesn't sound rude to me at all LOL. Piss off mate. Pathetic  :lol: :poker:

"I'm being mislead by so many people." God you sound like a whiny woman. Grow up dude.
Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 06:47:21 pm by TGMKTheII
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Mods can you lock this thread?
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And you are going to hell because I wasn't being rude.  I simply said it makes me sick being mislead by so many people.  But I guess people like you just have no sympathy.  From how you all blew something so small up, I can tell that you all are libtards.  Just worthless fucking libtards.

Wooow calm down, wtf is wrong with you? One of the rules on UGX is that sharing weapons/models/sounds ect from other games on this website are forbidden unless it is custommade or you may have premission to share it. You can say you are sick of misleads and stuff but don't blame us for it, TGMKTheII was only trying to help you and not trolling you.
Now this is your only post so I guess you are mad on people from another website, LMAO?!  :please:
But I guess people like you just have no sympathy.  From how you all blew something so small up
*Triggered* much?
You really need to change your behaviour because it looks like harassment to me.

Now I am done with topic, I wish you goodluck modding.
Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 08:15:35 pm by gympie6
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Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy :)

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This thread is nice.
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Eating Doritos and making maps. LEAVE ME ALONE!
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This thread is nice.

Probably my favorite thread! By the way, hello Scob :)

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