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Mr. Elemental
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February 23, 2015, 02:48:27 am
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February 12, 2021, 05:22:48 pm

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February 08, 2025, 07:20:57 pm
decided to make this real quick add this to the bottom of your mapname.gsc file
   players = get_players();
      players thread locat...
6 years ago
in raw/soundalias of your root call of duty world at war. Then in the soundalias folder there should be files with the file type csv. copy any one of those files, erase the text inside the copied version and add the text from the video into that file, rename that file "radios". For th...
6 years ago
I have this strange problem with the bayonet and the bowie knife. When i buy the bowie knife with normal guns without bayonet like the ray gun or the pistol the bowie knife works perfectly. But when i buy the bowie knife and then buy a bayonet weapon, the bowie knife and the bayonet animation is gon...
6 years ago
Aiden has used SetVar to store the hintstring texts. I took a quick look at the script and found many lines similar to this:
[code]level.kts["teleporter_trigger"] SetHintString(level.kts["hint_electricit...
6 years ago
This is most likely not a script error. WaW has a limit to hintstrings (48 I believe). After you hit the limit the hintstrings stop updating.

Luckily there's a workaround for this issue, which can be found ...
6 years ago
Hi, i recently came into a problem where turning on the power doesn't update the perk hinstrings from "needs power to be activated" to the hinstring used when the perk is powered on (like "3000 for speed cola") I'm using harrybo21's perks and this issue is also pre...
6 years ago
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