just to reassure you may have gotten the wrong idea of what i meant. I may not of clearly explained what i meant by.
I was wondering how i can make/port a custom sky box like the one in blacks ops or waw which has a background like buildings, hills, stacks, mountains and clouds etc for different skyboxs that i port or make.
For example the waw skybox has buildings in them and has more than 1 texture applied to the skyboxmodel and it is quite frankly confusing to me and it makes me wonder how you would go about setting it up in assetmanger.
in assetmanger because of how its laid out with the different sorts applied to each material, this can determine how each material is rendered in the specific order in assetmanager, i am wondering how you would set up the options for assetmanager for a skybox like this that has a background like buildings in it. the rendering order is what confuses me the most that includes the different skybox options like skybox / horizon, skybox / clouds etc.
i was not asking how you would apply a skybox in the worldspawn settings. i asked how you would set the appropriate settings in assetmanger and how you would make/port one ?
Last of all the skybox is not made out of a brush so if you assume i meant by drawing decal brushes in the background of the skybox then you have got my intentions wrong completely, i am aware of the texture limit itself that why i asked about the sky box horizon background which is combined within the model itself the skybox has more than one texture in this particular case. setting up the rendering order is the confusing part.