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Created 9 years ago
by daedra descent
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Either there are more old people than young people or that graph is somehow wrong because number crunching that thing came out to 48% Leave and 52% Stay (roughly). Imagine if there were a conspiracy that more people did vote Remain, but someone smudged the numbers to make Britain leave.

Also, they'll be doing Mars colonization soon so save me a seat next to you, stevie  :)

There were more old people voting than young people. The old fucks came out in force for this one.

  • Cameron resigns, Boris Johnson of all people is the early favourite to win new leadership vote

Yes! Can't wait for that, sick of these immigrants, good old Boris will sort it out, he knows true all-English values, after all I saw him eating Cornish pasties and drinking Yorkshire ale on his campaign tour.

Wait what's that? He wasn't even born in England and his real name is Boris Kemal?!

No-one tell Farage. :-X
Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 06:52:00 pm by steviewonder87
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Sorry if I offended you but
Translation: Britain's new national anthem

Being serious though, if I was a UK citizen, I would've voted Remain as leaving will cause (and has already caused) a huge disaster in the market, etc.
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

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There were more old people voting than young people. The old fucks came out in force for this one.

Yes! Can't wait for that, sick of these immigrants, good old Boris will sort it out, he knows true all-English values, after all I saw him eating Cornish pasties and drinking Yorkshire ale on his campaign tour.

Wait what's that? He wasn't even born in England and his real name is Boris Kemal?!

No-one tell Farage. :-X

The immigration/refugee issue is a huge deal though. I'm not one to advocate paranoia, but we've seen time and time again what kind of damage these extremists can do. Even if 3 extremists out of 10000 refugees was to get through whatever weak ass security measures they have in place, they would still be able to hurt/kill a lot of people.

Not all of the "refugees" even look like refugees. A good portion of them look and act like this is all somekind of vacation or something and being total hooligans meanwhile Germany is actively covering up sexual assaults by these "refugees".

Yeah, I know. I'm a total islamaphobe.
Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 10:13:10 pm by daedra descent
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The immigration/refugee issue is a huge deal though. I'm not one to advocate paranoia, but we've seen time and time again what kind of damage these extremists can do. Even if 3 extremists out of 10000 refugees was to get through whatever weak ass security measures they have in place, they would still be able to hurt/kill a lot of people.

Not all of the "refugees" even look like refugees. A good portion of them look and act like this is all somekind of vacation or something and being total hooligans meanwhile Germany is actively covering up sexual assaults by these "refugees".

Yeah, I know. I'm a total islamaphobe.

Yeh you're right, for example the immigrants who did 7/7. Oh no they were British born. Or the guy who did the Florida shootings, no American born. 9/11, well we all know who did that :troll:

I guess Trump is right, the only solution is just to ban all Muslims from everywhere until we figure out what the hell is going on. ;D And let me guess, you're Trump supporter right DD?

Out of interest, how many Syrian migrants have you actually seen? Like with your own eyes. Not on Fox News or the Daily Mail. That question goes out to everyone btw. I'm going to guess that the average number is somewhere between 0 and 1.

But yeh, Britain First! As the guy who murdered Jo Cox so eloquently put it. But he wasn't Muslim so that wasn't terrorism, that was just 'mental illness'. ::)
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I'll be completely honest, I haven't ever seen or recognized a Syrian refugee and I've encountered only 2 black people in my local enviroment (racism unintended)
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The immigration/refugee issue is a huge deal though. I'm not one to advocate paranoia, but we've seen time and time again what kind of damage these extremists can do. Even if 3 extremists out of 10000 refugees was to get through whatever weak ass security measures they have in place, they would still be able to hurt/kill a lot of people.

So denying those other 9,997 people a safe home is the way to reduce extremism?
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So denying those other 9,997 people a safe home is the way to reduce extremism?

Ironically this is exactly what groups like ISIS want. But anywho. Go Trump!
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Yeh you're right, for example the immigrants who did 7/7. Oh no they were British born. Or the guy who did the Florida shootings, no American born. 9/11, well we all know who did that :troll:
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Stay out of this this doesn't concern you, you stupid burger eating Trump supporting gun toting Yankee redneck son of a - bloody 'Muricans. >:(
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Stay out of this this doesn't concern you, you stupid burger eating Trump supporting gun toting Yankee redneck son of a - bloody 'Muricans. >:(
Sorry I'm too busy being afraid of radical islamic terrorism and deleted emails to pay attention to what's going on over there in european states of america
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Sorry I'm too busy being afraid of radical islamic terrorism and deleted emails to pay attention to what's going on over there in european states of america

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i hate my country.

aw fuck i'm on a list now.
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lmao, a bunch of left-wingers cirlejerking about how honest and trustworthy they are compared to the right wing media.

Its not like there are many reported instances of the German government censoring right wing ant-immigration views and promoting pro-immigration meanwhile women are getting assaulted in the streets that go unreported on. Not at all.

Its not like there aren't online videos of the cologne incident where there where many first hand accounts of secual assault.

Nah, nothing like that. The "Refugees"/"Immigrants" are just people who need help.

Edit: Had a better response but the post formatting died. Goddamn it.

Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 02:53:35 am by daedra descent
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Feast your eyes on this shit.

Never mind the future of his children, gotta stop those fuckin' muslims at any cost.

Why the fuck did they put such an important decision in the hands of ordinary people? What the fuck do I know, let alone the wankstain in the video? Oh yeah, to win votes.

I fucking hate humans.

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