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Black Ops Weapons [All Wonder Weapons]

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by shippuden1592
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also called it in mod.csv
nothing happend
I think you didn't follow all the steps?:
1. Drag the weapon files into: 'MODNAME/weapons/sp'
2. Add the lines from the mod.csv to your modbuilder.
3. Add your weapon file name to '_zombiemode_weapons'
4. Add your weapon file name to '_dlc3'
Ingame you can use this command: `give WEAPONFILENAME`
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I think you didn't follow all the steps?:
1. Drag the weapon files into: 'MODNAME/weapons/sp'
2. Add the lines from the mod.csv to your modbuilder.
3. Add your weapon file name to '_zombiemode_weapons'
4. Add your weapon file name to '_dlc3'
Ingame you can use this command: `give WEAPONFILENAME`
can i have your discord name so we can talk there  
Last Edit: August 01, 2023, 06:53:38 pm by FlaxBusy
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hi hi Gympie, didn't know where else to ask but i had a kinda basic question to ask.
when you replace sounds from a Soundalias, do the sounds need to be in a Custom Folder when you call them from the Soundalias? or will it work if i just place my sounds in the same location as the ones I'm trying to replace with the same name and all? Because ive quite literally tried, replacing plenty of sounds and locations from DLC_Share, but nothing worked.. I just can't find any other information on this subject and thought I'd ask you. Sorry in advance i know this is the wrong place to ask :-[
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hi hi Gympie, didn't know where else to ask but i had a kinda basic question to ask.
when you replace sounds from a Soundalias, do the sounds need to be in a Custom Folder when you call them from the Soundalias? or will it work if i just place my sounds in the same location as the ones I'm trying to replace with the same name and all? Because ive quite literally tried, replacing plenty of sounds and locations from DLC_Share, but nothing worked.. I just can't find any other information on this subject and thought I'd ask you. Sorry in advance i know this is the wrong place to ask :-
Hi @ghetto_wizzz :),
It depends on what you're trying to do. I hope these screenshots will help you understand,
I have added 'streamed' audio files which can be placed inside my mod. Look at the directory where the audio files are located:

This must be same as in your soundalias file.
An alternative way is not using streamed soundaliasses.

Look at the first screenshot to see the directory where these perk jingles and stings are located.
This is how I add my soundalias to the modbuilder:

If you still have troubles, checkout this tutorial which explains it perfectly: Optimizing Your Custom Audio
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Bro included a full-ass tutorial with screenshots :o
i actually can't thank you enough Gympie, you've helped me beyond anything or anyone else related to WaW modding! you'll definitely be the 1st and main priority of my Credits if i ever get to releasing a map lol. Thanks again m8, Maybe I'll just message you this time if it works or not! :ok_hand:
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Bro included a full-ass tutorial with screenshots :o
i actually can't thank you enough Gympie, you've helped me beyond anything or anyone else related to WaW modding! you'll definitely be the 1st and main priority of my Credits if i ever get to releasing a map lol. Thanks again m8, Maybe I'll just message you this time if it works or not! :ok_hand:
You're welcome! :)
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the weapons work great ! but i cant make it work with the pack a punch is there any fix to this i tried a lot of things including creating my own pack a punch version (ex: zm_mp5_upgraded) and it just doesnt want to interact with the pack a punch plz help :suicide:
Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 09:52:20 am by Moderator (Approval)
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Okay for ANYONE that has had issues with his guns sounds still not working in game up after they did everything, saying they added it to mod.csv, added it to dlc3_code, added it to _zombiemode_weapons, dragged all the files in there proper corresponding locations and are STILL not getting the sounds or papped sounds, then here is probably why.
Some people might not know (because I didn't), that when you go to call it in your mod.csv there is a specific way you have to call the sounds.
I'll use the MPL as an example:
Some people probably tried to call the sounds the same way they did the guns, like
But that's wrong, when your calling the sounds this is how you do it:
Some people probably did    "sound,zm_mpl,,all_sp"
And its not, It should be "sound,bo1_mpl,,all_sp"
Some people might have wrote the zm for calling the sounds the same way as the guns, and i was doing it as well and couldn't figure out why it wasnt working either. Instead, its bo1 not zm for the sounds. This wasn't stated anywhere so some people might not have known.
And as for the pap sounds, you need to have  "sound,bo1_pap,,all_sp"  in your mod csv just once as well.
Hope this helped!
Should look like:
One more thing, make sure you drag the sounds into your mod sound folder sounds as well if its still not working.
(If your still having issues, your doing something wrong. But ask me and I can help)
Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 02:20:52 am by DontGetSeen
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HELP...I have everything installed correctly. I put this in my mod.csv folder
//spas 12   
The non pap version has sound but the pap version has no audio. How do I fix this.
I have pap sound file under raw/sound/weapons
and bo1_spas file under raw/sound/weapons as well
Am I forgetting something?
all other files are in my raw as well like soundalias ect.
Last Edit: August 31, 2024, 03:32:53 am by Moderator (Approval)
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HELP...I have everything installed correctly. I put this in my mod.csv folder
//spas 12   
The non pap version has sound but the pap version has no audio. How do I fix this.
I have pap sound file under raw/sound/weapons
and bo1_spas file under raw/sound/weapons as well
Am I forgetting something?
all other files are in my raw as well like soundalias ect.
u also need to put the bo1_pap.csv in ur soundaliases folder too and in ur launcher type in in sound,bo1_pap,,all_sp  and that should work
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Thank you! I already had the bo1_pap in soundaliases file. So I just needed to add (sound,bo1_pap,,all_sp) to my mod.csv and it worked!!  I know this is an old post, so I appreciate your response. I'm only a few months into my map making so I am still learning. My only issue now is when the gun is pap, all I hear is the pap sound when shooting and the sound isn't mixed with non pap sound like the vanilla guns, if you understand what I mean.\
//spas 12   
This is what I have. Both pap and non pap sounds work. But the non pap sound wont play with the pap sound when upgraded like the vanilla waw guns do.
Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 05:16:24 am by Moderator (Approval)
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Read my large response in this post and you will fix your problem.
You need to add this in your mod.csv
For your pap sounds to work.
On a side note, this pack is missing a bunch of things, because the pap sounds for all the guns don't even sound the correct way.
When a gun is papped, both the regular gun sound AND pap sound should play at the same time so every gun doesn't sound the exact same. Because the way he made it, makes it so every gun sounds like "pew pew" because he calls the same pap_shot sound for every gun, and doesn't call the corresponding gun on top of it. So both gun sounds need to play over the "pew pew" sound.
Also, there isn't even any NPC sounds in his pack.
I went through and corrected the pap sounds for EVERY gun, adding a soundalias for it (took a while). added NPC sounds and converted everything, as well as fixed a couple things in the weapon files for the pap sounds to work properly, and corrected some gun soundaliases. I'm planning on contacting shippuden if i can repost this pack since I've altered it a lot to make it work correctly. I've even included the whole CSV, and a tutorial of my own in his pack, with how to add it to your map and box properly. Although i need to get his permission first to post it.
Hope this helped!
Last Edit: September 01, 2024, 10:51:37 pm by DontGetSeen
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I would love your edited version on here. I noticed that the pap version does not have the original gun sound overlayed on top either, so it sounds bland and off, so I ended up removing them. I try to keep the vanilla feeling on my maps but these pap sounds on their own with no gun sound breaks that feeling. Could you dm the edited file to me you made on discord? I'm not sure if that breaks any rules here though as I'm new. (my discord WiltedRaven)
Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 05:16:28 am by Moderator (Approval)
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@DontGetSeen Could you send me your reworked files to me (WiltedRaven) on discord? Or post how you made the changes?
Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 05:16:35 am by Moderator (Approval)
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Hey mate completely missed your reply sorry. I need to look into it more and see if I can share it at all but most likely I wont even share it until my map is finished. I'm still trying to get in touch with Shippuden as well because i need his permission to be able to do anything with it.
I will let you know though :)
Last Edit: September 22, 2024, 10:16:51 pm by DontGetSeen

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