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[Spoiler] S04E09 - "After"

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by Zombiejelly
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If seeing Herschel decapitated by the governor in the mid season finale wasnt enough to make you say " Why they got to do Herschel like that" then seeing his zombified head laying on the ground will. Thats exactly how the mid season premiere opens up. We get to see the aftermath of the Governors ill fated attempt to take over the prison. We also get to catch a glimpse of the governors dead body or at least we are supposed to think that. Notice he never turned, so maybe we haven't seen the last of him. Then dont forget Michonne gets 2 new pets.

Following up Rick and Carl wander the streets of an abandoned neighborhood in search of shelter to kind of regroup from what just went down. From the beginning you can see Carl is feeling a little independent. He is clearly sick of being treated as a kid and believes he can fend for him self. Well how quickly did he find out he is not as big as he thought. Either he is the luckiest kid alive or hes just that good. One things for sure. He loves chocolate pudding.

I really like how we keep getting to see a little more of Michonnes backstory. Right up to season 4 she really has been portrayed as nothing more than a nomad that can sure swing a kitana which she showed us when a zombie look alike of herself must have looked at her the wrong way. Well she is far much more than that.

Im just excited to see whats happened to the rest of the gang and what kind of struggles they will face. Remember most of this group has always had each other to lean on when things got tough. Now we will see how they do without one another.

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Really loved this episode, great way to re-enter the season after the break. The ending was great, left us on a happy note since Rick is no longer on his deathbed and they have Michonne to watch over them.

Definitely excited to see what's going on with the other half of the group, and also to see if Rick's baby is alive.
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really good episode, ive read the comics and they took this episode right out from the comics. I kind of wish michonne just cut off the governors head while he was laying there, would have felt right since thats what he did to hershel, but glad michonne went and did the right thing by stabbing hershels zombified head
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really good episode, ive read the comics and they took this episode right out from the comics. I kind of wish michonne just cut off the governors head while he was laying there, would have felt right since thats what he did to hershel, but glad michonne went and did the right thing by stabbing hershels zombified head
I'm really curious as to where Michonne's original group found a legitimate katana. The markings on the handle are very interesting and I want to know the story behind it.
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I'm really curious as to where Michonne's original group found a legitimate katana. The markings on the handle are very interesting and I want to know the story behind it.

I hope we get to see even more of her backstory. She has come to be an interesting character. I know she didnt learn to use that kitana in the kitchen. Does anyone else think we have not seen the last of The Governor.
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I hope we get to see even more of her backstory. She has come to be an interesting character. I know she didnt learn to use that kitana in the kitchen. Does anyone else think we have not seen the last of The Governor.

David Morrissey who plays the Governor even said that he is not going to come back at all.

I'm really curious as to where Michonne's original group found a legitimate katana. The markings on the handle are very interesting and I want to know the story behind it.

Ya same here, sadly the comics(at least up to where ive read) did not explain it, that was a whole new twist that the tv show brought that wasnt from the comics. Hopefully as the rest of this season progresses we see more flashbacks of michonne(and the other characters for that matter) that will explain it
Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 10:19:01 pm by thezombiekilla6
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I know but not seeing the Governor as a zombie after death still makes you think. As far as I can remember everyone we watched die has turned. Even Herschels head, but not him. So Im not sure if thats to leave room for if they ever want to bring him back or what. I guess we will see :D
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I know but not seeing the Governor as a zombie after death still makes you think. As far as I can remember everyone we watched die has turned. Even Herschels head, but not him. So Im not sure if thats to leave room for if they ever want to bring him back or what. I guess we will see :D

I would love to see in like 3 seasons or whatever probably when they introduce negan that negan and the governor teams up and just out of nowhere the characters spot him talking and it would be crazy to see what would happen. That would be a major plot twist
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As a realist I can't accept that someone would get back up to cause more trouble after being shot in the head. Unless you are Uma Thurman.

Aside from that, the governor has been stabbed through his heart and even nibbled on by a few zombies.

I think its time to let him go, just like shane, just like dale, merle and others. If the governor shows up again, it will be as a increasingly decayed cadaver. He has been killed pretty good in all forms of media because thats what it took.

I want some new characters, new stories, some plot development on the state of the world and eventually a new villain but for now I'm burnt out and I think robert kirkman knows it.
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Average episode in my opinion, while Chandler Riggs' acting has improved a huge amount since he first started the show, he still isn't quite capable of carrying almost an entire episode because I was constantly thinking that the way he was acting as a young teenager seemed quite unrealistic. Although I suppose it could also be blamed on the writing and the lines he was given. Also there was practically zero plot development for Rick and Carl, apart from the very end when they are re-united with Michonne - this could've easily happened within the first 10 or 20 minutes of the episode, but instead most of it was filler of Carl trying to be independent, which was pretty pointless anyway because he just ends up back with his dad and they're back to square one.

The Michonne parts and her backstory were the highlight of the episode though, they were genuinely pretty interesting and I hope to see more of her story come to light in future episodes.

Hopefully next weeks' episode with more characters will be a bit more interesting and exciting!

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