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My thoughts on BO4

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Created 6 years ago
by conn6orsuper117
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Question: What are your opinions on BO4

Just cancel your preorder, go buy something better with your refund
5 (62.5%)
Its ok so far, but we have yet to see more
1 (12.5%)
Its worth preordering for zombies and BR but Multiplayer, no
0 (0%)
Its fun but its worth it when it goes on sale
1 (12.5%)
Definently get it day one
0 (0%)
Its worth the pre-order
1 (12.5%)
Its the 2nd coming of jesus, all hail BO4
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

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so these are fresh thoughts which is why this review may seem rushed and redundant here and there.

 2 hours ago my xbox finally downloaded the beta. For every 30 minutes I tried out every gamemode. First i tried out Team deathmatch, which to be honest is a clickbait gamemode as its actually kill confirmed.

 I was dissapointed to find out everyone always chose 2 maps to play on (which I havent memorized the map names but its the one with the church and the tank and the otherone the outpost on the cliff with the ladders in the middle).
of all the matches I played in, I was the only one who got the most kills on my team, and we still lost, every game I was put on the losing team. And why did they scrap grenades, a key feature in combat, for specialist abilities. countless times, I got PMs from team mates cussing me out for putting down razor wire, or flashing them by accident because I was so used to throwing grenades.

 And note that I say PMs because nobody talks, even the ones who have mics choose not to talk. for 2 hours I get put into lobbies with only 2 mics and none of them talk throughout the matches, even if I get put on their team.

the countless deaths in the game is the same as the last 4 CODS, shoot first, die first. I even aim for the head but its evident that headshots are broken (like collaterals are in MWR) and it costs me the kills.

Next came heist, which was a mega letdown as once again I was put on the losing team. this time though, I was lagging because the map we chose took too long to load, so I didn't get to choose my specialist nor my classes, and instead was "punished" by spawning in with a shitty pistol (with only one clip I may add) while everyone else spawned in with their classes.

after the 10th time I was "Punished" for loading in too long on every other gamemode, I just gave up and called it, this is not worth buying for Multiplayer. We still have yet to see Blackout (which is just gonna be a PUBG clone by the looks of the trailer) and zombies (which is the reason why i preordered in the first place).

If you dont play zombies or BR, dont buy/Pre-order BO4.

feel free to say what you guys think. again sorry if it sounds rushed or redundant, these are fresh thoughts
Last Edit: August 10, 2018, 10:27:48 pm by conn6orsuper117
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Mutliple Downloadable Items for Mappers: (Released after map releases)
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You can replace your specialist ability with frags, throwing knifes, etc. And in my opinion, after the first week of the beta, I got bored after the first night and I didn't play the rest of the weekend. Now that the second week has come around, the new Heist mode has me wanting more. I think it's best to play with friends so you have a team to communicate locations and such to thrive and win. It's a very good strategic gamemode.

Yes that's a positive, and here are the negatives. TDM is just straight up boring along with the maps (IMO). The maps don't excite me like say the modern warfare series or BO1, BO2. I like busting into office buildings, and fighting in places that have some familiarity. These maps just all feel the same. Outsides and a middle. I wish we could have some of the remastered maps in the beta so I could have some fun with those but these maps just don't do it for me.

Hopefully the Blackout Beta shows something exciting or I feel ripped off. I know I bought the game just for zombies, but if I'm paying $100 just to play 4 zombies maps, that's a rip off. I want excitement, and right now, I only have a gamemode and No maps. Come on 3arc. Show me something.

Double Post Merge: August 11, 2018, 03:38:17 am
Next came heist, which was a mega letdown as once again I was put on the losing team. this time though, I was lagging because the map we chose took too long to load, so I didn't get to choose my specialist nor my classes, and instead was "punished" by spawning in with a shitty pistol (with only one clip I may add) while everyone else spawned in with their classes.
In Heist, everyone spawns in with the default pistol unless they want to purchase the revolver, those are the only options you have at the start unless you join mid-game.
Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 03:38:17 am by GerardS0406
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Hopefully the Blackout Beta shows something exciting or I feel ripped off. I know I bought the game just for zombies, but if I'm paying $100 just to play 4 zombies maps, that's a rip off. I want excitement, and right now, I only have a gamemode and No maps. Come on 3arc. Show me something.

Double Post Merge: August 11, 2018, 03:38:17 am
In Heist, everyone spawns in with the default pistol unless they want to purchase the revolver, those are the only options you have at the start unless you join mid-game.

oh. thanks for clarifying about Heist. I still dont know about the punishment though as it happens when I load too slow on the other gamemodes, that could be a bug.

TBH zombies is pretty generous as the last time we had more than one on disk map was Black ops 1 (not counting the survival maps on tranzit BO2), I wont be angry if the DLC season (+ the Potential Zombie chronicles 2) turns out good.
I guess I'll give it another try tomorrow.
Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 06:31:15 am by conn6orsuper117
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oh. thanks for clarifying about Heist. I still dont know about the punishment though as it happens when I load too slow on the other gamemodes, that could be a bug.

TBH zombies is pretty generous as the last time we had more than one on disk map was Black ops 1 (not counting the survival maps on tranzit BO2), I wont be angry if the DLC season (+ the Potential Zombie chronicles 2) turns out good.
I guess I'll give it another try tomorrow.
No problem, and it’s definitely a bug. I sometimes spawn late and sometimes don’t. Also, you can change your specialist throughout the match if you’d like to (not heist since specialists are not important). The only thing I’m super hyped for is Classified because I loved the challenge of “Five” and I want that challenge again!
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No problem, and it’s definitely a bug. I sometimes spawn late and sometimes don’t. Also, you can change your specialist throughout the match if you’d like to (not heist since specialists are not important). The only thing I’m super hyped for is Classified because I loved the challenge of “Five” and I want that challenge again!
Imma play the heck out of Classified so long as it takes place before the Ascension events so yuri doesn't return to take my weapons
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Too bad there is no way of trying it without resorting to ThePirateBay or similar sites.
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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Too bad there is no way of trying it without resorting to ThePirateBay or similar sites.
or yknow, like normal people just wait for the game to release and actually buy it

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I wish I could try it before paying alot of money.  For PC, it will be only through Steam, and Im reluctent to pay for a game without trying a demo from Steam with how they stole a good bit of money from me in the past.  And I dont want to pay $1000+ for a console, game, and online services.  I just know BO4 will be online only too.
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It’s not “stealing” if you decide you don’t like it...

And it’s not gonna be on steam it’s on

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I wish I could try it before paying alot of money.  For PC, it will be only through Steam, and Im reluctent to pay for a game without trying a demo from Steam with how they stole a good bit of money from me in the past.  And I dont want to pay $1000+ for a console, game, and online services.  I just know BO4 will be online only too.
How would Black Ops 4 be Online only? It's definitely offline as well, add bots in Multiplayer, or play with AI in Zombies (Like Jason said in the reveal), or just play zombies by yourself. We don't know much about Blackout, but there could be bots in that as well.
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You need to be logged in online with to run the game
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You need to be logged in online with to run the game
Really? well darn, I was talkin about console since my pc isn't good enough, but thanks for the heads up.

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