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Created 13 years ago
by treminaor
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If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
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    The full version of the UGX mod was first launched with UGX Comosea!
    The standalone version of the UGX mod currently under development!

    Non-standalone version 1.0 of this mod has been released alongside UGX Comosea!
    Click here to see the download page.

    Now there are more ways to enjoy World at War's zombie mode! Expanding on the classic zombie gameplay, we've included 5 separate game modes each offering a unique experience:

    • Gun Game: This was a favourite from UGX Christmas, and it's been tweaked and improved to be even better than before. Compete with your friends to get enough points, so you can reach the highest gun in the cycle before they can beat you to it.
    • Sharpshooter: An endless cycle of random weapons is thrust upon the players, forcing you to fight off the zombie horde with whatever you're given! This offers a fun twist on the classic zombie mode.
    • Bounty Hunter: A special zombie is marked in the game, and you must compete with your friends to be the first one to kill him, in order to gain a mega points bonus!
    • Arcade Mode: Our specially tweaked variant of traditional zombie gameplay, Arcade Mode includes 8+ new powerups and a special boss zombie round.
    • Classic: Un-altered classic Call of Duty zombies, but with the UGX Mod's epic arsenal of weaponry at your disposal.

    Timed gameplay can optionally be activated on all five game modes, and on certain UGX official map releases there will be an option to enable objective gameplay too; this will be specific and unique to individual maps.

    The UGX mod tracks stats and points gained in matches, allowing you to rank-up - this will unlock beneficial abilities or other unlockables to make your game experience persistently fun!
    In addition to this there is a unique Challenges system with a variety of special prizes awarded to players who manage to master a weapon, or perform an awesome feat. This includes all-new challenges which we've created ourselves!

    Fight off hordes of zombies with a brand new arsenal of epic weapons, including totally custom-built guns from UGX!
    We've also been working very hard to include a huge selection of modern weapons from Call of Duty 4 and Black Ops, as well as awesome wonder-weapons such as the Thunder Gun and Winter's Howl.

    • 8+ New Powerups
      • Including a Sentry Gun
    • Black Ops Quick Revive
    • Black Ops Firesale
    • Black Ops Thundergun, Freezegun, and Crossbow
    • New Zombie Types
    • Custom voiceovers
    • Custom textures / images - LOTS of them!
    • Custom FX

    Click the spoiler to show our YouTube videos and images. :)
    (this was to save space on the page!)

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    Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 08:07:03 am by W1NG3D
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    That animation is amazing keep up the good work darkmapper, and good lick on the scripts guys :D
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    The first bit of info that will be released is that of Gun Game. That gamemode is almost finished and therefore there will be some videos and screenshots of it in action soon, as well as a short description of gameplay/features.
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    Damn good idea (:
    I'm sure it will be better then any other mod for waw (:

    greetz :D
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    I'm sure it will be better then any other mod for waw (:
    That's what we are aiming for :D
    There will be more pictures and a video of Gun Game soon as well as a new video of the UMP animations which are now nearing completion.
    Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 12:44:48 am by treminaor
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    Here's a video of the UMP.45 in-game:
    Cod Waw UGX UMP.45 Animations ingame

    It has been added to the first post. Look forward to a video of Gungame soon!
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    More tidbits of Gungame info:
    -Features UGX Timed Gameplay setting
    -Powerup List:
    --Gun Advancement
    --Points Advancement
    --Points Multiplier

    Video to come soon!
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    Still haven't gotten around to the video but I promise, It'll come :)

    We've decided to drop Survival Mode but we intend to replace it with something better. Anyone have any ideas? We're always open to suggestions.

    As for progress, we're wrapping up Gungame and starting on Arcademode.
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    looks great,gun game for zombies sounds awesome and arcade sounds pretty cool.cant wait for the releases or atleast the first teaser vid
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    looks great,gun game for zombies sounds awesome and arcade sounds pretty cool.cant wait for the releases or atleast the first teaser vid
    There should be a trailer of Gungame in not too long... I'm waiting on a model to be finished and some progress on Bar 2.0 so I can use that map in the video.
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    I hosted a mod on mw2, called Make em fall.
    The idea was this :
    -1 or 2 floors that are made from carepackages
    -All players have a pistol to shoot the carepackage to let his enemies fall down and die (if you shoot the player you cant kill him - almost no damage)
    -At the beginning a gamble system : you get 1 of the pistols, or have change of a tmp (submachinegun)
    -It was really fun and everyone alsways likes it (full lobby everytime)

    So now the point to my idea:
    -You need a small flat map thats made of some kind of boxes that can be destroyed by bullits (6-7 per box)
    -The zombies run fast to you (Destroy the boxes to kill them - You cant kill em with your pistol!)
    -make it like a square for running around(more challenge, you can fall down yourself too =)
    -it needs a gambling system thats gives you pistols like colt,nambu,walther,magnum or moderns weps desert eagle,usp etc. (if youre lucky get a smg)
    -it has diffrend levels (easy - medium - hard)
    -The zombies need to spawn in the air so they fall down on the platform (more challenge)

    I hope ou like this idea

    Greetz Jeff

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    I guess that idea doesnt really fit into the map.
    It would make the map far too fancy and arcade like, we`re not really aiming for that.
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    I hosted a mod on mw2, called Make em fall.
    The idea was this :
    -1 or 2 floors that are made from carepackages
    -All players have a pistol to shoot the carepackage to let his enemies fall down and die (if you shoot the player you cant kill him - almost no damage)
    -At the beginning a gamble system : you get 1 of the pistols, or have change of a tmp (submachinegun)
    -It was really fun and everyone alsways likes it (full lobby everytime)

    So now the point to my idea:
    -You need a small flat map thats made of some kind of boxes that can be destroyed by bullits (6-7 per box)
    -The zombies run fast to you (Destroy the boxes to kill them - You cant kill em with your pistol!)
    -make it like a square for running around(more challenge, you can fall down yourself too =)
    -it needs a gambling system thats gives you pistols like colt,nambu,walther,magnum or moderns weps desert eagle,usp etc. (if youre lucky get a smg)
    -it has diffrend levels (easy - medium - hard)
    -The zombies need to spawn in the air so they fall down on the platform (more challenge)

    I hope ou like this idea

    Greetz Jeff

    That don't sound like too much fun if you ask me..
    Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 04:06:26 am by mmatt421
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    We have made process with that uhm... i dont know if it has been mentioned yet, its basicly just a animation. Since all ressources are now ready and available for me i can start on that.

    Also on the past few days ive been working on a model. It was kinda a experiment for me.

    Since treminaor things its good enough to be used in the mod and the poly count is right, im going to animate it and include it in the UGX mod.

    Feedback about the model is appreciated.
    The picture is a little outdated, i have changed the magazine texture meanwhile and made some other texture corrections.
    Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 07:03:29 pm by Darkmapper
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    I've been working on modding the menu's appearance for UGX Mod for the last few days - video soon.

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