Now that we've released the Christmas edition, it'll be easier for you guys to give us some feedback; what do you like about this preview version of the mod, and better yet, what could be added to it? We're open to suggestions about new gamemodes, powerups and also maps you'd like to see launched with the mod - so feel free to post your thoughts as a reply to this thread!
When it's released, the UGX mod will feature 3-5 different maps, made by us, to play on. Over time we'll release more Map Packs which can be added into the mod folder, including Community Map Packs which will be custom favourites from non-UGX mappers; these mappers will be able to submit a copy of their level for us to sort into a group of other maps to release as a package.
We will provide prefabs for mappers to use before they submit their level to us, such as custom buyable weapons which are included in the mod - unfortunately, due to the nature of the mod, it won't be a simple drag-and-drop installation into an existing map's folder because it will hit engine limitations. As such, mappers will need to make some small and really easy modifications to their map files, add in our custom buyable weapon prefabs to their map, and recompile before sending the map files to us; but don't panic! We'll have full documentation and guides to make this as easy as possible.
Don't forget to check out the recently released UGX Christmas for an early preview of the mod by
clicking here!