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[WaW] Extreme Graphics Enhacer Mod For Call Of Duty: World at War

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Created 8 years ago
by CesarikYT
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Extreme Graphics Mod For World At War (Update 1.1)

This mod i didnt made it, TTS and Bahngo: (Actual gfx videos)
TTS Fx are the first one I released, thats why is called V1.0, Bahngos Version (1.1) Is just a graphics change



he made the mod for world at war clean, the mod of TTS wasnt able to run in Custom Zombies, so i contacted SE2Dev, he gaved to me some files from nukem, diduknowpwn, etc, SE2Dev and I finally got it to work in customs, the main idea to make it work for custom was mine, but i have spended weeks trying to make it work, but nothing happened, so i contacted him and POOOM, it worked, so there is the mod, there is a ReadMe.txt file that explains how to install in English/Spanish, i am actually spanish, sorry for my bad english, i recommend to make a copy of the file CoDWaW.exe, besides that, the mod is finally done.  :D :D :rainbow:

How to Intall
How to make CoDWaW.bat to CoDWaW.exe

Mega (TTS Shader V1.0)
Mediafire (TTS Shader V1.0)

Mega (Bahngo Shader V1.1)

Mediafire (Bahngo Shader V1.1)



Graphics Comparation
Spoiler: click to open...
Before (Nacht OG)

After (Nacht TTS)

After (Nacht Bahngo)

Before (Der Riese OG)

After (Der Riese TTS)

After (Der Riese Bahngo)

Before (Shi No Numa OG)

After (Shi No Numa TTS)

After (Shi No Numa Bahngo)

Special thanks to: (Credits)
ArthurD2 (Me xd)  :alone:
SE2Dev  :lol:
TTS (Graphics For WaW V.1.0)  :rainbow:
Bahngo (Graphics For WaW V.1.1)  :rainbow:
DidUKnowPwn  :accepted:
Nukem  :derp:
Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 10:50:30 pm by CesarikYT
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Can you exlplain what this does? And what you changed? The first thing I notice is that the contrast and gamma look messed with.
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can you tell us what this does compared to reshadefx and the likes? because all i'm seeing is overdone contrast and gamma.
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Can you exlplain what this does? And what you changed? The first thing I notice is that the contrast and gamma look messed with.
basically it modifies the shaders and the lightning to make it with more contrast, if you know world at war is a little bit gray, so this modification makes the game with more color
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can you tell us what this does compared to reshadefx and the likes? because all i'm seeing is overdone contrast and gamma.
well, the shader modificator is called GEMFX, is the continuation of SweetFX, they are different presets in the web to modify lightning if u dont like that one, just search for GEMFX presets for cod on google, then enter to your cod waw root folder, then to gemfx, then to presets and put the preset you downloaded in the current and default folder
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Can you exlplain what this does? And what you changed? The first thing I notice is that the contrast and gamma look messed with.
Basically is the graphics mod of TTS but working with custom maps
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Can you exlplain what this does? And what you changed? The first thing I notice is that the contrast and gamma look messed with.

To clarify - its a combination of T4M  and the XGI graphics mod seen here:

The original poster of this thread has informed me that the provided download link is incorrect, and he cannot fix it due to the fact that he does not have editing permission on his account yet.

Edit: He's asked me to post an updated link for him.!SYsiiaDQ!ZVxoy82zUEIie0jzFp2fpeCuNHKBMRLhffwxdMdAp54
Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 10:47:58 pm by SE2Dev
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Can you exlplain what this does? And what you changed? The first thing I notice is that the contrast and gamma look messed with.
Ummm, dude, the download link is wrong, is for bo1, the correct is this one!SYsiiaDQ!ZVxoy82zUEIie0jzFp2fpeCuNHKBMRLhffwxdMdAp54, can you modify the post plzzzz, i cant
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Quote from: CesarikYT link= date=1481409847
Ummm, dude, the download link is wrong, is for bo1, the correct is this one!SYsiiaDQ!ZVxoy82zUEIie0jzFp2fpeCuNHKBMRLhffwxdMdAp54, can you modify the post plzzzz, i cant
Fixed - in the future just use the Report Post button to let us know you need to make an edit. 
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basically it modifies the shaders and the lightning to make it with more contrast, if you know world at war is a little bit gray, so this modification makes the game with more color
is there anything else it can do apart from those? because most of it can be done through vision files.
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I'm not sure what's the difference. I can only see higher contrast. Is that it, or is there something else?
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I'm not sure what's the difference. I can only see higher contrast. Is that it, or is there something else?
Is just lightning and shadows modifications, but if you want you can try it in custom maps :D
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Fixed - in the future just use the Report Post button to let us know you need to make an edit.
Is not fixed, the mediafire link is ok, it is the correct one, but the download link now is sending me to a ugx beta wierd stuff :v
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Quote from: CesarikYT link= date=1481489384
Is not fixed, the mediafire link is ok, it is the correct one, but the download link now is sending me to a ugx beta wierd stuff :v
my bad, fixed 

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