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Messages - klevi

Imagine being retarded at that level where you make another box map for the 50th time, post it with a 2nd account on UGX, and above all, replying to your own post with 'Nice' with your first account. How did it feel getting your fucking box maps deleted by UGX cos you seemed to be so proud of spamming box maps and assuming that people like your garbage?!

Double Post Merge: July 05, 2022, 10:02:43 pm
I said answer you dumbass don't post the screenshot in the Linker'sMod discord
2 years ago
Yeah, i have had this problem before too, i fixed it by taking the same effect from the cod waw one. Make sure you have cod waw mod tools installed, go to raw/fx and search there for electric or something, it should have a similar or the same name as the bo1 one. Then paste it in your bo1/raw/fx folder, or somewhere you want, include the new effect and just replace the line in your script with the one from the new effect. Except from that, you might as well rip it from der riese traps by using a tool or something without the need of the mod tools installed.
2 years ago
Add me on discord k3nt#2852 and i will teach you how to add a solo button so you don't have to load your map through the console, in case you still don't know how to do it. I also like how clean your map looks and that you fit the textures with the walls, floor etc. Keep up the good work!
2 years ago
glad i was able to help playtest this well made map! awesome work
Thanks man!
3 years ago
Just by looking at the testers list, i wanna commit Arson. Delet this post. Make new one. No tester!!!
3 years ago
I haven't played it yet, but i love it so far looking from the images. Based on that, i think that the map could've had some more models tbh, since what i see here is all done through bruesh. But anyway, that's not why i replied to this post. Thre reason is: imagine having Gympie as a tester :facepalm:
like what were you even thinking that time?! IDK what that HITACHI fan boy even tested here. From this point, he's my favourite tester too.
3 years ago
Well, i liked the HUD that i had added in the v1.0.3 version, but not a lot of others did, mainly cos it was crowded full of HUD elements. As for the 'wrong code insertion' part, i will think of something, eventhough it is not really needed. The reward for the code is like less than one meter away from the code panel, so all you have to do is to turn around and see if that small cage where the files are, is opened or not. Also, it is true that i could've done something that prints the whole inserted code showing that this code is wrong, right in the middle of the screen, but i didn't add this since there is no limit of the digits that the player can press, and let say they have pressed like 20-30 numbers instead, it would cover a very large part of the screen, and it would really look ugly. Plus that i have barely seen treyarch printing stuff in their maps, so...!
3 years ago
A quick kino der toten easter egg for bo1 in case someone needs it:
1.Open your mapname.gsc and find the funciton named init_zombie_mapname() and paste this line in the bottom of the function
Code Snippet
level thread song_easter_egg();
2. Sroll down in the bottom of the file and paste this code:
Code Snippet
    level.song_meteors_found = 0;
    triggers = GetEntArray( "meteor_trig","targetname" );
    size = triggers.size;
    array_thread(triggers  , ::activate_meteor, size);


    self SetHintString( "" );
    self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
    self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();

    self PlayLoopSound( "meteor_loop" );
    self waittill( "trigger" );
    self StopLoopSound();
    self PlaySound( "meteor_affirm" );
    self Delete();
    if(level.song_meteors_found == size)
        players = get_players();
            for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
                players[i] PlaySound("INSERT YOUR SONG ALIAS NAME HERE");
3. Go in radiant, and make some trigger_use , as much as you want, can be more than 3. Then press N at each of them and give them
key: targetname
Then compile, don't also forget to build your sound too, but that's not a part of what im gonna cover, this is only the main part that you need.
3 years ago
Thank you, and yes, most of the people looks like don't like the BO4 HUD much, so i kinda edited it, but since the game has it's own limits some of the HUDs aren't showing, but anyway, i will update the map once again(this time it is gonna really most likely be the last), to fix some minor scripting issues, but i will also try to fix the HUD through the menu files this time and not the code. But basically, the map doesn't have gamecrashing bugs, i would say that it has no bugs at all, i just need to fix some minor issues here and there, that even right now aren't actually a problem, but i just wanna do it to be correct with myself. As you've might noticed, the HUD icons happens only in co-op. When you're playing solo it should all be good. I feel like i am hitting the HUD limit, but im not sure of it.
3 years ago
you had my interest until jumpscare
Haha don't worry, that's hard to activate, I doubt anyone will activate it unless I tell it, or ppl read the code.
3 years ago
It's all good man, don't worry.
3 years ago
Well, i can't tell anything for sure if you're also unsure yourself what happened, the files are right there, where you insert the code theres a little cage, which opens if you insert the correct code, and then you grab the files. My guess is that you probably inserted a wrong code. Anyway, i will once again update the map, cos i have to fix some stuff, and i will also add a HUD for the files, so when you pick them you also know that you got them.
3 years ago
Shippuden has released some tutorials for it. Follow them!
3 years ago
First thread this function where you want to call the HUD. Like, if there's a specific moment in your code, add this line
Code Snippet
thread setting_up();
After you do that, add this to the bottom of the same file
Code Snippet
    players = get_players();
    array_thread(players, ::hud_function);
Code Snippet
    hud = create_simple_hud(self);
    hud.foreground = true;
    hud.hidewheninmenu = true;
    hud.y = 0;
    hud.x = 0;
    hud.alignX = "right";
    hud.alignY = "top";
    hud.horzAlign = "right";
    hud.vertAlign = "top";
    hud.alpha = 1;
    hud SetText("your mom for example");
if you're still getting an error saying 'unknow function' then add this line on the 1st row of your file
Code Snippet
#include maps\_hud_util;

3 years ago

Double Post Merge: May 05, 2022, 09:25:27 am

You should never edit anything in raw

Double Post Merge: May 05, 2022, 09:30:04 am

For my custom Black Ops 1 map, I want to change the amount of points the players spawn in with, just for testing. I want to change the value to something like 50,000 instead of 500, so I can buy all doors on the map and test things. How would I be able to achieve this? Thanks!
go in raw/maps/_zombiemode.gsc copy it, go in mods/your mapname/maps(if you dont have this folder, create it yourself) then paste the copied file here. Scroll down to the function `difficulty_init()` and the lines 1417 , 1422, 1426,  1441, im using sublime text, maybe if you use another file editor you will get them in a different line, but pretty much there change the 500 to whatever your fucking ass wants the points to be. I usually add 4 more zeros when im testing stuff. :hushed: What is stuff?
3 years ago
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