So this is a question for radiant black.
I have mapped back in the day and have a pretty solid idea about how radiant works. though most of my time mapping was within waw radiant
I have watched many tut vids on basic radiant functions as a refresh.
So my Noob question is when I go to ...
I have mapped back in the day and have a pretty solid idea about how radiant works. though most of my time mapping was within waw radiant
I have watched many tut vids on basic radiant functions as a refresh.
So my Noob question is when I go to ...
3 years ago
8 years ago
Have an odd error when compiling. it cant find a xmodel p7_door_metal_moo.. something but when i put that into the model menu while in radiant it dosnt even show up as a model to choose and its not in my map.
Here's my full code from launcher before its timing out im assuming
Here's my full code from launcher before its timing out im assuming
8 years ago
Cant DL the map from Mediafire cause it requires authorization but nothing appears on my screen. Pls use another download site(Gamefront,Mega,Google Drive)
I'm away till Sunday but I'...
9 years ago
Hello everyone! I'd like to say that this is a very good map, but there is one thing that is irritating the heck outta me, what's bothering me is the 1500 debris that is near the L96A1 wallbuy, (if you lo...
9 years ago
So setting developer to 1(or 2), developer_script to 1 and launching your map(i assume pax, right?) works for you? No unhandled exception?
Ya on pax. No seemed to work fine.
9 years ago