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Topics - iBarnett

So this is a question for radiant black.
I have mapped back in the day and have a pretty solid idea about how radiant works. though most of my time mapping was within waw radiant
I have watched many tut vids on basic radiant functions as a refresh.
So my Noob question is when I go to move a window say like (camera view) or (xy top) to a different screen position within radiant it just unpins it and makes it a floating window.
In ugx jbirds youtube video he just clicks and drags them to where he pleases to make radiant black look more like waw radiant.
Mine sadly doesnt do this. I cant reposition any windows with radiant.
Im on a brand new Lenovo legion 7i Gen 6 running windows 11 <---(maybe the issue)  picture shows window not snapping to a new location  picture shows window floating and not pinned within radiant
3 years ago

( Larger Download Size 1.4Gb )

This one takes place In a quite forest at night where the moons out and if your not in its light the darkness will over come you. This is quite a large map with many zone all which include a objective or purpose for them to be there. Everywhere in the map in accessible. And remember its ment to be a DARK lit map like as if it was 2:00am . follow the lights!


- All 9 BO3 perk's
- Buildable's
- Easter eggs
- Zombie counter

Map by iBarnett

If you like the map please RATE above and tell your friend's to also RATE and SUBSCRIBE.

Credit to:

- Buildable power (Shinged)
- Rocket shield (DTZxPorter & Harry Bo21)
- Mini easter egg (reckfullies)
- Zombie counter (DuaLVII
8 years ago
Have an odd error when compiling. it cant find a xmodel p7_door_metal_moo.. something but when i put that into the model menu while in radiant it dosnt even show up as a model to choose and its not in my map.

Here's my full code from launcher before its timing out im assuming

Code Snippet
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\gdtdb\gdtdb.exe /update

gdtDB: updating

processed (0 GDTs) (0 assets) in 1.495 sec

gdtDB: successfully updated database.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\bin\cod2map64.exe -platform pc -navmesh -navvolume -loadFrom C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\map_source\zm\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\share\raw\maps\zm\zm_epping_woods.d3dbsp

main: Enter

FPU Precision set to 64 bits
CoD2Map: T7
 Build Changelist: 2548048
 Build Machine: CODBUILD8-764
---- cod2map ----
navmesh = true
navvolume = full generation
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\devraw
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\bin\devdiscdata
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\bin\devraw
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\bin\raw
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\bin\discdata
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\devdiscdata
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\devraw
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\raw
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\discdata
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\bin\main
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\main
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\players
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\zone
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Call of Duty Black Ops III/pc/\local_storage
Connected to data signature database
Loading map file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\map_source\zm\

RROR: could not find xmodel gdt asset: p7_door_metal_moorish_01

main: 21.0095 secs

also is there a way to locate a certain model by means of a search menu or is thre just the enitity list to find models used.

Double Post Merge: October 21, 2016, 02:09:06 pm
Could someone check in there models and see if this p7_door_metal_moorich_01 is actually even a model or something because I can find it anywhere.

I have already put over 80hrs into this map and its coming together so nicely I don't want a silly error holding me back. 

Please help
8 years ago
                                                                                                                      PAX UGX-Mod 1.1 Edition

So I was just messing around to see if I could get the UGX mod installed on a map. Had no plans to release this since it will be the 3rd Version so to say but it turned out good and I really enjoy playing it so I figured I would release it to everyone.

Some Pictures:


- The UGX Mod version 1.1
- Soul Chests
- Mini objective to get to Elemental PaP Machine
- 3 Shootable Teddy bear song EE
- 3 Interactive melon chunks song EE
- Large detailed 36zone map


^^    *** YOU NEED T4M TO PLAY THIS MAP!!***  (place the dll in your  -   C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty World at War)

BEFORE YOU PLAY!!  After loading the mod "ugxm_pax" click on "setting" (says NEW beside it) then navigate and click on UGX Mod Options (Green Text) then navigate and click on "Weapon Bob/Sway" and choose between " Reduced, Off, or ON". Then under "joystick Sensitivity" click "Save & Close". Exit options and NOW proceed to either "Single Player or Co-oP"


**I tried to edit the main menu screen but failed at overlapping 2 images with out it going all crazy and not working but I managed to get the load screen to change. So for now its Example map by example person.**


- UGX team
- iBarnett
- BluntStuffy
- Ege115
- Aidan

PS. If any bug or glitches found in the map message ME!! but if it has to do with the UGX Mod let the UGX team know. Thanks      -iBarnett
9 years ago
This map will NOT work with the CD version of Cod waw                                                                   PAX v2
                          (map dl)
                           (solo .bik video dl) (T4M)

^^    *** YOU NEED T4M TO PLAY THIS MAP!!***  (place the dll in your  -   C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty World at War)

This is an update to PAX which adds a bunch of new features


- Changed world spawn setting to better suit the map
- Added 35+ weapons (weapon details below)
- All Black Ops 1 & 2 perks (6 perk limit)
- 6 Soul chests (some locking areas off)
- 3 hidden EE songs [NOT youtube safe] (only go for one EE time or it will mess up)   Hint - watermellon-3,bear-3,?-1
- Hidden shit everywhere
- Added more detail and changed up some textures
- Mini EE thing for a wonder weapon
- Changed a ton more. You can find out.

Weapon Details:

- All wall weapons are NON pap'able
- Box weapons ARE pap'able
- Elemental weapons ammo can only be bought at elemental ammo machines


- Ran into hintstring limits so I changed my weapons hintstrings to hud... you can see hud text much farther away from the object and some hidden weapons hintstings(hud) show through a wall let say but can not be purchased until completing the task required
- Sometimes elemental ammo wont engage with specific weapon. Switching the gun can fix the issue (damage will still be the same just no FX)


And I have add a solo video for the load screen if you want it:
once downloaded add to:
Code Snippet
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty World at War\main\video 


- Me
- ZomBeast
- codmoddd1234
- Harry Bo21
- BluntStuffy
- Ege115
- Aidan
- MakeCents
- Rorke
- DidUknowPwn

- If I forgot you I'm sorry

9 years ago
So its the only rain tut i could find! (sorry for post zm stuff on UGX)

but when i go to launch my map waw just crashed and force close.  and as soon as i un-do what i did in the tut my map launches again fine.

All the comments say that this works just fine... but not for me.

This is what i have going on:

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;
#include maps\dlc3_code;
#include maps\dlc3_teleporter;
#include maps\_weather;


level.DLC3 = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

// Must Change These To Your Maps
level.DLC3.createArt = maps\createart\nazi_zombie_pax_art::main;
level.DLC3.createFX = maps\createfx\nazi_zombie_pax_fx::main;
level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;



// Variable Containing Helpful Text For Modders -- Don't Remove
level.modderHelpText = [];

level._effect["lightning_strike"] = LoadFX( "maps/ber2/fx_ber2_lightning_flash" );
level._effect["rain_heavy_cloudtype"]   = LoadFX( "weather/rain_heavy_cloudtype" );
level._effect["rain_10"]   = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_heavy" );
level._effect["rain_9"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_heavy" );
level._effect["rain_8"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_heavy" );
level._effect["rain_7"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_heavy" );
level._effect["rain_6"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_med" );
level._effect["rain_5"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_med" );
level._effect["rain_4"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_med" );
level._effect["rain_3"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_med" );
level._effect["rain_2"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_lght" );
level._effect["rain_1"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_lght" );
level._effect["rain_0"]      = LoadFX( "env/weather/fx_rain_sys_lght" );

thread weather_control();

// Change Or Tweak All Of These LEVEL.DLC3 Variables Below For Your Level If You Wish

// Edit The Value In Mod.STR For Your Level Introscreen Place
level.DLC3.introString = &"MOD_INTRO";

// Weapons. Pointer function automatically loads weapons used in Der Riese.
level.DLC3.weapons = maps\dlc3_code::include_weapons;

// Power Ups. Pointer function automatically loads power ups used in Der Riese.
level.DLC3.powerUps =  maps\dlc3_code::include_powerups;

// Adjusts how much melee damage a player with the perk will do, needs only be set once. Stock is 1000.
level.DLC3.perk_altMeleeDamage = 1000;

// Adjusts barrier search override. Stock is 400.
level.DLC3.barrierSearchOverride = 400;

// Adjusts power up drop max per round. Stock is 3.
level.DLC3.powerUpDropMax = 3;

// _loadout Variables
level.DLC3.useCoopHeroes = true;

// Bridge Feature
level.DLC3.useBridge = false;

// Hell Hounds
level.DLC3.useHellHounds = true;

// Mixed Rounds
level.DLC3.useMixedRounds = true;

// Magic Boxes -- The Script_Noteworthy Value Names On Purchase Trigger In Radiant
boxArray = [];
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

// Initial Zone(s) -- Zone(s) You Want Activated At Map Start
zones = [];
zones[ zones.size ] = "start_zone";
level.DLC3.initialZones = zones;

// Electricity Switch -- If False Map Will Start With Power On
level.DLC3.useElectricSwitch = true;

// Electric Traps
level.DLC3.useElectricTraps = true;

// _zombiemode_weapons Variables
level.DLC3.usePandoraBoxLight = true;
level.DLC3.useChestPulls = true;
level.DLC3.useChestMoves = true;
level.DLC3.useWeaponSpawn = true;
level.DLC3.useGiveWeapon = true;

// _zombiemode_spawner Varibles
level.DLC3.riserZombiesGoToDoorsFirst = true;
level.DLC3.riserZombiesInActiveZonesOnly = true;
level.DLC3.assureNodes = true;

// _zombiemode_perks Variables
level.DLC3.perksNeedPowerOn = true;

// _zombiemode_devgui Variables
level.DLC3.powerSwitch = true;

// Snow Feature
level.DLC3.useSnow = false;

level thread DLC3_threadCalls();

thread maps\ee_song::main();
thread maps\_blst_custom_ammo::main();
thread maps\_custom_ammo_buy::main();

level.zone_manager_init_func = ::dlc3_zone_init;
level thread DLC3_threadCalls2();

add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone1", "enter_zone1" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone1", "zone2", "enter_zone2" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone2", "zone3", "enter_zone3" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone3", "zone4", "enter_zone4" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone4", "zone6", "enter_zone6" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone4", "zone7", "enter_zone7" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone7", "zone9", "enter_zone9" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone6", "zone8", "enter_zone8" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone6", "zone10", "enter_zone10" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone4", "zone11", "enter_zone11" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone11", "zone12", "enter_zone12" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone12", "zone13", "enter_zone13" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone13", "zone14", "enter_zone14" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone14", "zone15", "enter_zone15" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone11", "zone16", "enter_zone16" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone15", "zone16", "enter_zone16" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone16", "zone17", "enter_zone17" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone17", "zone18", "enter_zone18" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone17", "zone19", "enter_zone19" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone11", "zone20", "enter_zone20" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone11", "zone21", "enter_zone21" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone21", "zone22", "enter_zone22" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone22", "zone23", "enter_zone23" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone6",     "zone24", "enter_zone24" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone24", "zone25", "enter_zone25" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone25", "zone26", "enter_zone26" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone26", "zone27", "enter_zone27" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone27", "zone28", "enter_zone28" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone28", "zone29", "enter_zone29" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone29", "zone30", "enter_zone30" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone30", "zone31", "enter_zone31" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone28", "zone32", "enter_zone32" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone32", "zone33", "enter_zone33" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone28", "zone34", "enter_zone34" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone34", "zone35", "enter_zone35" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone35", "zone36", "enter_zone36" );



level._effect["snow_thick"] = LoadFx ( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense" );
   rainInit( "hard" ); // get rain going
   level thread rainEffectChange( 9, 0.1 );  // tweak initial rain strength
   thread playerWeather(); // make the actual rain effect generate around the players

      addLightningExploder( 10000 );
      addLightningExploder( 10001 );
      addLightningExploder( 10002 );
      addLightningExploder( 10003 );
      addLightningExploder( 10004 );
      addLightningExploder( 10005 );
   level.nextLightning = GetTime() + 1;
   thread lightning( ::lightning_normal, ::lightning_flash );
   wait( 0.05 );
   setVolFog(250, 750, 400, -128, 0.44, 0.52, 0.44, 0);
   SetSunLight( 4, 4, 4.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7, 0);
   SetSunLight( 1, 1, 1.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.45, 0.45, 0.5, 0);

   wait( 0.0014 );             
   SetSunLight( 3, 3, 3.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.55, 0.55, 0.6, 0);                   
   SetSunLight( 2, 2, 2.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.65, 0.65, 0.7, 0);                                 
   SetSunLight( 1.5, 1.5, 2 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.7, 0.7, 0.75, 0);                     
   wait( 0.0010 );
   SetSunLight( 1, 1, 1.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.55, 0.55, 0.6, 0);               
   SetSunLight( 5, 5, 5.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.5, 0.5, 0.55, 0);                   
   wait( 0.0011 );
   SetSunLight( 4, 4, 4.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.55, 0.55, 0.6, 0);             
   SetSunLight( 1, 1, 1.5 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.55, 0.55, 0.6, 0);                       
   wait( 0.0015 );
   SetSunLight( 2.5, 2.5, 3 );
   setVolFog(250, 550, 400, -128, 0.65, 0.65, 0.7, 0);           

Code Snippet
// Zombie Mode Stuff
// Zombie Mode Strings
// Mod Strings
// Edited Loadout For Zombie Heroes
// Edited LastStand For Deep Water Like Sumpf
// Edited For Developer_Script
// Updated Menu File For Pause Screen Map

Code Snippet
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");

// SRS 5/3/2008: Make sure it doesn't run twice on anybody
if( IsDefined( self.playerWeatherLoopRunning ) && self.playerWeatherLoopRunning )

self.playerWeatherLoopRunning = true;

for (;;)
// SRS 5/29/2008: don't rain if level.rainLevel is 0
if( level.rainLevel != 0 )
// SRS 5/30/2008: removed forward vector specification
//PlayFX( level._effect["rain_drops"], self.origin + (0,0,650), self.origin + (0,0,680) );
PlayFX( level._effect["rain_drops"], self.origin + (0,0,650) );
self playloopsound("rain_pavement1");

// we can do extra FX calls here later if we want, for additional particles on harder rain, etc.

wait( 0.3 );
9 years ago

Hey its iBarnett finally back with another map. this is my 5th map that i have released to date.

I had soooo many problems with making this map all to find out it was because I had a couple viruses which could not be removed until i put my computer back to factory settings.

So this version is going to have ONLY waw stuff   eg. weapons, perks, textures, and prefabs

features:  - large map
               - high level of detail

Other then that get to the highest round possible and have fun.

I'll be doing a v2.0 when i actually figure out how to get custom perks and weapons to work properly.

mediafire download link:

Credit: - codmoddd1234 for actually taking time out of his day to try and compile my map for me ( thanks man huge help)
           - Me

TO LOAD MAP - /devmap  nazi_zombie_pax               IF SOME TEXTURES ARE RED - -turn off spec maps in settings
9 years ago
Need help please!!   I need perks and wall weapons added to my as I can't because my computer messed right up.

Anyone please. You don't even have to know how I'll walk you through it. All you need is mod tools patched up to Der rise and a script places. It's adding prefabs from stock waw.  SIMPLE SIMPLE THING TO DO!!!!  Wish I could my self.
If someone is willing I'll send you some money through pay pal.... That how much I wanna get it out and off of my mind.

Some one help a fellow zombie mapper/player

The map is 99% done.   just perks and a couple wall weapons
It's huge, great game play, heavily detailed.  Don't let it waste away.

Send a comment or pm me.   

There's no custom scripts or anything like that. And I obviously have all zone info ready.. Pretty much just some copy/pasting and your freedom to place perks and wall weapons.
9 years ago
So I have decided that my computer is beyond messed as well as my mod tools.
The question is when I completely delete everything to do with Cod waw (game,mod tools,mods...) and then reinstall everything (even downloaded new. Zips of all the mod tools and patches) with just everything freshly new and installed. it still is able to load my radaint preferences, all programs are already set to administer and unticked read only already like I never deleted anything.   HOW AND WHY???
How do I completely completely delete everything to do with waw like it never existed on my pc. Cuz even after a fresh install I still have problems with linker_pc.exe not being able to keep up and just stopping without a reason and no errors in launchers console.
Still no map can compile or build a mod.
9 years ago
Hey people I am having a zoning issue in my map.
I have a building with quite a few zones it in with certain zones that have multi zones touching.  but for some reason when I open door to a specific zone it will trigger the adjacent zone to spawn zombies when the area isnt open yet from buying the blocker

add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone",      "zone1",   "enter_zone1" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone1",      "zone2",   "enter_zone2" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone2",      "zone3",   "enter_zone3" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone3",      "zone4",   "enter_zone4" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone4",      "zone6",   "enter_zone6" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone4",      "zone7",   "enter_zone7" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone7",      "zone9",   "enter_zone9" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone6",      "zone8",   "enter_zone8" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone6",      "zone10",   "enter_zone10" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone4",      "zone11",   "enter_zone11" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone11",      "zone12",   "enter_zone12" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone12",      "zone13",   "enter_zone13" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone13",      "zone14",   "enter_zone14" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone14",      "zone15",   "enter_zone15" );
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone11",      "zone16",   "enter_zone16" );    < this zone! when buying the door it will
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone15",      "zone16",   "enter_zone16" );       open up zone 16 but zombies spawn
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone16",      "zone17",   "enter_zone17" );       in zone 15 as well without the blocker
   add_adjacent_zone( "zone17",      "zone18",   "enter_zone18" );       being bought.

Do I have to do multi adjacent zone for the same zone?
 eg.    add_adjacent_zone( "zone11",      "zone16",   "enter_zone16" );
         add_adjacent_zone( "zone16",      "zone11",   "enter_zone11" );

Also the trigger on the door leading to zone 16 haas the kvp's script_flag enter_zone16. does it need another script_flag
saying scripot_flag enter_zone11.
And the door/blocker is buyable from both sides since it can be accessed from both ways depending on the route takin in the building.
thanks   -iBarnett
9 years ago
               **ERROR**    Error -1073741819

So this is really starting to piss me off and I cant seem to find an answer anywhere. While in launcher I go to compile my map and it just stops with no errors in the console but it the bottom right where it says "successful" it will come up as "Error -1073741819" . I have probably 15 different back-ups of my map which all run fine and could be compiled I tried to load a back-up up and same thing happens. So this error has happened before and just went away after i tried to re-compile my map about 10 tires. I then went ahead to try and compile the tutorial map that sniperbolt includes with his mod tools patch. exact same error occurred.
But if I un-check build fastfiles then i get a success compile which dosnt really help me much though. I have re-installed the mod tools many times hoping it would fix it but it always seems to come back at some point.

I'm wondering if i send someone my radiant files then could attempt to compile my map to see if it is just my computer/mod tools or what ever.

   thanks -iBarnett

9 years ago
So been putting away at my map but i keep getting a  weird radiant error now

its like radiant just decides to stop working...
If anyone could lend a hand that would be great

    thanks -iBarnett

EDIT: i also tried to compile a different map (sniperbolts tut map) and its giving me the same error or if i try to compile the patch it does the same thing.
9 years ago
So i was just pokin around on the Internet looking for tuts on how to make/do EE for custom zombie maps and came across this mod for Black ops. Not sure how new this is but i have never really seen anything for blops other then 1st person dead ops arcade. I'm guessing its the same one that has been on jail broken xbox's since when it loads it says "XBOX 360" but never owned one so not sure.

I just though i would post a link for it since it brought some life back into Blops for me... just a change of things.


Credits go to:

Tei1Plus2 - his menu
ZeiiKen - Gr3Zz V3
Me - XeRox v3 and all the codes in it
PROxFTW - XeRox V3 menu base
SwA_x_iJohn - Extra help/ tutorial on modding it for pc
Alpatch649: Phoenix V2.2


Just replace your common_zombie_patch.ff and the rest has in-game menu help
10 years ago

***EDIT*** STILL CANT BUY WALL AMMO FOR CUSTOM GUNS!!  fixed model appearing after buying weapon though

So i'm still having issues with not being able to buy wall ammo for my custom guns i added.

I made a short video asking about 2 thing.

Here's my _zombiemode_weapons.gsc and my dlc3_code.gsc

Code Snippet
// Full Auto                                                                                	
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_mp40", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_MP40_1000", 1000, "vox_mp40", 2 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_mp40_upgraded", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_MP40_1000", 1000, "vox_mp40", 2 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_ppsh", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_PPSH_2000", 2000, "vox_ppsh", 5 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_ppsh_upgraded", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_PPSH_2000", 2000, "vox_ppsh", 5 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_stg44", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_STG44_1200", 1200, "vox_mg", 9 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_stg44_upgraded", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_STG44_1200", 1200, "vox_mg", 9 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_thompson", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_THOMPSON_1200", 1200, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_thompson_upgraded", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_THOMPSON_1200", 1200, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_type100_smg", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_TYPE100_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "zombie_type100_smg_upgraded", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_TYPE100_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "aug", &"AUG_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "aug_upgraded", &"AUG_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "commando", &"COMMANDO_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "commando_upgraded", &"COMMANDO_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "galil", &"GALIL_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "galil_upgraded", &"GALIL_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "ak74u", &"AK74U_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "ak74u_upgraded", &"AK74U_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "enfield", &"ENFIELD_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "enfield_upgraded", &"ENFIELD_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "famas", &"FAMAS_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "famas_upgraded", &"FAMAS_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "mp5k", &"MP5K_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "mp5k_upgraded", &"MP5K_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "mpl", &"MPL_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "mpl_upgraded", &"MPL_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "uzi", &"UZI_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "uzi_upgraded", &"UZI_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "pm63", &"PM63_1000", 1000, "", 0 );
add_zombie_weapon( "pm63_upgraded", &"PM63_1000", 1000, "", 0 );

Code Snippet
// Full Auto
include_weapon( "aug" );
include_weapon( "aug_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "commando" );
include_weapon( "commando_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "galil" );
include_weapon( "galil_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "ak74u" );
include_weapon( "ak74u_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "enfield" );
include_weapon( "enfield_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "famas" );
include_weapon( "famas_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "mp5k" );
include_weapon( "mp5k_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "mpl" );
include_weapon( "mpl_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "uzi" );
include_weapon( "uzi_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "pm63" );
include_weapon( "pm63_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_stg44" );
include_weapon( "zombie_stg44_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_thompson" );
include_weapon( "zombie_thompson_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_mp40" );
include_weapon( "zombie_mp40_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_type100_smg" );
include_weapon( "zombie_type100_smg_upgraded", false );

For the radiant side of things all I have is a trigger_use with these kvp's  - targetname  \  weapon_upgrade
                                                                                                                   - zombie_weapon_upgrade  \  aug
10 years ago
So i have finally gotten weapons from BO and BO2 into waw.

Everything works just like they should from both games perfectly. the only thing is once i buy the wall weapon (say galil) it lets me buy it and after buying it it then prompts me with the option to buy the gun, or ammo, or pap ammo. like it should. BUT when i go to buy more ammo for it it wont let me i just get a in game sound like i dont have enough money/points to buy the ammo but i actually do.

if this is to hard to follow i could make a quick vid showing the problem??

thanks in advance
  - iBarnett
10 years ago
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