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Topics - AlecKeaneDUB

So everything was going good. I was in the zone and very focused on my map. I added a cylinder and hollowed it out to form a type of room. When I compiled my map I got an error saying that I cannot use physics cylinders in my map. No big deal. I went back in radiant and replaced the cylinder with brushes, but still got the error when I compiled. I thought, "Hmm...i just deleted the cylinder...". So i figured I probably missed a piece of the cylinder or something, so when I go to open my map back up in radiant...boom. Unrecoverable error. All other maps load just fine, except mine. So now I'm really starting to get pissed here's the exact error I get:

Brush_InitSolid: backwards
GetlastError() = 3
An unrecoverable error has occured. Would you like to edit Preferences before exiting Q3Radiant?

So if someone can please help me here, I will be veryyyyy appreciative. I believe this happened to me once before and if i remember correctly, all i did was exit radiant and reload the map and it worked perfectly. But I've tried atleast a dozen times and it refuses to load correctly  >:(
9 years ago
I know this is most likely such a newbie question, but I havent really worked with texturing too much and was wondering how to place a texture ontop of another texture. An example of what I mean is graffiti on a concrete wall. I have the wall textured, and the graffiti texture converted and everything, now how do I put it on the wall without it replacing the whole wall texture with the graffiti one? Would I make a new brush and make it very thin and place it ontop of it? There must be a less sketchy way of doing that, right?

Thanks :)
9 years ago
First of all, thanks for viewing this topic :) This is something I've been wanting to ask for quite a while, but never thought about posting a topic to get my answer.

So to all of the community mappers out there, what makes a map good? I know the effort you put into your map, along with uniqueness and the fun factor all play the general role, but there must be some other secret that I'm missing. Which sort of leads to the other half of my question - detail. I think the biggest thing holding me back is not knowing what things look like. I'm more of a visual learner, I guess you could say, and by that I mean that I like seeing examples of things I'm doing. Like if I were drawing an animal, or some sort of scene, I wouldn't just be able to think about what it might look like, I would have to look up a picture or an example.

Is that what you guys do when you're making a map? Do you look up examples of what you're mapping would look like? Say if you were mapping a castle, or a town or something, how do you know what kinds of things should be there? What types of things would be scattered on the floor? What would the terrain be like? What do you guys do to know what to put in your map to fit the setting?

Sorry for the rather dumb topic, but I'm just so curious about this and wondering how you guys make such astonishing maps. Hopefully someone has an answer that will help me, as I look up to you guys (sorry to sound fanboy-ish) and in the future want to make maps like the ones you all do.

Thanks again, and I hope I dont just come off as some ridiculous newbie here. :P
9 years ago
Cabin 114
I started this map about 2 months ago (work has been kinda slow) and I originally never planned on releasing it, and I'm still not 100% sure if I will. This map has changed A LOT since the night I started it and will probably change a bit more throughout my work on it. This is a quite small map, but please note that it is NOT a box map. The look of the starting room can be a bit decieving, but this map holds secrets ;)

This map features
- Black ops perks (as well as the 4 original, but that was a given)
- Black Ops and Black Ops 2 weapons including:
   - Commando
   - FAMAS
   - MP7
   - TAC-45
   - MSMC
   - Peacekeeper
- M6G Magnum from Halo
- Modified Weapons (some names, clip sizes, damage, etc.)
- Objectives/Challenges for you to complete
- Mob Of The Dead HUD
- Black Ops 2 Mason Viewhands
- Solo Quick Revive (zombies DO walk away from you when you're downed)
- 6 Perk Limit
- No Dogs

Features That Will Soon Be Added:
Some other features that I have not gotten to yet include
- Buyable Ending
- Song Easteregg
- More Modern Guns (possibly)
- More Detail (it has some decent detail already but needs a lot more work)
- Better Looking, Custom Textures

NOTE: I have fixed the problem of the guns appearing so dark. I have not, however, updated the images yet. The guns are no longer dark as they are in the photos below.

Now please keep in mind that this is my first map, but I want to make it atleast something worth playing before it is released. Please believe me when I say that I will be releasing much better maps in the future once my radiant and scripting skills develop more. But please, let me know what's good/bad and all constructive criticism is appreciated  ;)
9 years ago
When I try to run assman from launcher, it just says "Failed to execute: asset_manager" and when I try to run it from the bin folder it says that my side-by-side configuration is incorrect. I have everything jn the bin folder UNCHECKED of read-only so I dont know what the problem is. I'm getting insanely frustrated with all these problems I'm having with my map and it's so exhausting :-[
9 years ago
I used bluntstuffy's soul chest script in my map and i had it working perfectly until I added in Bam's black ops perks. The perks work just fine, but my soul chest doesn't. Here's the soul chest script I am using: (keep in mind that blunt modified this script for me slightly by taking out the models, and I changed the soul_chest_reward myself)
Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_anim;

    level._effect["blst_chest_soul"] = loadfx("blst_custom/blst_fx_chest_soul");

reward_trigger = getentarray( "soul_chest_reward" , "targetname" );
reward_trigger[i] disable_trigger();

  soul_chest_area = getentarray( "soul_chest_area" , "targetname") ;
soul_chest_area[i] thread spawn_initial_model();

level.chest_amount = soul_chest_area.size;
level.chest_active = true;
level.chest_completed = 0;
level.chest_counting = 0;
self.death_count = 0;

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  EDIT AMOUNT OF KILLS NEEDED HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
players = getplayers();
if(players.size > 1)
chest_1_kills = 100;
chest_1_kills = 10;
chest_2_kills = 25;
chest_3_kills = 45;
chest_4_kills = 65;
chest_5_kills = 90;
chest_6_kills = 140;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  EDIT AMOUNT OF KILLS NEEDED HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

chest_clip = getentarray( "soul_chest_clip" , "targetname" );
self.max_count = undefined;

if( level.chest_completed == 0 )
if( level.chest_counting == 1   )
self.max_count = chest_1_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 2 )
self.max_count = chest_2_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 3 )
self.max_count = chest_3_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 4 )
self.max_count = chest_4_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 5 )
self.max_count = chest_5_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 6 )
self.max_count = chest_6_kills;


else if( level.chest_completed >= 1 )
if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 2   )
self.max_count = chest_2_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 3   )
self.max_count = chest_3_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 4   )
self.max_count = chest_4_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 5   )
self.max_count = chest_5_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 6   )
self.max_count = chest_6_kills;


wait 0.2;
self playsound( "chest_open");
wait 1;
self waittill( "chest_full" );

if( self.max_count == self.death_count || self.death_count >= 9000 )
self playsound( "chest_full") ;
wait 0.3;
self playsound( "chest_full") ;
wait 1;
self playsound( "chest_full2") ;
self playsound( "chest_close_lid" );
if(  self IsTouching( chest_clip[i] ) == true )
chest_clip[i] delete();

wait 1;
self playsound( "chest_full2" );
wait 2.1;
self delete();
self delete();

else if( self.max_count < self.death_count )
iprintlnbold( "death count exceeded due to timeout" );

else if( self.max_count > self.death_count )
self.death_count = -10;
self playsound( "chest_close_lid" );
wait 0.7;
self thread spawn_initial_model();


chest_death_count( last_origin, area_radius )
self notify( "chest_kill" );

self_origin = self.origin;

if( self.death_count == -9 || self.death_count >= 9000)

else if( self.death_count == 1)
self notify( "chest_activated" );
self thread chest_anims();
thread chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius );
self thread time_out();

else if( self.death_count >= 2 && self.death_count <= self.max_count-1 )
thread chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius );
self thread time_out();

else if( self.death_count == self.max_count )
self.death_count = 9000;
thread chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius );
thread progres_check();
self notify( "time_out" );
wait 2;
self notify( "chest_full" );


self endon( "chest_kill" );
self endon( "chest_full" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self.timer = 999; //////////////////////////////// EDIT TIME-OUT TIMER HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////

if( self.timer <= 999 && self.timer >= 6 ) //////////////////////////////// AND HERE //////////////////////////////////////////////////
self.timer-= 5;
wait 5;

else if( self.timer <= 5 )
self.timer-= 0.2;
wait 0.2;

if( self.timer <= 0 )
self notify( "time_out" );
wait 2;
self notify( "chest_full" );


chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius )
soul = Spawn( "script_model", last_origin+( 0,0,50) );
soul setmodel( "tag_origin" );
dist = DistanceSquared( last_origin, self_origin );
radius = area_radius * area_radius;
time = undefined;
if( dist >= radius* 0.66 )
time = 1.3;
else if(  dist <= radius* 0.65 && dist >= radius* 0.33 )
time = 1;
else if( dist <= radius* 0.32 )
time = 0.5;

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["blst_chest_soul"], soul, "tag_origin" );
soul moveto( self_origin+( 0,0,30) , time, 0.5, 0);
wait time;
soul movez( 200, 0.4);
soul playsound( "soul_fly" );
wait 0.4;
soul delete();

if( level.chest_completed == level.chest_amount )
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::special_powerup_drop( self.origin );
level.chest_active = false; //// leave this line in here, it deactivates the thread in _zombiemode_spawner

self endon( "took_gun" );
self endon( "disconnect" );

reward_trigger = getentarray( "soul_chest_reward" , "targetname" );
players = get_players();
players[i].free_ray_gun = false;
reward_trigger[i] enable_trigger();
reward_trigger[i] thread reward_trigger( );

zb_thompson_rotate( zb_thompson )
self endon( "took_gun" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
zb_thompson rotateyaw( 360 ,1.5 );
wait 1.5;

reward_trigger( )
player = undefined;

zb_thompson = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
zb_thompson.angles = (-30,0,-30);
zb_thompson setmodel( "weapon_zombie_thompson_smg" );
self thread zb_thompson_rotate( zb_thompson );

playfxontag (level._effect["powerup_on"], zb_thompson, "tag_origin");

self setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
self setHintString( "Press and hold &&1 to collect your reward" );

self waittill( "trigger", player );
player.has_gun = false;
player.has_gun_upgr = false;

if( player.free_ray_gun == false)
player.free_ray_gun = true;
old_gun = player getcurrentweapon();

weaplist = player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( weaplist[i] == "zombie_thompson" )
player.has_gun = true;
else if ( weaplist[i] == "zombie_thompson_upgraded" )
player.has_gun_upgr = true;

if( player.has_gun == true )
player switchtoweapon( "zombie_thompson" );
player givemaxammo( "zombie_thompson" );
player playsound( "ammo_pickup" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
zb_thompson delete();
self delete();

else if( player.has_gun_upgr == true )
player switchtoweapon( "zombie_thompson_upgraded" );
player givemaxammo( "zombie_thompson_upgraded" );
player playsound( "ammo_pickup" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
zb_thompson delete();
self delete();

else if( weaplist.size <= 1 )
player giveweapon( "zombie_thompson" );
player switchtoweapon( "zombie_thompson" );
player playsound( "weap_pickup_plr" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
zb_thompson delete();
self delete();

else if( weaplist.size >= 2 )
player takeweapon( old_gun );
player giveweapon( "zombie_thompson" );
player switchtoweapon( "zombie_thompson" );
player playsound( "weap_pickup_plr" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
zb_thompson delete();
self delete();

else if( player.free_ray_gun == true )
iprintlnbold( "This one is not for you.." );
wait 0.1;
I suspect the problem may be with the mule kick interfering with the soul chest giving you a thompson after it's completed, but I'm not entirely sure. The powerup thats supposed to spawn doesnt even spawn either so I'm pretty stumped there. Any help is much appreciated

Here's the thread where bluntstuffy edited his script for me, just in case you wanna take a look:
9 years ago
I added *ONE* black ops weapon into my map...and now when I start my map I get that stupid 1600 loaded sound assets or whatever it is. I already went into <root>/raw/soundaliases/weapons.csv and commented out about 50 sounds, but I still get the error! How many sounds can ONE gun take up? It supposedly only uses 6 for the gun I added (commando) but I still get the error and idk why. Someone help please?

Also, do I comment out the sounds in the raw weapons.csv or do I copy that into my mods folder in soundaliases and then comment them out? Ive tried both ways but the error persists. :(
9 years ago
The second zone (zone_2) or the zone_2 spawners in my map have something wrong. The second zone (zone_2) is activated in a script and it seems to work...but no zombies will spawn in that zone. I have the spawners in the zone and linked to (or targeted to) the zone, whatever you wanna refer to it as, but they stillndont spawn. I have 1 zombie spawner and 2 zombie risers...and none of them work. They're linked to the zone and when I go into that zone and finish a round they just keep going on and on, so the zone must work. But idk about the spawners. I've checked each of their KVPs multiple times and everything looks correct to me :-\
9 years ago
So I have the code for bluntstuffy's soul chests and I get an error when trying to change one simple thing. Here is the part of code that supposedly has an error:
Code Snippet
     players = getplayers();
     if(players.size > 1)
               chest_1_kills = 100;
               chest_1_kills = 10;
     chest_2_kills = 25; //this chest isnt used
     chest_3_kills = 45; //this chest isnt used
     chest_4_kills = 65; //this chest isnt used
     chest_5_kills = 90; //this chest isnt used
     chest_6_kills = 140; //this chest isnt used
The error I get is a bad syntax on the 'else' statement, but I dont see what's wrong with it. The entire script works perfectly if I remove the 'if' and 'else' statements but I need this change in my map. I've also tried changing the else statement above to:
Code Snippet
else if(players.size <= 1)
But then I get bad syntax on the whole 'else if' line.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me :)
9 years ago
I have a room that's opened up and has its zone activated by a script. The script works fine and I dont think it would be causing this, but after the door gets opened and the zone is activated, no zombies will spawn or follow me into the room. They just kinda sit there and derp out or walk to the center of the starting room and just stand there. The only way I can get them to follow me into the second room is if I go into the first room and get them to follow me as close to the door as I can, so then they'll derp for a second, walk towards me through the room a little ways, stop, derp for a second, and then chase me without problem through the room. I'm so annoyed by this because all my zones and spawners are correct so I have no idea what is causing this  :-\

Thanks  :D
9 years ago
I have a prefab that I made by selecting all the entities I needed to and saved it as prefab. I then had to delete it to test something and now when I place it back in my map as a prefab, I dont know how to ungroup everything because there are a few changes I need to make. Can anyone help me out?

9 years ago
So my first map is kind of an objective-based map, and for one of the challenges, I want the players to have to collect zombie souls to move on to the next area of the map. Now I dont exactly want a soul chest-type deal here, but very close to it. Basically i just want to use blunts script but on a different model instead of a soul chest. I have a table in the center of the room and it serves as kind of a "collect souls for satan" type thing. And I want the souls to go into the table. I know this is probably very simple to do but I'm a new, learning scripter and would love some help here.

Thanks! :D
9 years ago
I was originally using Sniperbolt's mystery box and it worked perfectly, but I didnt like how it had the boxes inside of it as if were a place the box could spawn but hasnt yet. So I decided to use the ugx one because I thought it looked a lot nicer but instead of showing a normal mystery box hint string, it shows this "UNDEFINED!! PLEASE SET THE SCRIPT_HINT ON THE ENT PROPERLY!" I am still able to get a weapon from it bit it doesnt subtract any points. Any help?  :D
9 years ago
So I had a hard time making a subject that fit what I need but anyway...

What I have is a trigger with a very high price that will open a secret door which allows players to move on to the next area of the map. Now, for a while now, I've had this idea in my head of a bank-type thing that allows players to deposit their points to reach a set amount.
For example:

There is a door that costs 50,000 to open. All players can go up to the trigger and deposit their points, and each time a player does this it will add up the total points that have been deposited to go towards the 50,000 and will open the door.

I'm not sure if any of that made sense, as this is kinda hard to explain. Hopefully someone understand and can help me out since I hardly know anything about scripting and would not be able to do this on my own.
Thanks for taking the time to read and any help will be very much appreciated.  :D
9 years ago
I want to use the dvar "cg_ScoresColor_Zombie" to change the background color of the points bar and a couple other dvars but I have no idea where I would put them. In a cfg file? In _zombiemode.gsc? Help please
9 years ago
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