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[Manager] UGX Requiem v1.1

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Created 9 years ago
by treminaor
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I love UGX Requiem, but the fact that it uses Entities more than the game can handle... It crashes the game. Even if you're not able to fix the bugs, might as well make a lite version of just the map with less explosive + light entities. It kills it, especially when you're on wave 20-30+ with 2-3 explosive turrets and teleporters with explosive crossbows with...
Well... you get the idea.
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This map still has so many glitches, here the glitches i found.

-When placing electricity trap when brutus "taunts", it will disable the second spike and you can't place it as it disappears.
-When PAPing, zombies will run to the pack a punch machine when you are completely in a different direction.
-Zombies sometimes randomly stop chasing you and go to a random spot on the map.
-Turrets will spaz out and randomly shoot when a zombie is attacking it.
-Turrets have very inaccurate aiming and firing.
-Sometimes when pressing "F" on the mystery box when a weapon appears, it will close it but not give you a weapon.
-Some weapons (such as the Saw) will have a broken looking wrist when running.
-The starting pistol when running (with increased fov) the left arm disappears.
-Pressing reload on certain weapons makes them keep reloading even with full magazine.

If these can be fixed I would play this so much more.
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There's so many errors on this game. I don't know if they are ever going to be fixed. Just holding the gravity gun and reloading it, gives you errors. Holding the hacker device and going prone and crouching back and forth, crashes your game. Having too much g_entities of zombies, explosions, and stuff gives you a crashing error. We got up to 52 rounds (Furthest we ever gotten, until the turrets and blundergat was too much for the game to handle). You got zombies from black ops 2 (I assume?) that causing errors when spawning. The crawler version of them gives errors. You got errors when cutting down the boards with an axe.
52 waves, we could of gotten further but there's so many bugs. If you have a zombie break your turret before it gone, you can buy another turret and now you have 2 turrets. If you erase the skill and buy a turret, the previous turret stays there until you touch it. The best turret to use is explosive and place it inside the house because it's so inaccurate that it's best for it to shoot in close quarters. The regular turret loaded with fire bullets ends up disappearing (I don't know if this was intentional or not.)
Perhaps maybe the developers are done with the map and not going to make anymore changes? T4M cannot do anything about it, because there's so many issues to begin with.

- Crossbow pap bullets sometimes don't gather the zombies and still attacks you regardless
- Tombstone causes connection issues
- When respawning into the game after 'feeding with tombstone' - if you go down because of a turret still shooting (explosive turret), then the tombstone that you dropped does not pick up. Going down when respawned revokes your tombstone.
- Turrets will spaz out (as noted by ETERNALGREY) because they are clipping into the barrel.
- Rare occasions, spawning back from elemental room, zombies are there on the platform attacking you.
- Mule perk stop working after buying a wall gun. If playing with friend, get tombstone, and kill yourself might bring back your 3rd slot. However, it might bug out and give you a 4th slot. (need to test this more myself when I have time)
- If you die with hacker with tombstone, and cannot get it... Hacker is lost and not retrievable. You can't even do the fire circle thing again to get it back.
- When playing on boss setting (brutus) the special perks does not drop when killed by turrets.
- Bottom perks of the turrets aren't purchasable if bought few of them, and then come back to buy the rest.
- Buying perks for the turret, you have to click on another perk and then go back, in order to purchase.
- Throwing the hell retriever through door ways or stairs sometimes clip and doesn't go through. Especially, it doesn't pick up perks as if you threw the retriever into the wall.
- (unsure) Hell retriever, trying to upgrade it, gets interrupted when the turrets kill the zombies when throwing. So it is almost impossible to get it. (Only gotten the upgrade version of Hell Redemption(?)  once.)

Suggestions besides the mentioned bugs:
-The options of making the zombie spawn non-stop without pause, it's extremely hard to get out spawn. Out of 100 tries, I only managed to get out of the spawn area: 5 times. That's because insta-kill perk saved my life. It also makes it physically impossible to get in power room or enclosed areas. Perhaps you can make the zombies slower for about 12 rounds?

Let me know if I can do anything.
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no one cares anymore, wrong game
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Please give me beta access, I would LOVE to test CO-OP
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why do you even come back here smasher?
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why do you even come back here smasher?

bored, why?
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So did you abandon your kino remake to focus on your more detailed version of cheese cube unlimited? :P
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So did you abandon your kino remake to focus on your more detailed version of cheese cube unlimited? :P

no cheese cube, took a week, i just play that myself from time to time, kino is abandoned for now cause i cant be fucked
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no cheese cube, took a week, i just play that myself from time to time, kino is abandoned for now cause i cant be fucked
take your time mate. It's not like your life depends on custom maps (or do they?)
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Not sur if this has been asked before cause I didn't see it in the search results (difficult to search for);

How d you exit the Trap Machine Menu? I get in, I press USE (same button for buying a wall gun for example), but I'm stuck in their til I get hit by a zombie. Can't get out by ESC menu key ... I dunno. Please help
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The new Map Manager gives me an error everytime I try and download any of the maps
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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First mistake was using ugxs map manager

Honestly they should fuck it off and just upload the rars to file sharing like the rest of the world does
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This is a fun nice map, but I have a few problems.

1. Power parts are sometimes missing and sometimes no power part will spawn. (mainly the switch)
2. Trap key is 9/10 times missing.
3. I have problems with the hells redeemer/retriever. When I down, and I get up again, it is gone. I need to pick it up again and upgrade it by the grave. This is also the case for grenades.

I tried redownloading again recently, but it does not show up on the map manager and there is no link here.
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First mistake was using ugxs map manager

Honestly they should fuck it off and just upload the rars to file sharing like the rest of the world does
Honestly I haven't had any problems with it. I am guessing I have been using the "old version" of it.
Last Edit: July 15, 2017, 06:34:53 am by Sidzzz
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epic map guys i would just like to know if there is some secret way of activating cheats??? i have tried using the sv_cheats 1 command but that didnt work and i cant seem to launch it using devmap command or i just dont know how to thx in advance

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