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City of Hell - Next Station v1.0 (T4M)

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Created 11 months ago
by gamer9294
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My Custom Zombie Maps:

- Nazi zombie Legion
- City of Hell
- The Abandoned Mine
- The Last Undead House (Finished)

more custom zombie maps coming soon
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City of Hell - Next Station
Version 1.0
(Requires T4M to play this map)
Link to T4M: - T4M

Important to know
(1)   First thing to know is, this map requires T4M tool to make the map playable because of the limits.
(2)   Second thing is to turn off:  'Specular Map' and 'Ocean Simulation' options in the Call of Duty - World at War Game. (Settings -> Graphics).
(3)   Maybe need to decrease the option: 'Number of Corpses' to 'Small' or 'Tiny'.
(4)   There are some bugs in this map, at the moment not much time to work on it but when possible do my best to fix these bugs.
(5)   Last thing to keep it short.  Maybe it can happen that the game crashes on loading screen don't worry, just try few more couple of times, if it doesn't work make sure you have running Steam or LanFixed version with the T4M enabled.

Video not working, try this link:
The 4 survivors has found a way out to escape from the zombie horde with the red train and reached out a next station. They thought this place was a safer place than they thought, but apparently it was a fraud.
Now they have to prove themselves again if they can survive this zombie horde. But will they really be able to do that, who knows?
Features of this custom zombie map (WaW):
  • Buyable ammo (Cold War style)
  • Wunderfizz (Black Ops 2 style)
  • Buildable Weapons
  • Buildable Pack-A-Punch
  • Crafting Table (Cold War style)
  • Pointstreaks (Similiar to killstreaks)
  • Flashback Porter
  • Trashbags (Ghosts style)
  • Perks (Juggernog, Speed cola, Quick revive 2.0, Mule Kick, Stamin-up, Tombstone, Electric cherry)
  • Weapons (WAW, BO1, BO2, MW1, MW2, Ghosts)
  • Different Zombie types
  • Bosses
  • 3 types of end-game
  • Easter eggs
  • Moving trains (from City of Hell map)
  • And many more..



Yes, maps can have bugs indeed. Also what I already mention above. I know there are some bugs and I will do my best to fix them when I have time for it :)
Some known issuesugs:
  • picking up coin bags to fast let the hud freeze on the screen.
  • Sentry turret placing issue on some sections of the area.
  • Ghost house not fully working function. Once activated, it can happen they go outside as well.
  • Guard dog is not available, but it can be a chance that it comes out of the care package. Don't pick it up!

* Bamskater33
* shippuden1592
* YaPh1l
* rumorequimico
* Terry
* OnlineX420
* Frd
* Tito
* MrHankey91
* Marsvinking
* Classifiedd
* XxBlasterxX
* GuitarLover
* Lepope
If I forgot somone that is not listed in the credits list, send me a pm.
And all the other amazing people from and who posted a topic (like: tutorials).
So everyone with scripts, tutorials, models, prefabs or something else thank you very much, to make this map possible!

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We fell into a dark room and had no idea how to get out, which ruined our game.:'( is there any ee Tutorial?
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We fell into a dark room and had no idea how to get out, which ruined our game.:'( is there any ee Tutorial?

Hi Lava_Wills,
Sorry to hear, you probably walked into the horror house if I got it right?  Because there is a woman ghosts that is trying to catch you. So when the ghosts came to close to you, you will transfered to the darkness room.
if you playing solo it will give a randomly chance to get free but if you playing co-op, your mates need to help you out of it by going into the horror house run to the basement and find a button to activate it. That button releases a door, that helps your friend out of the darkness.
There is not yet an ee tutorial but I will do my best to make some video`s about the map how to do some easter eggs and/or how to complete some sub missions or primary missions.
Kind regards,
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Hi Lava_Wills,
Sorry to hear, you probably walked into the horror house if I got it right?  Because there is a woman ghosts that is trying to catch you. So when the ghosts came to close to you, you will transfered to the darkness room.
if you playing solo it will give a randomly chance to get free but if you playing co-op, your mates need to help you out of it by going into the horror house run to the basement and find a button to activate it. That button releases a door, that helps your friend out of the darkness.
There is not yet an ee tutorial but I will do my best to make some video`s about the map how to do some easter eggs and/or how to complete some sub missions or primary missions.
Kind regards,
When I walked into a basement, I suddenly fell into a dark room. Then my friend met the ghost and he came in last, we three were unable to get out of the dark room, and the zombies would not come to us. ::)
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When I walked into a basement, I suddenly fell into a dark room. Then my friend met the ghost and he came in last, we three were unable to get out of the dark room, and the zombies would not come to us. ::)

Probably it could happen that the ghost was closely behind you or nearby, probably the radius of the ghost is maybe a bit to large, I guess.
Ahh that is shit happens :sweat_smile:  
Mostly if all players has been catched into the dark room it should end the game if I had it correctly.  :facepalm:
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Really happy to see new WaW maps coming out. Will defs play when i get a chance
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Really happy to see new WaW maps coming out. Will defs play when i get a chance
Thank you for the reply.   really great to hear to see players still playing world at war maps.
Kind regards,
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So, i was looking around the website to find some old maps to dust off WAW with, and after i stumbled across this one, i noticed the release date and i was pleasantly surprised by the fact people are still making mods for WAW instead of BO3 :o
I loved everything about it, especially the little nods to COD Ghosts both in map layout and in gameplay mechanics, my only complaint is that the process to turn the power on is a bit confusing at first, but as i said, the map is amazing and i love it!
9/10 i gotta get some buddies to play it in coop some day!
Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 11:01:38 am by Moderator (Approval)
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Map Is Broke Theirs Times Where Parts Don't Spawn In Right Places?? Making map Completely Unplayable Iv Looked For Long Time Multiple Games It's Either The Fuse is Missing Or One Or Both Of The Keys Can't Progress An it's really unfortunate as I Would Like To Complete The Map.   
Over All What I Have Played Of The Map Which Is The Area You Can All Buy Without needing power is Vary Good.
Missing Keys Or Fuse
Spawn Locations Out Of Map?  Or In Unreachable areas Due To Not having the key's/Fuse power :trex:
Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 11:01:27 am by Moderator (Approval)
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It makes me sad that I've played your maps since 2014 and I've beaten or gotten close to beating all of them, but I feel completely lost in this one. I could never find the key for the underground station, I can't figure out where the gas canister, second generator (not the zap gun one) or where the tire goes(the gas and tire don't work on the car). I also feel like I searched thoroughly enough to find most things, if not everything. I hope you are still planning on updating it because I could never find any parts that worked for the elevator, the car, and 2 for the thundergun.
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So, i was looking around the website to find some old maps to dust off WAW with, and after i stumbled across this one, i noticed the release date and i was pleasantly surprised by the fact people are still making mods for WAW instead of BO3 :o
I loved everything about it, especially the little nods to COD Ghosts both in map layout and in gameplay mechanics, my only complaint is that the process to turn the power on is a bit confusing at first, but as i said, the map is amazing and i love it!
9/10 i gotta get some buddies to play it in coop some day!

Thank you for your comment.  Thanks, yes I'm still making zombie maps (of course when I have time left to make one).
 Thank you for liking my zombie map. :)

Double Post Merge: March 31, 2024, 08:36:48 pm
Map Is Broke Theirs Times Where Parts Don't Spawn In Right Places?? Making map Completely Unplayable Iv Looked For Long Time Multiple Games It's Either The Fuse is Missing Or One Or Both Of The Keys Can't Progress An it's really unfortunate as I Would Like To Complete The Map.   
Over All What I Have Played Of The Map Which Is The Area You Can All Buy Without needing power is Vary Good.
Missing Keys Or Fuse
Spawn Locations Out Of Map?  Or In Unreachable areas Due To Not having the key's/Fuse power :trex:

Sorry to hear. I will do my best to make some video`s soon about where you can find some parts or how to do some stuff.
Thank you for your comment.  I will double check the issue, to be sure.

Double Post Merge: March 31, 2024, 08:39:37 pm
It makes me sad that I've played your maps since 2014 and I've beaten or gotten close to beating all of them, but I feel completely lost in this one. I could never find the key for the underground station, I can't figure out where the gas canister, second generator (not the zap gun one) or where the tire goes(the gas and tire don't work on the car). I also feel like I searched thoroughly enough to find most things, if not everything. I hope you are still planning on updating it because I could never find any parts that worked for the elevator, the car, and 2 for the thundergun.

Thank you for the reply. That is awesome to hear ;) that you already played my maps since 2014 :ok_hand:
I can understand that, I will take a look into it. Also I'm planning on to make some youtube videos for it how to play and where all the parts are, etc.
Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 08:39:37 pm by gamer9294
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Can I get the zip version of this map, I have major trust issues with exe's lol if anyone wants to send me the map zipped up would love to play it 😁 IceGrenade on discord
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changed one line of code, bug is fixed

Coming to work on monday morning.
When a bug mysteriously disappears.

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@IceGrenade just download the exe and instead of executing it, simply open it with 7-zip (rightlick, 7-Zip open archive) and extract the mod folder yourself.
A zip could be as harmful as an exe. So be sure to use the latest version of 7zip (or whatever extract too you use).

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