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UGX-Mods 10,000 Member Giveaway Contest! CONCLUDED

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by treminaor
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I'd would like to see Tutorials about the Game and maybe more fun maps with UGX Mod...
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I'd would like to see Tutorials about the Game and maybe more fun maps with UGX Mod...
Mappers make maps with ugx mod. The ugx team just deliver the mod for mappers.
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i would like to see more custom zombies maps like you add maps who are made from an other site maybe so the player has more maps to choose from and don't have to search for them on the internet :D

i know my english is bad and i know i don't use dots or anything because yeah i'm from belgium and i don't even use it in my own leanguage so i'm sorry for that but other then that the program works fine :D
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I would like to see some more sub headings for the zombie maps. Not just wip and releases, more organized headings that give a general description of the maps.
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I would love it if the launcher had more maps and categories like maps from UGX and you could search one up like "UGX Christmas" for easier finding and you could add more maps
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Id like it if the challenges on all the maps were linked (maybe to a ugx or steam account? I dunno) so that any levels/unlocks you got carried over to all the maps. Not sure if that's even possible, but it would be nice.

Also, a section on the forums for finding people who want to play.
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If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
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Id like it if the challenges on all the maps were linked (maybe to a ugx or steam account? I dunno) so that any levels/unlocks you got carried over to all the maps. Not sure if that's even possible, but it would be nice.
We have considered doing something like this, but the problem is that not all maps are created equal. Some maps are going to be naturally easier than others, they may have camping areas, they may be exploitable, etc, and we don't want that to carry over into a map that doesn't have these issues. Having a high rank on Comosea is a lot different than having a high rank on the Magnus Map, for example.

We may do some global ranking for certain hand-approved maps, but definitely not all of them. Only the future will tell.
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I think that there should be some organized game playing such as a zombies night.  This would be kind of cool because UGX members could play with other UGX members and play UGX maps.  This could also lead to recognition on youtube as many people run youtube channels.  Admins could participate as well to help moderate games and have some fun.  I hope you consider this idea and thanks for reading.
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Maybe some zombie minigames on the website where you can battle between the forum members and see who's the best :P
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maybe you could make a youtube forum. so any member could record some videos on the maps, and upload them here so other members can look at it before downloading it, and then they could get some exposure on their youtube channel. cause we got some great youtubers who dont get exposed enough.
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So far Im super excited to have found the UGX community and there mods, Great work BTW, Im no modder in anyway wish i was just don't have the time, but i have always wondered why someone hasn't made a mod for zombies where the map was as close as possible to an open world(obvious will have it's limit where you can't continue) and where you could use vehicles, Ie Jeeps with mounted 30. cal or 50. cal, tanks or just Lav's, having the ability to customize weapons as you would be able to in multi-player, and possibly set it up where you able to fortify a position and kind of, have that horde mod feel, but also have objectives on the map which i've seen some maps try and do, but im talking more in-depth where you have to find a key to open a armory, and from there move 3 clicks west to find aid supplies or "perks" and really have that feeling of move or die or just be ready for a real fight, but something ive really wanted to see for a long time in a zombie maps is every single weapon ever used on a cod game, (I understand there might be a limit on thee amount of weapons that can be incorporated into the game, by a script limit or protocol) but lets get real that would be FUCKING RAD to see in a zombie game, i can even set the theme for you guys, If you may recall the Museum map on MW2 i believe, where you can pick from a selection of guns and there press the red button and fight all the solider (models) throughout the map, something similar to that would be pretty epic for Zombies, and if you included and outside area which could house vehicles and chopper's(probably unrealistic in a cod game   :-\) and other goodies to make the game highly re-playable but sorry for the rant and its just something I've wanted to do but i can't due to my lack of modding knowledge and know how, and TIME! big one haha but being able to bring a world that you can play Map by map but as your progress through each map its almost like a campaign. But yeah i digress haha in other words keep up the Awesome work, and Cheers to all the modders at UGX who make PC gaming what it is and always will be!  -That one Bloke
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

Goliath Script Placer:,11234.msg125257/topicseen.html#new

"...Christ, people. Learn C, instead of just stringing random characters
together until it compiles (with warnings)..."

-Linus Torvalds
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So far Im super excited to have found the UGX community and there mods, Great work BTW, Im no modder in anyway wish i was just don't have the time, but i have always wondered why someone hasn't made a mod for zombies where the map was as close as possible to an open world(obvious will have it's limit where you can't continue) and where you could use vehicles, Ie Jeeps with mounted 30. cal or 50. cal, tanks or just Lav's, having the ability to customize weapons as you would be able to in multi-player, and possibly set it up where you able to fortify a position and kind of, have that horde mod feel, but also have objectives on the map which i've seen some maps try and do, but im talking more in-depth where you have to find a key to open a armory, and from there move 3 clicks west to find aid supplies or "perks" and really have that feeling of move or die or just be ready for a real fight, but something ive really wanted to see for a long time in a zombie maps is every single weapon ever used on a cod game, (I understand there might be a limit on thee amount of weapons that can be incorporated into the game, by a script limit or protocol) but lets get real that would be FUCKING RAD to see in a zombie game, i can even set the theme for you guys, If you may recall the Museum map on MW2 i believe, where you can pick from a selection of guns and there press the red button and fight all the solider (models) throughout the map, something similar to that would be pretty epic for Zombies, and if you included and outside area which could house vehicles and chopper's(probably unrealistic in a cod game   :-\) and other goodies to make the game highly re-playable but sorry for the rant and its just something I've wanted to do but i can't due to my lack of modding knowledge and know how, and TIME! big one haha but being able to bring a world that you can play Map by map but as your progress through each map its almost like a campaign. But yeah i digress haha in other words keep up the Awesome work, and Cheers to all the modders at UGX who make PC gaming what it is and always will be!  -That one Bloke

Walls of text hurt my eyes.

ANYWAY, If you even attempted to download the mod tools and tried modding, then you would understand why nearly all of what you said isn't possible. By the time DLC3 content is added, I would assume that 370 or some FX is added out of a max of 400.

Mind you, things like dogs and such can be removed to save space, but it's still not possible to create a large scale-well detailed custom zombie map like in Black Ops 2. The only reason they can even manage THAT is because of all the engine tweaking. Tweaking that the modding community isn't capable of doing due to lack of access to the engine itself.
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So far Im super excited to have found the UGX community and there mods, Great work BTW, Im no modder in anyway wish i was just don't have the time, but i have always wondered why someone hasn't made a mod for zombies where the map was as close as possible to an open world(obvious will have it's limit where you can't continue) and where you could use vehicles, Ie Jeeps with mounted 30. cal or 50. cal, tanks or just Lav's, having the ability to customize weapons as you would be able to in multi-player, and possibly set it up where you able to fortify a position and kind of, have that horde mod feel, but also have objectives on the map which i've seen some maps try and do, but im talking more in-depth where you have to find a key to open a armory, and from there move 3 clicks west to find aid supplies or "perks" and really have that feeling of move or die or just be ready for a real fight, but something ive really wanted to see for a long time in a zombie maps is every single weapon ever used on a cod game, (I understand there might be a limit on thee amount of weapons that can be incorporated into the game, by a script limit or protocol) but lets get real that would be FUCKING RAD to see in a zombie game, i can even set the theme for you guys, If you may recall the Museum map on MW2 i believe, where you can pick from a selection of guns and there press the red button and fight all the solider (models) throughout the map, something similar to that would be pretty epic for Zombies, and if you included and outside area which could house vehicles and chopper's(probably unrealistic in a cod game   :-\) and other goodies to make the game highly re-playable but sorry for the rant and its just something I've wanted to do but i can't due to my lack of modding knowledge and know how, and TIME! big one haha but being able to bring a world that you can play Map by map but as your progress through each map its almost like a campaign. But yeah i digress haha in other words keep up the Awesome work, and Cheers to all the modders at UGX who make PC gaming what it is and always will be!  -That one Bloke
Thanks for spending the time to write out the message but map/mod suggestions in the contest entries don't count. As for the idea itself as daedra said the limits of the engine just wouldn't do something like this very well, mind something like it would be possible with a significant amount of work. I would look up "The Rising Mod". It's a mod for MP that lets you play zombies on the MP maps. The mp maps are about as big as you are gonna get with an open map like you are talking about, like the map airfield for instance.
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I'm sorry.
You ever wonder why we're here?
maybe you could make a youtube forum. so any member could record some videos on the maps, and upload them here so other members can look at it before downloading it, and then they could get some exposure on their youtube channel. cause we got some great youtubers who dont get exposed enough.
That's what I'm saying with the off topic section. :P
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I think there should be a guide on how to be able to download maps. It took me awhile to figure out to download the program that allowed you to get the maps

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