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UGX-Mods Survey | My Community Research Project

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Created 6 years ago
by MZslayer11
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Hello UGX Members. I need your help!

As part of my college Critical Writing class, I have been tasked with creating a research essay on a particular group of people. I choose to do my project on the UGX-Mods community and it is now time for me to start gathering my data for my essay. That is where you guys come in. I would greatly appreciate it if as many people as possible could take the following survey. It doesnt matter who you are, the more responses I can get, the better. The survey is anonymous and should only take a few minutes.


My professor is also requiring us to conduct interviews with five people within our group. These "interviews" will take place over Discord DM's or really any other messaging service within the next couple of days. This too will not take much time and the questions will be similar to that of the survey but of course open-ended and in more detail. If you are interested, please send me a message on Discord MZslayer11#2655 or send me a message over UGX-Mods. I am looking for a variety of user ranks for these interviews, for example one Administrator/Moderator/Team Member, one or two Community Mappers, one or two Community scripters, and one or two Donators/Normal Users. Also, preferably I would like the participants to be relativly active users on the forum/discord as well. If too many people volenteer, it will be on a first come first serve basis. If I cant get enough volenteers (more likely), I may have to reach out and ask some specific people.

Your participation is greatly appreciated, thank you!
Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 02:17:48 am by MZslayer11
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Filled in your form, glad I could help :homer:
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Also from me :awesome:
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MZslayer11's Contact & Social LinksMZslayer11Service_Code_30#2655
Thank you all for your participation so far! I have recieved 10 responses on the survey which is a lot less than I expected to be completly honest, but Im grateful none the less. I still need 3 more people that are willing to answer one-on-one questions over DM if anyone else is willing to help. Thanks!
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i did it 2 times because i forgot what i selected in the first one :please:
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Thank you all for your participation so far! I have recieved 10 responses on the survey which is a lot less than I expected to be completly honest, but Im grateful none the less. I still need 3 more people that are willing to answer one-on-one questions over DM if anyone else is willing to help. Thanks!
If you still need some people to answer questions over DM I guess you are welcome to message me as well (on whatever medium you prefer)!
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Due to my project deadlines, my time for data collection is over and the survey is now closed. Thank you all so much for your participation. I will share the final project with everyone if anyone is interested in reading, as well as the grade I recieved. I can still conduct interviews with two more people if anyone volenteers, but I should be able to get by with the imformation I recived from my three participants if need be.

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