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Trickster 24 & DeathBringerZen's UGX 1.1 Mod Review

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Created 11 years ago
by DeathBringerZen
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Hey guys. So, me and Trickster24 have decided to give the UGX 1.1 Mod a kind of preview/review based on the footage and videos released so far by UGX.

In the video, we talk about what we have seen, what we expect, and what we hope for from the upcoming mod. We just chat back and forth on what we think looks good on the mod and what we hope for when it is finally released.

We are not posting this video for views or subs... more so because we are big fans of the custom scene and really wanted to try and spread the word on the mod and the scene in general.

Please take time to view it and post comments here on what YOU are most excited for with the upcoming mod. I am personally excited more for the Gersch and the Retriever.

What about you?

Ugx Mod v 1.1 Standalone Review Part 1

Special thanks to Treminaor (and the rest of the UGX team) for allowing us permission to use the footage. Thank you so much guys... for EVERYTHING! :D
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you should have told me when you were doing this, i would've been happy to take part
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you should have told me when you were doing this, i would've been happy to take part

We wanted you to be a part of it but when we were doing it, you were not on Steam. We are doing a follow up review on it though when it officially drops, and would be delighted to have you in on that.

Off topic... you SERIOUSLY need to get a mic dude. :P
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good review of the mod! i cant wait for this to get released
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well with christmas coming up soon, the mic issue may hopefully be resolved
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good review of the mod! i cant wait for this to get released

Thank you. We tried to be as honest about it as possible. Some things we appreciate, some not so much.

At the end of the day, what we DO appreciate, is the time and effort made by Trem, Delta, Sage, Slag, NoFriendo and EVERYONE else who took their time time to make this mod... for FREE, so we can benefit from it.

I seriously admire these guys and all the work they do. Anyone who doesn't, well... too bad for them.
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                          In the video you mentioned that you mainly play zombies. I am the same way, I may play other games here and there but ever since I found custom zombies it's really been my gaming focus. A couple years ago when I played UGX Christmas I was blown away and I knew I had to find these guys and become a part of what they were doing. Since then it's just gotten better and better. Also, the level of professionalism from the people who run this site compared to other custom zombie sites is off the charts, as I'm sure most of you already know. These guys are the real deal and 2014 is going to be amazing for custom zombies thanks to all their talent, hard work, dedication and creativity. 
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I am known by "Trickser24", I am pleased to announce that part 2 of our review will be going up shortly. I am just rendering out the final video now. The videos are long, I know trust me, but I do still think that the videos are well produced. I honestly think you guys will like what is talked about in this upcoming one.

Very pleased to see the amount of positive feedback that we have received on the YouTube side of things. We appreciate that and hope you enjoy the final part 2.

Please if you have not already, go and donate to these guys and on the way hit a vote for the mod of the year for them.


Trickser24 & Deathbringerzen
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These guys are the real deal and 2014 is going to be amazing for custom zombies thanks to all their talent, hard work, dedication and creativity.

I couldn't agree more. All the features included within the 1.1 mod look absolutely mouthwatering, and I cannot wait to see how they are in-game. I hoped so much for the Gersch Device to return in BO2 and was pretty surprised they didn't. The community definitely were vocal on the forums regarding a hope for them to return but it didn't happen.

Since WaW and BO1 dropped, I pretty much gave up playing any other games as I was completely hooked on zombies. Played maps like Kino and Ascension religiously for several months trying to break 60, and when looking up a few strat videos on Youtube, I came across a video for Yote's Lair. I watched it and though... "What the hell is this!?!" I was blown away by it.

I did not even know about custom zombies until that day and within a few days, I had bought a gaming PC and a copy of World at War and the rest is history. I downloaded several maps and although not completely blown away by some of them, I was impressed with a select few. I decided to dig deeper into the scene and saw some WIP maps that just looks stunning. When BO2 dropped I abandoned the scene for nearly a year, only to return and see how far it had progressed.

Some maps recently released are just incredible and show that great maps can still be made 4+ years later. Take Neighborhood. It is such an amazing map. Love the 4 perk limit and the ability to earn more through the bonus rounds. Also love PHD/Cherry combo perk. It was done so well. EE was one of the best I have seen. Up there with Nacht Der Toten Walder as my current favorite maps to play right now.

With the upcoming release of the mod, I expect the scene to really deliver some top quality maps soon too. 2014 will definitely be a great year for this scene.

I also have to agree completely on the professionalism of this site and the people who run it. It looks good and the admin team are extremely helpful when their assistance is called upon. It pretty much is the go to site on this scene now and that is proven by the fact that mappers are coming over and releasing older maps on here now as they can see a high volume of users on the site.

I also appreciate the policy in place that only allows solid maps to get put onto the map manager. So many times I downloaded maps on ZM only to find them completely broken and barely playable. Also love your own site too over on zommods. I always read your reviews before getting a map. It let's me know if the map is stock, has an EE or is even worth getting in the first place. I remember reading your interview with Weezy regarding NachtDTW. You need to try and do a follow up if possible as I would love to know how his new map is coming along.

You should also try to get NachtDTW on your site. It deserves so much more exposure. Map is simply stunning.
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couldnt agree more, i knew about the custom scene for a while but was not sure on it being a worthy investment at the time but after the shit BO2 was churning up, i went to hell with it back in march especially when i saw this mod and got WaW, it doesnt run perfect, but it means i can play decent maps
Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 08:24:16 pm by timelordalex
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Thanks once again you guys for taking a look at our review. I do hope you enjoyed, also on a side note you guys put me up at 200 but just this morning lost it but oh well. Thanks again guys in advance.

If you have yet to see review you can check it out here at my channel:
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I'm back and glad to announce that a grateful donation has been made to the site. The developers and owners of the site greatly deserve the extra cash I had to spare. I will be making continuous donations as time moves on. I really do appreciate Treminaor and Sage allowed me and DeathBringerZen the rights to review their upcoming release.

Donation Total: $15.00 USD

UGX v1.1 Standalone.

Thanks guys,

And thanks Treminaor.

I really enjoy your presence,

If you missed the video review of the mod then please refer to the top of the thread for my good buddy and co-associate member to my channel left a link.



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Still awaiting mod to another review very soon.

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