// Mule Kick set_zombie_var( "mulekick_cost", 4000 ); // Perk cost set_zombie_var( "mulekick_min_weapon_slots", 2 ); // The min amount of weapons the player can drag set_zombie_var( "mulekick_max_weapon_slots", 3 ); // The max amount of weapons the player can drag
Yup, I believe basically this entire script is left untouched from me, I only changed the starting weapon with one that i have included in my mod.
Code Snippet
set_zombie_var( "start_weapon", "tac45" ); // Starting weapon, this must match with the weapon file name (You no longer need to set weapon in _loadout.gsc)
Also not really sure how this problem was caused, If i change this to "zombie_colt", I can then pick up two weapons again, not Three from Mulekick though... I really wish i knew exactly what was causing this, For now though i'll just have to set it back to Colt and disable mulekick until i solve it
Okii, could it be you modified: _loadout? Maybe that is causing issues?
thanks for help and the setup map. but i must be doing something wrong i do not know what it could be .
here is my step makeing a map I use ugx_mod standalone_v1.0.4 i do ever step in this video tells me to do https://youtu.be/jaFFtOzukSU
before i build iwd in laucher i put the files you sent me in my mod folder then i build the iwd but i am still get same problem.
i use UGX Script Placer 2.0.1
then recomple my map patch the recomple my map
the i use CoD Project Mover as the video tells me above.
I think I get what is going on. No my perk pack is not compatible with the UGX Standalone mod. Once you have used 'standalone' you have to reinstall the mod tools for World at War.
I know that the standalone mod already includes some black ops perks.
i thought that might have something to do with it so i took the map setup you sent me and put in my root/mod and my appdata/local/myname/ actvison/call of duty/mods
then a lauch the game and then i get a 400 fx error. so i am think if use t4 would that work
i thought that might have something to do with it so i took the map setup you sent me and put in my root/mod and my appdata/local/myname/ actvison/call of duty/mods
then a lauch the game and then i get a 400 fx error. so i am think if use t4 would that work
I installed the full package because I don't know what you want to use?
it is working with setup map you made every thing is work but when i try to replace your map to map i made and still name it maddog i spawn with no gun now . any ideas why ?
it is working with setup map you made every thing is work but when i try to replace your map to map i made and still name it maddog i spawn with no gun now . any ideas why ?
If you are using custom weapons then I would suggest to rename "zombie_colt" to your starting weapon.
This should not be done in your _loadout.gsc script!
Last Edit: January 28, 2023, 12:53:54 am by gympie6
hello :wave: .. i just did everything you said in txt file and i got an error called bad syntax what did i missed?
Hello! :wave: I don't know what you have missed, can you post the error here? I also added a Youtube to this topic to help you install the perks. (Don't forget to use developer 1 to see the error)
Hello! :wave: I don't know what you have missed, can you post the error here? I also added a Youtube to this topic to help you install the perks. (Don't forget to use developer 1 to see the error)
Hope this helps.
no its just me that i didnt copy pasted the "preedited Sniperbolt's scripts" folder into mapname/maps Goodjob tho ! 1+