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How do I check to see if a player is still holding on a trigger?

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Created 9 years ago
by FinalKill9175
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Hey guys, as you may know, I am trying to make the acid gat kit. I am scripting the buildable right now and I have a question. Is there a way to see if a player is still holding on a trigger (maybe a flag or something?)
Here is my chunk of code for the buildable:
Code Snippet
kit_trig waittill("trigger", player);
sawsound = spawn("script_origin", kit_trig.origin);
sawsound playsound ("buildable_loop");
kit_trig SetHintString("");
player thread crack_knuckles();
wait 7;
player notify("buildable_completed");
sawsound playsound("buildable_completed");
playfx(level._effect["powerup_grabbed"], kit_model.origin);
kit_model show();

Maybe I could do something like:
Code Snippet
kit_trig waittill("trigger", player);
sawsound = spawn("script_origin", kit_trig.origin);
sawsound playsound ("buildable_loop");
kit_trig SetHintString("");
player thread crack_knuckles();
                           //Update progress bar, count, etc.
player notify("buildable_completed");
sawsound playsound("buildable_completed");
playfx(level._effect["powerup_grabbed"], kit_model.origin);
kit_model show();
Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 06:56:32 pm by FinalKill9175
Marked as best answer by FinalKill9175 9 years ago
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For something like this you would use a progress bar probably. Here are some of my helper functions that you may be able to take something from to work for what you want.

Code Snippet
ProgressBars(timer, knuckle, deleteit){
/* timer = optional, int or float for time to finish progress bar
knuckle = optional, boolean to have knuckle crack during or not
deleteit = optional, delete this trigger when done, boolean, default deletes it

Requires: knuckle_crack() and #include maps\_hud_util;
Displays a progress bar while player is holding use button until time is up, notifies
stop_building when progress bar is done, used for knuckle crack timer

trig ProgressBars();
trig ProgressBars(timer);
trig ProgressBars(timer, knuckle);
trig ProgressBars(timer, knuckle, deleteit);
if(!IsDefined( self )) return false;
if(!isDefined(timer)) timer=3;
constTime = timer;
player = undefined;
self waittill("trigger", player);
if(!is_player_valid( player )) return false;
if(isDefined(knuckle) && knuckle){
player thread knuckle_crack();
while(player GetCurrentWeapon() != "zombie_knuckle_crack") wait(.1);
player.PBar = player CreatePrimaryProgressBar();
player.PBar.color = ( .5, 1, 1 );
player.PBar UpdateBar( 0.01, 1/constTime );
while(player UseButtonPressed() && distance(player.origin, self.origin)<100 && player isOnGround() && !player maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() && timer>0){
timer = timer-.1;
player notify("stopped_building");
player.PBar destroyElem();
player.PBar = undefined;
if(!IsDefined( deleteit ) || deleteit) self delete();

knuckle_crack(){// self is player
/* no vars

Requires: AllowMoving(cond) and zombie_knuckle_crack
Cracks players knuckles, checks if has deathmachine before giving back last weapon

player thread knuckle_crack();

if(is_player_valid( self )) return;
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self AllowMoving(false);
if( self GetStance() == "prone" ) self SetStance("crouch");
gun = self GetCurrentWeapon();
self GiveWeapon( "zombie_knuckle_crack" );
self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_knuckle_crack" );
self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "stopped_building", "weapon_change_complete");
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
if(self GetCurrentWeapon()=="zombie_knuckle_crack" && IsSubStr( gun,"deathmachine" ) && (self !HasWeapon( "deathmachine" ) && self !HasWeapon( "deathmachine_upgraded" ))) self SwitchToWeapon( self GetWeaponsListPrimaries()[0] );
if(self GetCurrentWeapon()=="zombie_knuckle_crack" && is_player_valid(self)) self SwitchToWeapon( gun );
self TakeWeapon( "zombie_knuckle_crack" );
self AllowMoving(true);

AllowMoving(cond){//true to allow moving, false to not allow moving
/* cond = true or false, true will allow moving, false will prevent it

self AllowLean(cond);
self AllowAds(cond);
self AllowSprint(cond);
self AllowProne(cond);
self AllowMelee(cond);
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For something like this you would use a progress bar probably. Here are some of my helper functions that you may be able to take something from to work for what you want.

Code Snippet
ProgressBars(timer, knuckle, deleteit){
/* timer = optional, int or float for time to finish progress bar
knuckle = optional, boolean to have knuckle crack during or not
deleteit = optional, delete this trigger when done, boolean, default deletes it

Requires: knuckle_crack() and #include maps\_hud_util;
Displays a progress bar while player is holding use button until time is up, notifies
stop_building when progress bar is done, used for knuckle crack timer

trig ProgressBars();
trig ProgressBars(timer);
trig ProgressBars(timer, knuckle);
trig ProgressBars(timer, knuckle, deleteit);
if(!IsDefined( self )) return false;
if(!isDefined(timer)) timer=3;
constTime = timer;
player = undefined;
self waittill("trigger", player);
if(!is_player_valid( player )) return false;
if(isDefined(knuckle) && knuckle){
player thread knuckle_crack();
while(player GetCurrentWeapon() != "zombie_knuckle_crack") wait(.1);
player.PBar = player CreatePrimaryProgressBar();
player.PBar.color = ( .5, 1, 1 );
player.PBar UpdateBar( 0.01, 1/constTime );
while(player UseButtonPressed() && distance(player.origin, self.origin)<100 && player isOnGround() && !player maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() && timer>0){
timer = timer-.1;
player notify("stopped_building");
player.PBar destroyElem();
player.PBar = undefined;
if(!IsDefined( deleteit ) || deleteit) self delete();

knuckle_crack(){// self is player
/* no vars

Requires: AllowMoving(cond) and zombie_knuckle_crack
Cracks players knuckles, checks if has deathmachine before giving back last weapon

player thread knuckle_crack();

if(is_player_valid( self )) return;
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self AllowMoving(false);
if( self GetStance() == "prone" ) self SetStance("crouch");
gun = self GetCurrentWeapon();
self GiveWeapon( "zombie_knuckle_crack" );
self SwitchToWeapon( "zombie_knuckle_crack" );
self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "stopped_building", "weapon_change_complete");
self EnableOffhandWeapons();
if(self GetCurrentWeapon()=="zombie_knuckle_crack" && IsSubStr( gun,"deathmachine" ) && (self !HasWeapon( "deathmachine" ) && self !HasWeapon( "deathmachine_upgraded" ))) self SwitchToWeapon( self GetWeaponsListPrimaries()[0] );
if(self GetCurrentWeapon()=="zombie_knuckle_crack" && is_player_valid(self)) self SwitchToWeapon( gun );
self TakeWeapon( "zombie_knuckle_crack" );
self AllowMoving(true);

AllowMoving(cond){//true to allow moving, false to not allow moving
/* cond = true or false, true will allow moving, false will prevent it

self AllowLean(cond);
self AllowAds(cond);
self AllowSprint(cond);
self AllowProne(cond);
self AllowMelee(cond);
Thanks man, I will use these and give you credit.

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