You can either create a mod menu type thing when they join the MP lobby, or just make a set of "Classes" that hold information relating to the guns. Ergo, use GiveWeapon()
Me and my friend are trying to do custom zombies but can't join each other. We noticed we are on different patch numbers, I am on 1.7.1263 and he is on 2.0.44. If it's me who is not up to date, steam will not update the game for some reason. Any fix? thank you.
It's because your friend has T4M, most maps say you need it now.
lol on my first map (its on zombiemodding ) all I got were a bunch of bots saying they found free steam gift cads
haha I know right! same stuff happened to me on there all the time. There once was a time when zombiemodding was not full of spam, I guess the moderators just don't care anymore. It's sad
I found a big bug If you try to use LanFixed/LanFixed2 to run two separate games on two seperate PCs running T4M plus lanfixed (Testing on one PC for this time, really does not make a difference), my game will crash upon launching the map. Pretty much LanFixed + Co-op does not work.
For something like this you would use a progress bar probably. Here are some of my helper functions that you may be able to take something from to work for what you want.
Code Snippet
ProgressBars(timer, knuckle, deleteit){ /* timer = optional, int or float for time to finish progress bar knuckle = optional, boolean to have knuckle crack during or not deleteit = optional, delete this trigger when done, boolean, default deletes it
Requires: knuckle_crack() and #include maps\_hud_util; Displays a progress bar while player is holding use button until time is up, notifies stop_building when progress bar is done, used for knuckle crack timer