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Messages - pcmodder

I just tested this and the bank works . I didn't add the sounds yet I will add them later just wanted to confirm and say thanks. This was a great feature in ZIS when playing co op !

One question is it possible to delete or perhaps change the colour of the HUD when you deposit or remove the points ?
6 years ago
Was this map being made for BO3 or WAW ?
8 years ago
Hey man thanks for the reply , the problem there is I am no good with the scripting or the porting side of mapping , it was the weapon ports and scripting that I found difficult the first time I mapped :(  I would like to have some collaboration with some other guys to work on this map and have it feature packed .

The sword is such an awesome weapon for gameplay of zombies , it kills but is not a god mode type weapon ( squid gun ) and requires 40 kills to charge back up , I have run trains to high rounds in most areas of SOE that sword is awesome , and not so easy to use high round with no shield .

So where do I begin porting the sword and scripts? :D

8 years ago
After a lot of trial and error I am having difficulty getting the zombies to spawn into my map , the only way they traverse into the map is the window barrier prefab from the example map . I have a lot of points in my map where the zombies spawn in but window boards would look out of place there .

IN WAW mapping there was a basic wall hop node , also I cannot get the zombie drop downs to work either as the zombies just treadmill the point the spawn upon .

I have also tried the Jbird prefabs however I cannot get a zombie to traverse into the map from outside the map .

Thanks .
8 years ago
Hi guys , I have been playing a lot of SOE and I like the keepers sword very much , I have started to create a map for BO3 and I was wondering if anyone knew where to start adding the sword to custom maps and also original maps ( the giant ) as a replacement for the annihilator .

I have been informed I will have to port the weapon but I am not sure how I would start to port a weapon into the same game . I tried changing the starting weapon to the glaive_keeper_0 but it did not work .

8 years ago
Having played abandoned school map along with the others i found overall this map the best for surviving a zombie apocalypse. Features including a trap and a wonderweapon , a uniquie boss zombie from KF , options in menu for FOV , hitmarkers and zombie counter. The map and level design are also excellent to look at and play in.

The starting of the map in co op is fun to re unite with your team mates . This way of starting zombies seems more towards teamwork than 4 players racing for points in the start room ( with less than 4 spawn in points). Leading to an evenly spaced journey for the players (most games) to meet in the power / pool area.  An optional easter egg ending ( i am not an easter egg player unless there is a reward ) and this is about surviving not hunting.

I will state this choice came to a final decision between abandoned school and encampment Encampement is also an amazing map ,however to "survive" i would prefer to use a trap to kill zombies with high HP than grinding with MGs. Having no decoy weapon ( that we found ) made reviving in co op very tight for time , and being good at reviving it was still barely enough time to revive without taking damage  :) The design of encampement is really well thought , the weapon sounds are very good too. I like the randomised perks and the way the map can be opened different ways to allow for multiple strategies .

All the maps were fun to play good work all involved :)

Double Post Merge: November 28, 2015, 04:33:28 am
umm , i don't want to be rude and not give anyone my vote ... lots of mappers work hard on thier maps i know that gg all (i hope you all win guys) but my vote goes to JBIRD632 consider it a favor ;)

I think you should vote on the map based on the criteria of the competition rather than "As a favour"  ::) 

Even so if you were to do that it seems quite strange to write it on a post.  Not sure if these mappers want votes as favours but vote on the criteria and quality of the finished map / mod. In fact it says in the rules not to vote based on this type of reason.
9 years ago
Sometimes an issue like that can be cause d by a defective GFX card , or alternatively an insufficient power supply.  Can you post your system specs and PSU wattage.
9 years ago
Awesome map heres our co op game  :D ( I am ken5hir0 )

9 years ago
Check to make sure the barricade is not touching any walls around it. If the window board is in a solid brush it gets stuck when the zombie tries to remove it.

I had a similar problem when I used a window the game would freeze each time a zombie went to this specific window. It was because i has set up the window wrong somehow , so i use the prefab in the map_source folder.
9 years ago
Have you added the script_flag to the trigger of the door. Your script flag for that zone must match what you have named the flag in GSC. The script flag is the third.

So it goes ....   Name of zone , name of adjacent zone ( one next to it ) then the scipt_flag t activate the zone. The zomb ies will not spawn until the scriptflag has been triggered.
9 years ago
You have // in front of those lines and that will ignore those lines. Try remove the // from the start.
9 years ago
Ye I can post a prefab of the doors and what part of the mod folder script would you need ( back home at 3 am ) thanks
9 years ago
Not sure exactly where i would put this or what some of the entries i would use , the doors are all named similair name_door and all have a script flag connectedto the trigger multiple for the sliding.
9 years ago
Thanks for the reply , i gather that the entity will be the doors targetname and the alias is the name of a sound file ,  not sure about the other 2 parts ( stoppable flag and notification string ) , would i need one line of this for each door? :D
9 years ago
Hi all I would like to add some sounds to my sliding doors in my map.  A sound that plays when they are opened / closed. I got the sliding doors from stuffs tut . Also if anyone knows how to add lights activated by the door also. I remember seeing a tut but I cannot find it now . The doors already have trigger multiple to open / close so maybe I could add a sound with that same trigger.

Also if anyone knows if I could go about having some sounds triggered at certain times to unfold a story as the player progresses. If I recorded my voice does anyone know a software I could use to voice change to make it sound like a computerised voice , as though the base is controlled by a Ai or something similar.  That voice would then play at points in the map .

All help appreciated. If anyone is creative and wants to have some input or suggestion for a story feel free to post.
9 years ago
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