Having played abandoned school map along with the others i found overall this map the best for surviving a zombie apocalypse. Features including a trap and a wonderweapon , a uniquie boss zombie from KF , options in menu for FOV , hitmarkers and zombie counter. The map and level design are also excellent to look at and play in.
The starting of the map in co op is fun to re unite with your team mates . This way of starting zombies seems more towards teamwork than 4 players racing for points in the start room ( with less than 4 spawn in points). Leading to an evenly spaced journey for the players (most games) to meet in the power / pool area. An optional easter egg ending ( i am not an easter egg player unless there is a reward ) and this is about surviving not hunting.
I will state this choice came to a final decision between abandoned school and encampment Encampement is also an amazing map ,however to "survive" i would prefer to use a trap to kill zombies with high HP than grinding with MGs. Having no decoy weapon ( that we found ) made reviving in co op very tight for time , and being good at reviving it was still barely enough time to revive without taking damage

The design of encampement is really well thought , the weapon sounds are very good too. I like the randomised perks and the way the map can be opened different ways to allow for multiple strategies .
All the maps were fun to play good work all involved

Double Post Merge: November 28, 2015, 04:33:28 am
umm , i don't want to be rude and not give anyone my vote ... lots of mappers work hard on thier maps i know that gg all (i hope you all win guys) but my vote goes to JBIRD632 consider it a favor 
I think you should vote on the map based on the criteria of the competition rather than "As a favour"
Even so if you were to do that it seems quite strange to write it on a post. Not sure if these mappers want votes as favours but vote on the criteria and quality of the finished map / mod. In fact it says in the rules not to vote based on this type of reason.