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Adding the keepers sword to a custom map and existing maps

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Created 8 years ago
by pcmodder
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Hi guys , I have been playing a lot of SOE and I like the keepers sword very much , I have started to create a map for BO3 and I was wondering if anyone knew where to start adding the sword to custom maps and also original maps ( the giant ) as a replacement for the annihilator .

I have been informed I will have to port the weapon but I am not sure how I would start to port a weapon into the same game . I tried changing the starting weapon to the glaive_keeper_0 but it did not work .

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reckfullies's Contact & Social LinksReckfulliesReckfullies
Hi guys , I have been playing a lot of SOE and I like the keepers sword very much , I have started to create a map for BO3 and I was wondering if anyone knew where to start adding the sword to custom maps and also original maps ( the giant ) as a replacement for the annihilator .

I have been informed I will have to port the weapon but I am not sure how I would start to port a weapon into the same game . I tried changing the starting weapon to the glaive_keeper_0 but it did not work .


Note: I'm not very experienced with this so don't follow everything I say, just saying what I think is the right way to do it

Well you would port just like any other game, rip the assets from the map with wraith then get them into ape. Then you would most likely need to make your own scripts for the weapon unless they are included in the assets which they probably aren't, that is probably the hardest part. Someone may have already made the scripts but I haven't seen them anywhere

The main reason you would need to do all this is because they didn't actually include all the weapons in the mod tools, so we don't have access to those weapons
Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 09:07:10 pm by reckfullies
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Hey man thanks for the reply , the problem there is I am no good with the scripting or the porting side of mapping , it was the weapon ports and scripting that I found difficult the first time I mapped :(  I would like to have some collaboration with some other guys to work on this map and have it feature packed .

The sword is such an awesome weapon for gameplay of zombies , it kills but is not a god mode type weapon ( squid gun ) and requires 40 kills to charge back up , I have run trains to high rounds in most areas of SOE that sword is awesome , and not so easy to use high round with no shield .

So where do I begin porting the sword and scripts? :D

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