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Contact Support - Help Center Get help on the UGX Discord. Join it now!Linking "zm_cavechallenge" (usermaps\zm_cavechallenge stable 2951413 v593):
done: 0m14.31s
Could not create A:\Arquivos de Programas\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\/usermaps\zm_cavechallenge/zone_source/all/assetinfo/zm_cavechallenge.csv.
Linker will now terminate.
Linker summary:
There were no errors or warnings.
function staminup() {
trigger = GetEnt("stamintrig", "targetname");
trigger waittill("trigger", player);
trigger Delete();
staminuperk = GetEntArray("stamin", "targetname");
foreach (stamin in staminuperk) {
stamin MoveZ(-235, 1);
staminuperkstructs = struct::get_array("stamin", "targetname");
foreach (stamin in staminuperkstructs) {
stamin MoveZ(-235, 1);
IPrintLnBold("Staminup moved");
im now getting this error
ERROR: MAX_MAP_TRIANGLES (3072000) exceeded
thread function(argument)
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
structs = struct::get_array("something", "targetname");
He doesn’t know what he’s doing...
This is bo3 not waw - there is only one spawner and the structs / spawners wouldn’t necessarily be touching the zone volume anyway - PLUS a zone can be multiple volumes your only checking one...
Check zm_zonemgr.gsc - there’s “actual code” to disable riser points... struct.is_enabled or something if I recall