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COD Vertical MP Map Concept

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Created 8 years ago
by -M-Kaiju
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Hey yall, had a few hours to download the Mod Tools so I decided to clean up a sketch draft of a map I was thinking about for a while. I had both B03 and IW in mind for this one. You can save/open the image up in a new window for a better view.

I think anyone whose played COD can agree the 3 lane, while a reliable source of entertainment, can get trite and obvious at times. I sure that there probably is a similar map somewhere to this, in fact it made me think of one of the early maps from Halo 1, except it was far smaller and I don't quite recall its name. What I wanted to try out was a vertical 3 lane map using elements of maps I've enjoyed in the past. Kind of had this for Domination in mind and tried to achieve a good balance of equal tactical leverage moving sideways and vertically through the map. I also tried to spice up both the ground running and sniping by have each quadrant be specific to it's own style.

I broke it down into 3 quadrants and 3 passageways intertwined. Also the main vertical shaft is scalable via a spiral staircase, water fusion silo walls, or along the outer walls. From each quadrant/control rooms there is a truss to the inner core stairwell/platforms. Each quadrant has a nice big window to the center, good for either defending or flanking, wile each passage also has a room with a exit to the center that can be used to navigate to another area or camp/defend the main shaft entirely.

Starting with C, the power control room is a sniping gallery with a 2 nests facing one another and one facing the main shaft, giving it a slight advantage as it's the lowest point. A serpentine path through giant heat syncs allows one to cross the room as cover.

Moving from C to B is the Garage with two small nest/rooms and a hanger with vehicles populating the mid-ground. The hanger also has a larger entrance to the main shaft with lip/platform.

Moving along into the Water Control, or point B, one can use the pipes (by vert pipe i meant vertical as in it goes from floor to ceiling, not xgames style lol) as cover to the main shaft entrance or the elevated platform to A. This also is an advantageous spot for marksmen moving the other way through the map.

Going from B to A is the water pipes which I wanted to emulate from BO3's micro/splash pipes because I dug them. Between the connections are two rooms and one with an opening to the main shaft.

At point A is the air control room which I kept simple because it is the highest point in the map so I think it should be easily flanked to counter camping. Inside the room are 3 elevated fan props for cover.

Lastly is the Air Shaft area which traverses the entire height from A to C with 4 close quarter areas for running in a ventilation system (would be could if u could augment the aluminum sound effect, might be cool with surround sound) with 2 small vertical rooms, one with platforms, one with yet another entrance to the center.

That about is the long and short of it, anyone is welcome to give their suggestions and feedback while i'm working at it as my aim was to make a map that can satisfy everyone's COD taste. If there's any of you guys with 3D/Photoshop experience, I could always use a hand with a props/textures if you have the inclination/time. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think about it.
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Some preliminary progress, tweaked the initial concept to make a better map flow and added an outer corridor to reach each main area. Made it nice and wide and plan to add obstacles moving upward for equal fighting conditions on either team. I'll also be adding a window in this corridor facing an outside view of the environment outside the facility, probably a rolling surreal landscape and sky. Finished the base architecture and connections between areas and am moving on to create the interiors of each quadrant, beginning with walls and simple details before cleaning the geometry up for normal maps later on. Note that some of the outer geometry on the pipes are just connectors and will not be visible from the map while in play. I'll be along with further progress shortly, but in the mean time, let me know what you guys think. This is the first map I've made using the available tools so I look forward to everyone's input and learning from the more experienced mappers. Thanks again, cheers!

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Main exterior and interior architecture done, now on to details and uvmaps.

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Which program did you use to design the map layout?
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Which program did you use to design the map layout?

I'm using Maya for the primary geometry and a few custom models. This is of course just the outside which you'll never see. Descending initial pan of the interior core will be up by next morning.
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Looks cool and you def put a lot of thought into this, i'm not a huge mp fan but i'll keep an eye on this WIP for sure!
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finally a mapper that has a professional approact to mapping. looking forward to see what's to come. you should probably remake it with brushes and patches if you're not thinking about making the entire map on maya.
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I'm using Maya for the primary geometry and a few custom models. This is of course just the outside which you'll never see. Descending initial pan of the interior core will be up by next morning.

I'm looking for a program to do planning mapping as well. Thanks
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Looks cool and you def put a lot of thought into this, i'm not a huge mp fan but i'll keep an eye on this WIP for sure!

I have no issue modding it for a endless zombie spawn  :alone:  :alone:  :alone: lol

finally a mapper that has a professional approact to mapping. looking forward to see what's to come. you should probably remake it with brushes and patches if you're not thinking about making the entire map on maya.

Yeah, I basically was going to make 98% it in maya lol Just more familiar to me as its my profession. I might just use some vehicles and props just to save myself some time, I can always add some of my aircraft/vehicle stuff later.

I'm looking for a program to do planning mapping as well. Thanks

If you have any 3D experience, Maya is just the standard so may as well use it lol I'm self taught so it is very possible, may I suggest the Mastering Maya books by Eric Keller.


Next interior descent pan.

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Next some drafts for the outer spiral way using temp base materials to get and idea for lighting and the background.

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