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Close Doors in World at War v0.1

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Created 3 months ago
by StraightArrow
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Hi everyone,
I've always thought of zombies as more of a tower defense horde mode. I found it strange that the games didn't evolve much past rebuilding barriers for this aspect. So here is my early WIP of adding more tower defense aspects to the game to make high rounds more interesting. This mod just closes the help door in nacht. it kinda works on other doors but is pretty janky. pretty sure der reise doesnt load with this on. Haven't been able to test multiplayer as my friends dont have waw and dont want to buy it.
What it does:
Allows you to close door after opening it. Careful! Zombies will come knock it down after a few seconds!
Plan to do:
1. Make  all doors closeable
2. Make the debris act like closeable doors
3. allow player to 'barricade' against door to increase time it takes to knock down
4. increase polish. add fx and different sound/animation to make it look like door is coming down
5. make this work on all maps including modded ones
Known issues:
1. rarely zombies can slip in through door. the game is jank and collision doesn't apply to everyone, go figure
2. Some zombies get confused when door opens and cant chase after you
Last Edit: July 06, 2024, 05:40:55 am by StraightArrow
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Very cool, keep it up. This was also on my to do list but I was only going to do the help door and it would have some restrictions, i.e. you only get the option when all other doors are open and it costs points

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