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Topics - tomikaze

Creator: CreepersAreEpic (Ping998)

Setting: Welcome to Disney's Discovery Island, a place of wonder beyond your wildest dreams where you can observe a variety of exciting creatures of nature all in one park. Think Jurassic Park, but instead of Dinosaurs you have normal boring animals. Now, you've no doubt heard the rumors swirling around about this place. Rumors of parasites that swim up your urethra when you pee and then expand forcing doctors to amputate the penis...or wait, was that the Amazon parasite invasion? Oh yea, these parasites just go up into your brain and kill you, my bad. Oh well, whichever parasites you end up with while on this island of family friendly fun you can be sure it's going to be a good time.

Positives: This map really has that overgrown jungle feel to it of a place that has been neglected for far too long which makes getting around the map mid round a challenge and you never know what might be lurking in the tall grass just inches away from you. The objectives are pretty fun and will have you finding hidden switches which is actually quite challenging as the mapper found some creative places to hide the switches. There are 9 perks for you to find, Black Ops & Black Ops 2 guns as well as the PAP machine and a reasonably priced buyable ending. One of my favorite things about this mapper is that he doesn't include wall weapons on his maps instead there are numerous dig sites around the maps in which you can find a free gun or ammo from time to time. This makes the mystery box extremely valuable where on some maps you can completely ignore the box and still be successful.

Negatives: There isn't anything on this map that is visually spectacular and you'll see the same wood textures used over and over again. There also aren't any debris to unlock so you can explore the entire map right away with no need to buy your way through and open new areas, you'll be spending your points on all the switches you need to locate instead.

Conclusion: I really love this map and even the negatives aren't a big deal to me. Once in a while a mapper comes around who you feel makes maps with you in mind and that is the way I feel about CreepersAreEpic. Both this map and his previous one, Bunbury are a little more low key and just good fun zombie killing experiences perfect for solo players like myself.

Level of Detail: 6/10
Custom Content: 7/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 7/10

Score: 28/40

Download map here:
10 years ago
I've been thinking about the realism mod and how I've played hours and hours of maps like Berlin Bank, Killzone & Nazi Zombie Western - heck I even play Der Riese with the Realism Mod on. The idea of leveling your character and and having different load outs, perk upgrades and rewards for getting a certain # of kills, headshots, etc, unlocking new weapons along the way - these things all contributed to making Realism incredibly addictive and tons of fun.

I think it would be amazing to see a new Realism Mod made (or an update) with modern guns, perks and rewards. I don't know if there is a team out there who would want to take this on but there has got to be other people out there who feel the way I do about this mod. I'm not downplaying how much work it would be, but leveling a character gives you a reason to keep playing and to go back and play maps over and over again. I think the community could really benefit from this.
I'd love to hear what others think.

10 years ago

Hey guys, Tomikaze here, I had the opportunity to send some interview questions over to HexZombies who got with the rest of the team and gave me the inside scoop on just what is going on behind the scenes and in the minds of these mapping mad scientists - I hope you enjoy.

Q1: How did it come about that all 4 of you guys: Awesomepieman, Jbird, Radimax and yourself came together to make a map? That's a lot of people to work on one project and a lot of personalities to deal with  :D

A: Well, when me and Pieman were working on The Swan I kept pitching him an idea I had for an underwater zombies map and in the show "Lost" which the Swan is based on there is an underwater facility called "The Looking Glass Station", Pieman said that if we could get the looking-glass station to look and act like it was underwater then that would open up the possibility of creating the underwater map. So after some time, pie simulated the underwater environment and it not only looked amazing but it also worked! So once the Swan released we started talking to two other map designers Jbird and Radimax and pitched the idea of working together to create Leviathan. In the end we all got a little wet.....


Q2: Did you all share the same vision for the map Leviathan, because it seem to me that with 4 people there are a lot of different opinions involved and different ideas to have to take into consideration? Also, is there one person who is the project lead who makes the final decisions?

A: At first I think we all had widely different ideas about how the map was going to look, we had no concept art or references to look at when the build started - so basically you will see each of our different styles built into one map with the set goal that it has to look practice for an underwater setting. Pieman has a more ambient visual style, Radimax is High Tech Industrial style,  Jbird is detail orientated in his style and I am more heavily themed in my style  and when we put that all together it actually started to come together and work - obviously there were disputes and minor arguments along the way but that is to be expected when you're all trying to work on the same thing.
As for the project lead, I would say we all have shared that responsibility but we do lead in are own individual departments - Pieman and Jbird lead in scripting while I and Radimax lead in mapping.


Q3: Are there any official Call of Duty map or even any community made zombie maps which you guys have drawn inspiration from in making Leviathan? If so, which ones?

A: I can say that Moon was the biggest source of inspiration for Leviathan, Moon is so vast in its story and unique gameplay - not to say that other zombie maps havent been amazing, but Moon was just the next step forward for the game mode and so eye-opening about how far zombies could be taken. So to re-create that feeling that most people got when Moon was first announced and released we decided to follow suit and create something just as extravagant.

Q4: Leviathan looks pretty freakin' huge. Is it as big as it looks? Is this going to be the largest zombie map to date? Is there any other map who's size you could compare it to?

A: Oh it is massive! (that's what she said), at first I think we planned on it being the size of moon but then we just took it a lot further, because it is such a unique idea to bring to zombies and was so much fun for us to build that we just had to keep adding things until we remembered (hey this engine does have limits) lol. But yea for the size of the map which I will also say is not one flat surface, it has multiple levels to it not just mapping wise but the theme aswell, it is on par with Moon, Origins, Mob of the Dead - but somewhat larger.


Q5: Are there going to be features in this map that have never been seen before in custom zombies? If there are, is there anything that you can say about these features right now...any secret bits of info that you can indulge our readers with?

A: Yes of course, we as a team want to give you that same feeling you get when a new DLC releases - so expect an array of new features that suit the map. I can't say much except for what most of you know about the map already, you must realize that I work along an evil monster known as PieMan so I'm pretty much in fear that he will throw torpedoes at me at any moment or punch me straight to China. But what I am allowed to say is that the underwater environment in Leviathan is beyond anything we could have imagined!


Q6: Some maps in the past have had objectives which were so complex and in such tight areas that it made solo play impossible except for the absolute best zombie players out there. Will this map be more solo friendly, like maybe a solo option for the average player and a harder multiplayer mode?

A: As of right now Leviathan is still being built so we won't be able to give you a definitive answer, but don't let that put you off! Leviathan is being created in a similar fashion to a Black Ops Zombie map and will be solo friendly in the way you play and complete goals. Move along now, nothing to see here.

Q7: Are there any other game modes planned for Leviathan other than a classic mode? Any gungame or possibly some of the other game modes that Jbird is creating for his Christmas map?

A: No, we decided very early on that the map was going to be classic Black Ops Zombies in all of its glory. Of course it would be cool to have different game modes, and Ideas for game modes were thrown around, but when it came down to it Leviathan is designed specifically as a grand underwater horror adventure.


Q8: Let me just shoot this one to you straight. Is this the officially-unofficial follow-up to Moon that you have been saying that it is? Can we expect an in-depth story for this map which picks up where Moon left off or is this merely a return to Black Ops in the form of gameplay and weaponry?

A: In our minds I would say it is the official-unofficial follow-up to Moon since BO2 was not how most of us imagined the story would be picked up - but Leviathan is more in line with how Call of the Dead and Mob of the Dead are told - same zombie universe, different group of people with an all new in-depth horror story in the style of classic Black Ops.

Q9: What are each of you guys favorite official Treyarch zombie maps and why?

A: HexZombies - Ascenion "Vintage Sci-Fi Horror"
     Jbird 632 - Call of the Dead "I love snow maps"
     AwesomePieMan - Moon "Zombies in SPACE!!!"
     RadimaX - Der Riese "No comment - Currently Drinking Monster"

(sidenote: thank you RadimaX for NO REAL INFORMATION! ~ Tomikaze)

Q10: Last question. If this map is as big of a success as we are all thinking it will be, is there any chance you guys would all get back together for another map; or is this a one-and-done type thing?

A: Well let's sure as hell hope it is a success! We have tested it for 7 months now and we are still not bored. And yes I think the four of us would all like to get back together one day after Leviathan releases and just start throwing out ideas for maps, I think this time around it will be way easier to get the ball rolling since we have worked together so long and have gotten the hang of working as a team. So hopefully the community will see something new from us in the future.


~Thanks to Tomikaze from the Leviathan build team for doing this interview so that the community could get a sneak peek into the map. See you sometime in early 2015.~
10 years ago

Creator: Weezy428

Setting/Intro:   A hobo village which was rampant with disease and infection has now been completely devastated by both the outbreak and military action. Signs that the CDC tried to contain the outbreak are present, but it is clear to you that containment has failed and it is up to you to take matters into your own hands and win the day for all humanity.

Another map of Weezy’s which is totally underrated; I can’t believe what is happening to this guy. First, Nacht der Toten Walder gets zero love from the community for over a year after its release and then this one explodes onto the scene like 10 tons of C4 and yet fizzles out without getting the appreciation it deserves. Never fear though, I am about to explain why.

Positives:  The pluses in this column are obvious, right? I mean the map looks amazing! The detail is outstanding; maps that look this good come out once a year, maybe. Even the areas where zombies spawn from behind barriers are given so much attention you actually wonder if you are supposed to be able to get back there. No doubt it’s totally confusing at first because of the layout, but the more times you play this map the more you begin to understand how Weezy has woven this whole map together to make it work. This map is BIG, but once you realize how many areas connect because of how intricate it is all laid out you see that it’s really quite ingenious.  When you play this map you are going to think that it is huge, and that may be true, but it’s compact as well. There is very little unused area and the map is filled with areas that overlook other areas which you can get to once you find the correct route or unlock the appropriate debris. This is straight up genius to the power of Weezy. This is also why you need to have 3-4 players to truly take it all in because if you are unfamiliar with the map or you are running solo you are going to be overwhelmed – this is not bad, this is getting lost in a world that has been created to draw you in and test you.

This map boasts BO1 & 2 guns, custom wall weapon boxes, BO1 & 2 zombies, 8 perks an ammomatic machine, Hazmat player models from BO2, a custom HUD, soul chests complete with a very nice reward, teleporters, custom sounds and a beautiful working waterfall.

Negatives:  The reason why this map gets a bad rap from people is 3 fold, so hear me out. First off, most of the map is setup almost maze-like and you combine that with heavy detailing and you begin to feel like too much is being thrown at you at one time. It feels like everything in the map is screaming at you to “Look at me!”, but you can’t take it all in at once - it’s like visual overload. Secondly, because of the claustrophobic, ultra tight map layout it must be played with 3-4 people in order to not feel like a complete deathtrap. Yes, it can be done with fewer players, but that is going to require much more skill and effort than the typical zombie player can muster. But bring 3-4 players to the party and this will feel amazing, still chaotic, but it’s going to feel at least possible to win. The last issue with this map is the objectives; you have an insane # of barriers to purchase and then a couple of the objectives take flat out dumb luck in order to figure out – this really bothered me and no doubt any complaint about this is completely valid.

Conclusion:  There is no question that this map was made with 3-4 players in mind much like Treyarch zombie maps are, and even then this map will take a few playthroughs in order to get a good grasp of the layout of the map. But once you know what you are supposed to do this map can be beaten in less than 20 rounds and you will feel like you summited Everest when you do finally achieve success. Please don’t sell this map short; it’s a modern work of art and the latest offering to the community from a mapper who loves detail, loves making maps and genuinely brings his absolute best to the table with every map he makes.

Level of Detail: 10/10
Custom Content: 8/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 10/10

Download Here:
10 years ago

Creator: thezombiekilla6

Setting: Ok, so you wake up from a hard night's drinkin' and realize that you have somehow stumbled onto a Russian military base with the dead rising all around you (don't get all preachy and act like this has never happened to you before). With just a few scattered clues here and there it's up to you to survive long enough to make your way through the base and figure out how to make your escape.

Positives: This map is straight up a camper's paradise and brutha I love me some campin'! I'd recommend 2 players at least to really take advantage of these great camping spots but even with one person it's probably doable. Overall I'd say the maps looks really good with a bright daytime above ground area and a darker underground with almost sci-fi looking long narrow hallways. It's got BO1 perks and Double Tap 2.0 to go along with an arsenal of Black Ops 2 guns, baby! But it doesn't end there; thezombiekilla implements elemental ammo drops which takes down the zombies with hilarious and satisfying death animations – you will feel like a BOSS. Lastly, the objectives were quite enjoyable and even though most of them required you to search for things they were never impossibly hidden. There are even a couple steps that put me into panic mode when something happened that I wasn't expecting.

Negatives:  There were a few rooms where the detail was lacking severely especially in contrast to some of the other areas which were done so well. There are no real good training areas, so if that is your modus operandi then you may saddened to hear this.

Conclusion: This is a perfect example of a very solid map. I know that an early version of this map was kinda buggy but as it is now it plays well, it looks good, has variety, fun weapons, camping areas, fun objectives and a few things here and there that keep you on your toes. This is a must play in my book.

Level of Detail: 7/10
Custom Content: 7.5/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 7/10

10 years ago

Creator: Gbomb

Setting: Welcome to the Christmas version of Verruckt Mansion. Gbomb may have been sitting around with Radient open, perhaps knocking back a few glasses of eggnog getting himself all full of the holiday spirit, and then, all of a sudden mapping met merriment and BAM! we get SS Mansion – a less difficult version of his map Verruckt Mansion which is all decorated in colorful Christmas lights so that you feel all warm and friendly moments before zombies eat through your chest cavity! Oh look at me, here I am getting all sappy; Merry Christmas friends!

Positives: Since I mainly play zombies solo Verruckt Mansion was a hard map for me to get going on because there are quite a few doors to buy before you got to any decent weapons. Gbomb changes things up here by giving you a completely new starting area and quite a bit of room to train up the zombies before actually having to go into the mansion itself. Once you are inside the mansion though, there are no training areas so you'd better be confident that you can survive with the guns you have. I absolutely love how you have to work your way through this map; the way it is laid out is so much fun. You end up taking this twisty-turny route through the mansion leaving you wondering where the heck you are going to go next.

Negatives:  If you’re complaining about this map then you should probably just place your thumbs firmly against your eyeballs and force them out the back of your head because you are a loser! This map’s old and “features” didn’t exist back then. *(grumble) Bah humbug, ungrateful spoiled little brats (grumble)*

Conclusion: This map feels like a creepy old mansion that tells a terrifying story without saying a word. It's a great map to kick back with your friends, have some fun conversation and slay some zombies; and given the Christmas theme there is no better time to fire up this true custom zombie classic!

Level of Detail: 6/10
Custom Content: 1/10
Fun Scale: 7/10
Replayability: 6/10

Score: 20/40  (Let the record show that when it comes to OLD maps I think this numerical rating system is BS)

Download Link:
10 years ago
We may be weak by ourselves but together we are strong. Don't think you are ever alone  :'(  United we stand. One for all, all for one. To infinity and beyond.

10 years ago

Creator: Chromastone10

Setting: You wake up in the lobby. You wonder what's going on. The sickness that you heard about on the news seems to be doing strange things to people. Is it going to happen to you? Are you infected? Can you escape and if so how do you get out? Proceed with caution in this terrifying tale of  Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital.

Postives: This map looks like a freaking mental institution of serious unpleasantness and I mean that in the best way possible. The looks of this map match perfectly with how the mapper wants you to feel inside while you are making your way through. Normally it bothers me to have so much brown and gray all around me because it makes me think that the mapper doesn't care, but I did not feel that way this time around. The reason being is that there are creepy sounds everywhere that contribute to the uneasy feeling you will have constantly, but not only that, the events in this map are outstanding. Like the way the witches spawn in certain places, the engineer spawning in and tormenting you and that's not even mentioning the objectives. The objectives fit right in with the theme of the map and where actually FUN TO COMPLETE!!! The prisoner behind the door was masterfully done and the conclusion to his mini-quest made me sit there for a minute and contemplate whether I did the right thing by opening that door. Another thing I want to mention; since this map is a hospital there are going to be corridors and lots of rooms, it just has to be that way or else it wouldn't feel like a hospital, but another thing that Chroma gets right is that you still don't feel like there is any wasted space. You genuinely use every room and hallway in this map multiple times for good reason and that was very well done. Lastly, the guns were fun as was the shield and the Cerberus dogs were cool to see and added to the evil/demonic feel of the map.

Negatives: The Cerberus growling and the boss voice seemed really loud and overtook the audio when I was nearby. Also, finding 8 tapes I thought was a bit much. I don't mind finding 3 or 4 of something, but 8 of the same freakin' thing just seemed like, “Well, we're out of ideas, let's have them search around for an hour for a bunch of identical trinkets.”

Conclusion: Great map layout, detailed pretty well, creepy sounds which added so much to the map and fun objectives; what more could you ask for? Now seeing people beating the map within the first 7-8 rounds it may make you think that it's too short and not worth playing, but that's not the truth at all. Stay as long as you'd like, enjoy the atmosphere, appreciate the effort that went into making a very awesome, very complete custom zombie map experience. These don't come around everyday.

Level of Detail: 7/10
Custom Content: 8/10
Fun Scale: 10/10
Replayability: 8/10

Score: 33/40

Download here:

P.S. There is no solo quick revive. When you die, you die the way you die like when you die in real life.
10 years ago

Creator: Smasher248

Setting: Some lab, zombie outbreak, make it out alive...same old tired formula, right? WRONG! You begin the map in a very impressive looking room with the option of 2 directions to go, which will you choose? Will one direction take you to safety while the other lead to certain death? Find out for yourself, space is limited and the zombies are hungry.

Postives: Smasher did a really good job detailing the map; most of the rooms look impressive and believable as a laboratory that has been overrun by the undead. He uses lots custom textures and the colors and lighting are very appealing and appropriate for their locations on the map. There are lots of fun guns to play with including Black Ops 2 and Modern Warfare 2 & 3 guns. There are 11 perks to buy, destructible glass to shoot, custom fx and a small objective to give you something to work toward if mere survival is not your thing. The layout is pretty fun for the most part and there is a downstairs area which is perfect for training zombies.

Negatives: My biggest complaint on this map is that the objective feels way too basic and then it punishes you with a 50,000pt door which isn't even the end of the map! Without that, you'd probably finish the map in a matter of a few minutes, but now you're going to end up running endless circles in order to save up for the 50k door plus the other things you will be required to buy in order to win the map. Some other lesser complaints for me were that if you're playing coop and your friend is on the other side of the map and he fires his gun, it sounds like he is firing it right next to your head. This doesn't seem to happen with every gun, but often enough to become a bit of a distraction. Also, the Thundergun misfires WAY too often causing you to spend the ammo, get the visual effect, but then the entire group of zombies you shot is still right there running toward you, bummer : (

Conclusion: I know that my “negatives” paragraph is longer than my “positives” paragraph, but I still had a really good time playing the map. And as good as the map looks and as fun as the weapons are it may not bother you in the least to do what is being asked of you in order to complete the map.
There are also two versions of this map, a hard version where you only get points for kills and the zombies are runners from the start and an easier version with less caffeinated starting zombies and you get points for every bullet impact just like normal.

Level of Detail: 7/10
Custom Content: 7/10
Fun Scale: 6/10
Replayability: 5/10

Score: 25/40

Download here:
10 years ago

Creator: ZCTxCHAOSx

Setting: For those of ye salty old sea dogs looking for a swashbuckling good time filled with mystery, booty, and aggressive ,albeit ugly, wenches flocking after you then you've joined up with the right crew me hearties. However, if you are a scurvy, bilge-sucking blaggard who can't handle the open sea then this map will feed you to the fishes before you can say, “Yo-ho-ho and and a bottle of rum!”

Postives: This map looks flat out amazing and almost everywhere I looked had me thinking that I was actually on a ship sailing the high seas. The pieces of map that you had to collect was great, the pirate sword you could buy was fun and effective, the way you opened your way through the map was well done, the story that was told to you along the way was interesting...heck, turning the power on by lighting the furnace was a nice touch too. It was fun to be able to PAP your guns multiple times and the mini game was kinda cool too. The trap door was both funny and infuriating depending on if it just screwed over you or your buddy. I even like the new perks and the Quizz Mod and how you only get points for kills, this forces you to get high powered guns as soon as possible or else you are going to get overrun. It seems like nothing went unnoticed when this map was being made.

Negatives: I thought the layout of the map was its downfall. Unless you are a very, VERY good zombie player you aren't going to get anywhere on this map. You will be forced to camp the far end of the ship and pray that you get good guns out of the box so that you can survive long enough in order to figure out what you are supposed to do next. Also, the zombies spawn in with little warning; they're not rising, they're not pulling boards off windows, they are just appearing out of thin air...well, thin air covered in electricity. Also, most guns felt really underpowered and made PAPing ASAP mandatory. I felt like most guns should just be ignored and that there were just a handful of guns really worth getting.

Conclusion: This map offers zero forgiveness and in the end felt more like the best looking challenge map ever. You blaze through it as fast as you can and if you make one mistake then just restart and try again. Still, there is no denying everything that this map does right. It knocks it out of the park in the visuals and atmosphere department and if you can get a few good zombie players together you may be able to have one of the most frantic, white-knuckled zombie experiences ever.

Level of Detail: 10/10
Custom Content: 10/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 8/10

Score: 36/40

Download from the UGX Map Manager
10 years ago
I haven't bought Destiny yet as I didn't want to give into the hype machine and just buy a game because Bungie/Activision told me to. I really like the Halo games for their combat and beautiful level design.  And I do like the idea of leveling my character like the Borderlands series. So, my question to those of you who have played it is, is this game a good combination of FPS & RPG elements or not really? And if not, who is it really designed to appeal to?
10 years ago

Creator: ConvictioNDR

A remake of the Modern Warfare multiplayer map by the same name and as we all know remakes are never as good as the originals, right? Well...shut your stupid mouth! This version has zombies in it and is more than capable of coring a hole through your chest before you even hit the ground. Yep, that Ebola test came back and you are dead.

Postives: ConvictioNDR makes maps and he makes them look good, so as you can imagine this map is gunu look yummy. He spared no expense in detailing this map with extreme prejudice and even without anything to do on this map it would be worth playing a few times. BUT, lucky for you there is plenty to keep you busy on this map with many special challenges that reward you for getting tons of kills, headshots, knife-kills and more. The maps also has Black Ops perks, a custom perk and an interesting way to PAP your guns. There is even an easter egg that will benefit you mightily if you know something about the sci-fi TV show, Dr Who.

Negatives: This map is hard and doesn't have a tremendous amount of room to work with so if you are a fan of open space then just know that you aren't going to find much here. Also, many of the special challenges on this map are very similar the the ones that ConvictioNDR used on his previous map SOG, so if you didn't like them on that map then you won't like them here either. No room to run + Sprinters = nuff said.

Conclusion: A really great multiplayer remake that throws you into the zombie outbreak. A very fun map especially with friends and the nostalgia alone will be worth the experience. It's probably going come down to how much you like the the objective style that ConvictioNDR implements in his maps as to whether you will want to see this map through to the end, but still a valid entry into the custom zombie community for anyone who craves a good looking and challenging map.

Level of Detail: 8/10
Custom Content: 8/10
Fun Scale: 6/10
Replayability: 7/10

Score: 29/40

Download from the UGX Map Manager
10 years ago

Creator: zNiiC

Setting: Set in a movie studio or video game development studio or maybe even a studio apartment. Not sure exactly but it's tucked away out in the woods where any self-respecting business would be conveniently located.

Positives: As a fan of zNiiC’s previous maps Gas Station and Ski Resort with their creepy ambiance and weather conditions all around you I had high hopes for this map visually and zNiiC did not disappoint; he certainly knows how to give a map great atmosphere and Studio is no exception. This time around though he introduces a series of earthquakes that change the appearance of the map; not a huge thing, but it was a nice touch. The fire effects around the map represented by damaged pipes spraying streams of ignited gas into the air was also unique and added to the overall presentation of the map as does the dense fog and flashes of lighting.
There is a buildable power switch and buildable PAP machine which gives you something to do on the map past mere survival and it was also fun to be able to get onto the roofs of some of the buildings and fight the zombies at a little different altitude.
Also accompanying the standard WAW perks are Black Ops perks along with Electric Cherry and Vulture Aid to give you a good number of options to choose from.

Negatives: There is, however, a serious lack of staying power in this map. Once you’ve assembled the buildables there isn’t much to do other than maybe collect perks and save up for the 35k buyable ending. The parts that you do pick up for the buildables don’t show up anywhere on your HUD so you’ll just need to remember what you’ve already picked up.
Pack-A-Punching some of the Black Ops guns gives you upgraded versions of WAW guns instead which is strange. Many of the weapons also use incorrect sounds and animations which doesn't bother me terribly and the mapper mentioned that the issues with the guns are due to him using a mod that is still in beta; nevertheless, it’s somewhat annoying and sadly does take away from the experience some.
Also, lets say you buy 4 perks including Quick Revive and then get downed, well the game still thinks you have reached your perk limit and won't let you buy more.
BUT, by far the most annoying thing about this map was the number of times my game would temporarily freeze before resuming itself a moment later. Out of the half-dozen times I played this map it averaged about 5 freezes a game; this really needed to be fixed.

Conclusion: I wanted SO badly to like this map and I think I still do to a degree. It's just that it felt so unbalanced with its good visuals and fun layout, but then just got throttled by glitches, weapon compromises and lack of a reason to keep playing after the first 15 minutes or so. It certainly deserves to be played and there is some fun to be had, but your going to have to be willing to look past some things in order to do it.

Level of Detail: 7/10
Custom Content: 6/10
Fun Scale: 6/10
Replayability: 4/10

10 years ago
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