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Messages - tannnnnaiirrr

Can write up a tutorial in a few hours (I got school from 9-12, now it's 7:41). Will be gone around 1.
wow that would be great! thanks so much! And if it means anything, I'm using the "script placer Z" that JRImagine is using, including all the B01 perks included. So The  Stock and B0 perks are being used
9 years ago
I don't recall the amount of damage is done on player normally. So, you'll have to mess with it yourself, _zombiemode.gsc onPlayerSpawned and self.maxhealth
Be sure to modifjuggeernaut in _zombiemode_perks
thank you!
9 years ago
Are there any recent tutorials out there that can show me how to implement random perk drops/power ups? I know there is one on zombiemodding by GTLAD and Goony but I've heard of a lot of issues with that script, so can anyone help me out?
9 years ago
Where would I need to go to change the players health? And make so it takes 3 hits instead of the traditional 2?
9 years ago
yep, all credit goes to him.... to only him... nobody else... just him....  :poker:
well he's the one who posted it, so I gave him the credit. I don't really wanna give credit to 300 people just for a help with scripting problem lol
9 years ago
So I've got the tundergun in my map obviously, the Thundergun that Rorke posted with all his other BO1 weapons on CFG Factory. But the thing is, when I make an "upgraded" weapon file, its like the script for the thundergun doesn't include the upgraded version... so what do I need to do to make the upgraded thundergun work??

(P.S, I'm doing something a little different with the thundergun, so I only want the "thundergun_upgraded" weapon file to work like an actual thundergun) Not the actual "thundergun" weapon file

Would I just need to go into the script and change every "thundergun" to "thundergun_upgraded"?

Double Post Merge: February 28, 2015, 02:10:11 am
9 years ago
No problem, if you could shoot over a video of it that would be awesome :) I wanna see if I got the fade to black to origin and exit back right. (Also I just wanna see it XD, shoot me a PM if you don't want to make it public.)

Edit: Mark the topic as solved if everything is good.
Yeah let me wip up a quick video, I'll post it here! (I just started the map, so nothing is really done yet)

Double Post Merge: February 25, 2015, 02:04:26 am
No problem, if you could shoot over a video of it that would be awesome :) I wanna see if I got the fade to black to origin and exit back right. (Also I just wanna see it XD, shoot me a PM if you don't want to make it public.)

Edit: Mark the topic as solved if everything is good.
OK so youtube isn't processing videos tonight... I'll send you a link on twitter when it is done

Double Post Merge: February 25, 2015, 03:40:03 am
No problem, if you could shoot over a video of it that would be awesome :) I wanna see if I got the fade to black to origin and exit back right. (Also I just wanna see it XD, shoot me a PM if you don't want to make it public.)

Edit: Mark the topic as solved if everything is good.
9 years ago
Code Snippet
	teleportPoint = undefined;
Code Snippet
//DUKIP - Grab total players and randomize the array.
players = get_players();
players = array_randomize( players );
//DUKIP - Grab our tp structs and randomize the array.
tp_points = GetStructArray("player_teleport_point", "targetname");
tp_points = array_randomize( tp_points );
useSameTPPoint = false;
//DUKIP - It goes here!
teleportPoint = undefined;

Edit: no idea if you saw this for this block
Code Snippet
tp_points = array_remove(tp_points, teleportPoint);
the if statement above it, replace the 80 with 20.
Sir, you have made my day! thanks sooo much!
9 years ago
Overwrite the original function with my code (it's in the same GSC).
now its " uninitialized variable 'teleport point' "
9 years ago
Yeah you can put any number you want but 4 would be a good number as there might be a chance for all 4 players to be in same room.
Edit: Give the struct a targetname of player_teleport_point and then copy it for each new point :)
when launching the game it says "round_think" already defined
9 years ago
mmmmk give this a try
Code Snippet
for( ;; )
//designed by prod DT#36173
maxreward = 50 * level.round_number;
if ( maxreward > 500 )
maxreward = 500;
level.zombie_vars["rebuild_barrier_cap_per_round"] = maxreward;

level.round_timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_round_time"];


// round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_BEGIN" );


players = get_players();
array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_blockers_new::rebuild_barrier_reward_reset );

level thread award_grenades_for_survivors();

bbPrint( "zombie_rounds: round %d player_count %d", level.round_number, players.size );

level.round_start_time = getTime();
level thread [[level.round_spawn_func]]();


level.first_round = false;

level thread spectators_respawn();

// round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_END" );
level thread chalk_round_hint();

//DUKIP - Move players before round restarts.
//DUKIP - Don't run it on round 1?
//Can remove the if line to make it run on the first round.
if(level.round_number > 1)
level thread moveAllPlayers();

wait( level.zombie_vars["zombie_between_round_time"] );

// here's the difficulty increase over time area
timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"];

if( timer < 0.08 )
timer = 0.08;

level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = timer * 0.95;

// Increase the zombie move speed
level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * 8;


level notify( "between_round_over" );

//DUKIP - Grab total players and randomize the array.
players = get_players();
players = array_randomize( players );
//DUKIP - Grab our tp structs and randomize the array.
tp_points = GetStructArray("player_teleport_point", "targetname");
tp_points = array_randomize( tp_points );
useSameTPPoint = false;
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
//DUKIP - Select randomize TP point, if we're not keeping the same spawn point.
teleportPoint = tp_points[randomInt(tp_points.size)];
//DUKIP - If our tp room is the same our players tp room then reselect a new spawn point for the player alone.
//deprecated, map will have a chance of reselecting same areas.
//while(teleportPoint.script_string == players[i].tp_room)
// teleportPoint = tp_points[randomInt(tp_points.size)];

//DUKIP - Set player var we'll always update it instead of having it a chance of it failing.
//deprecated, map will have a chance of reselecting same areas.
//players[i].tp_room = teleportPoint.script_string;

//DUKIP - 20% chance remove the gotten spawn point from the array.
if(RandomIntRange(0, 101) >= 80 && !useSameTPPoint)
tp_points = array_remove(tp_points, teleportPoint);
//DUKIP - 60% chance to reuse same spawn point for the next player.
if(RandomIntRange(0, 101) >= 60)
useSameTPPoint = true;
useSameTPPoint = false;

players[i] thread movePlayerToRoom(teleportPoint);
IPrintLnBold("^1ERROR^7: Failed to generate teleportPoint for player #" + i + ": " + players[i].playername);

//DUKIP - Disable player controls and weapons.
self FreezeControls(true);
self DisableWeapons();
//DUKIP - Spawn HUD element
fadeToBlack = NewClientHudElem( self );
fadeToBlack.x = 0;
fadeToBlack.y = 0;
fadeToBlack.alpha = 0;
fadeToBlack.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
fadeToBlack.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
fadeToBlack.foreground = false;
fadeToBlack.sort = 50;
fadeToBlack SetShader( "black", 640, 480 );
//DUKIP - Fade at 0.5 seconds
fadeToBlack FadeOverTime( 0.5 );
fadeToBlack.alpha = 1;
wait 1;
//DUKIP - Wait one second, then move player to new point, unlock controls and enable weapons.
self SetOrigin(tpPoint.origin);
self FreezeControls(false);
self EnableWeapons();
wait 0.5;
//DUKIP - Fade at 0.5 seconds
fadeToBlack FadeOverTime( 0.5 );
fadeToBlack.alpha = 0;
wait 1;
//DUKIP - Make sure to destroy the element.
fadeToBlack Destroy();

So when I do this, I'll need 4 script structs in each area not including the initial spawn point correct?
9 years ago
This isn't complete it's just a mockup of the code.
Another thing I wanted to bring up do you want a chance for a player to spawn in the same room again? Because that's how it can be now, if you don't we'll have to go through some more checks.
Ahh ok, and yes, I do want players to be able to spawn in the same place again.
9 years ago
Code Snippet
for( ;; )
//designed by prod DT#36173
maxreward = 50 * level.round_number;
if ( maxreward > 500 )
maxreward = 500;
level.zombie_vars["rebuild_barrier_cap_per_round"] = maxreward;

level.round_timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_round_time"];


// round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_BEGIN" );


players = get_players();
array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_blockers_new::rebuild_barrier_reward_reset );

level thread award_grenades_for_survivors();

bbPrint( "zombie_rounds: round %d player_count %d", level.round_number, players.size );

level.round_start_time = getTime();
level thread [[level.round_spawn_func]]();


level.first_round = false;

level thread spectators_respawn();

// round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_END" );
level thread chalk_round_hint();

wait( level.zombie_vars["zombie_between_round_time"] );

// here's the difficulty increase over time area
timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"];

if( timer < 0.08 )
timer = 0.08;

level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = timer * 0.95;

// Increase the zombie move speed
level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * 8;


level notify( "between_round_over" );

//DUKIP - Don't run it on round 1?
//Can remove the if line to make it run on the first round.
if((level.round_number - 1) > 1)
level thread moveAllPlayers();

//DUKIP - Grab total players and randomize the array.
players = get_players();
players = array_randomize( players );
//DUKIP - Grab our tp structs and randomize the array.
tp_points = GetStructArray("player_teleport_point", "targetname");
tp_points = array_randomize( tp_points );
useSameTPPoint = false;
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
//DUKIP - Select randomize TP point, if we're not keeping the same spawn point.
teleportPoint = tp_points[randomInt(tp_points.size)];
//DUKIP - 20% chance remove the gotten spawn point from the array.
if(RandomIntRange(0, 100) >= 80 && !useSameTPPoint)
tp_points = array_remove(tp_points, teleportPoint);
//DUKIP - 60% chance to reuse same spawn point.
if(RandomIntRange(0, 100) >= 60)
useSameTPPoint = true;
useSameTPPoint = false;
Here's a mockup of what I have now.

Code Snippet
Wait until between_round_over to move players.
Grab players array then randomize
Grab teleport points struct then randomize
For each player have set conditions for randomize spawn point or reuse same point.
With spawn point struct determined teleport player, apply a black overlay before teleporting then take fade it out.
Wow, thanks! where do I put that top code at? and do I need to add that second part to anything?
9 years ago
Alright another thing are they going to be in the same room? Or will it always be random and players can't spawn in same room (/spawn point).
What I mean is having 1-4 spawn points per room and then it'll be randomly selected, then it'll be filtered out.
I could also make it teleport random players (randomize player array).
Yes, I was hoping for 1-4 spawn points per room, so maybe one round, everyone is alone, and the next round, there's that minimal chance that all 4 players end up in the same room, so yes!
9 years ago
Easy enough, one thing though could you add "tp points" for each player you want or do you want it to be random?
Yeah I was hoping for randomness, maybe so you could get lucky and end up with another person, but if it's too difficult I can settle for a non random order
9 years ago
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