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Messages - AlecKeaneDUB

Not sure if it'll fix it but the brackets should be down one level so that they line up with the if and else statements.
gave it a luck :(
9 years ago
So I have the code for bluntstuffy's soul chests and I get an error when trying to change one simple thing. Here is the part of code that supposedly has an error:
Code Snippet
     players = getplayers();
     if(players.size > 1)
               chest_1_kills = 100;
               chest_1_kills = 10;
     chest_2_kills = 25; //this chest isnt used
     chest_3_kills = 45; //this chest isnt used
     chest_4_kills = 65; //this chest isnt used
     chest_5_kills = 90; //this chest isnt used
     chest_6_kills = 140; //this chest isnt used
The error I get is a bad syntax on the 'else' statement, but I dont see what's wrong with it. The entire script works perfectly if I remove the 'if' and 'else' statements but I need this change in my map. I've also tried changing the else statement above to:
Code Snippet
else if(players.size <= 1)
But then I get bad syntax on the whole 'else if' line.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me :)
9 years ago
I threw this together out of treyarchs perks script

Code Snippet
vending_triggers = GetEntArray( "zombie_vending", "targetname" );

perk = vending_triggers[ randInt( vending_trigger.size ) ].script_string;

self SetPerk( perk ); // Gives perk
self thread perk_vo(perk); // Take this out if you dont want the player to quote
wait .1;
if( perk == "specialty_armorvest" ) // If its jugg
self.maxhealth = level.zombie_vars["zombie_perk_juggernaut_health"]; // Sets up jugg health = level.zombie_vars["zombie_perk_juggernaut_health"]; // Sets up jugg health

Code Snippet
players = get_players();
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
    players[ i ] give_perk_after_door();
Thank! :)
Now, sorry for being a newbie...but where do I put these scripts and where would I thread them? I'm not entirely sure where I would do that
9 years ago
Okay, but my problem is Radiant not working :(
sounds to me like the mod tools dodnt install correctly or you are missing the mod tools 1.0 patch. Go to the ugx wiki and go to the downloads for the mod tool and make sure you download the first one and then install them all in order.
9 years ago
Set DYNAMIC PATH in the entity window for your blocker models.
blocker models as in the door that opens? Or what? Still new lol
EDIT: Nevermind...I figured that out lol. Well thanks, that fixes my problem with them not following me but the new zone still doesnt activate. Is there a specific way the volumes have to be? As in do both zone volumes have to be touching or something?
9 years ago
I have a room that's opened up and has its zone activated by a script. The script works fine and I dont think it would be causing this, but after the door gets opened and the zone is activated, no zombies will spawn or follow me into the room. They just kinda sit there and derp out or walk to the center of the starting room and just stand there. The only way I can get them to follow me into the second room is if I go into the first room and get them to follow me as close to the door as I can, so then they'll derp for a second, walk towards me through the room a little ways, stop, derp for a second, and then chase me without problem through the room. I'm so annoyed by this because all my zones and spawners are correct so I have no idea what is causing this  :-\

Thanks  :D
9 years ago
Thanks everyone! I re-copied the script and it works perfectly :)  and thanks bluntstuffy for your script :D
9 years ago
Just select prefab and select this from top right:

(Image removed from quote.)
Or better if you want to make changes, is right click - enter prefab, make your changes, right click - leave prefab. Save. Done.
Thabks guys! Those are both really helpful :D +1
9 years ago
I have a prefab that I made by selecting all the entities I needed to and saved it as prefab. I then had to delete it to test something and now when I place it back in my map as a prefab, I dont know how to ungroup everything because there are a few changes I need to make. Can anyone help me out?

9 years ago
Just copy it straight on your computer to a gsc not to another text file.
it is copied straight to it from my computer
9 years ago
This happens sometimes if I copy text into a file from my phone then paste into gsc.
In notepad++ double click a space to highlight it and press "ctrl c" , "ctrl f" then click "find and replace" and replace the space with another space made from your keyboard.
Same with the indented lines. double click a indented area and using "ctrl f" then "find and replace" with a new tab(indent).

Removing the space between the declaration and the semi-colon might fix it.

Code Snippet
soul_chest_area = getentarray( "soul_chest_area" , "targetname");

thanks guys but after trying all of that it still gives me the same error :/
9 years ago
There is no prefab  ;)

It's been a while since i made that script, so i'll have to take a quick look at it. I'll post what you need to change in a bit

Double Post Merge: April 06, 2015, 07:03:57 am
Use this script, i have removed the chest-models from this one everything else still works the same. So you just place a trigger_radius and a clip with the correct KVP's and that's it ( just follow the normal tut )

I dont have time to test it now, but if something is not working / throw's an error just post back here...

Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_anim;

    level._effect["blst_chest_soul"] = loadfx("blst_custom/blst_fx_chest_soul");

reward_trigger = getentarray( "soul_chest_reward" , "targetname" );
reward_trigger[i] disable_trigger();

  soul_chest_area = getentarray( "soul_chest_area" , "targetname") ;
soul_chest_area[i] thread spawn_initial_model();

level.chest_amount = soul_chest_area.size;
level.chest_active = true;
level.chest_completed = 0;
level.chest_counting = 0;
self.death_count = 0;

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  EDIT AMOUNT OF KILLS NEEDED HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
chest_1_kills = 12;
chest_2_kills = 25;
chest_3_kills = 45;
chest_4_kills = 65;
chest_5_kills = 90;
chest_6_kills = 140;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  EDIT AMOUNT OF KILLS NEEDED HERE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

chest_clip = getentarray( "soul_chest_clip" , "targetname" );
self.max_count = undefined;

if( level.chest_completed == 0 )
if( level.chest_counting == 1   )
self.max_count = chest_1_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 2 )
self.max_count = chest_2_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 3 )
self.max_count = chest_3_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 4 )
self.max_count = chest_4_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 5 )
self.max_count = chest_5_kills;

else if( level.chest_counting == 6 )
self.max_count = chest_6_kills;


else if( level.chest_completed >= 1 )
if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 2   )
self.max_count = chest_2_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 3   )
self.max_count = chest_3_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 4   )
self.max_count = chest_4_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 5   )
self.max_count = chest_5_kills;

if( level.chest_counting + level.chest_completed == 6   )
self.max_count = chest_6_kills;


wait 0.2;
self playsound( "chest_open");
wait 1;
self waittill( "chest_full" );

if( self.max_count == self.death_count || self.death_count >= 9000 )
self playsound( "chest_full") ;
wait 0.3;
self playsound( "chest_full") ;
wait 1;
self playsound( "chest_full2") ;
self playsound( "chest_close_lid" );
if(  self IsTouching( chest_clip[i] ) == true )
chest_clip[i] delete();

wait 1;
self playsound( "chest_full2" );
wait 2.1;
self delete();
self delete();

else if( self.max_count < self.death_count )
iprintlnbold( "death count exceeded due to timeout" );

else if( self.max_count > self.death_count )
self.death_count = -10;
self playsound( "chest_close_lid" );
wait 0.7;
self thread spawn_initial_model();


chest_death_count( last_origin, area_radius )
self notify( "chest_kill" );

self_origin = self.origin;

if( self.death_count == -9 || self.death_count >= 9000)

else if( self.death_count == 1)
self notify( "chest_activated" );
self thread chest_anims();
thread chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius );
self thread time_out();

else if( self.death_count >= 2 && self.death_count <= self.max_count-1 )
thread chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius );
self thread time_out();

else if( self.death_count == self.max_count )
self.death_count = 9000;
thread chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius );
thread progres_check();
self notify( "time_out" );
wait 2;
self notify( "chest_full" );


self endon( "chest_kill" );
self endon( "chest_full" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self.timer = 50; //////////////////////////////// EDIT TIME-OUT TIMER HERE ////////////////////////////////////////////////

if( self.timer <= 50 && self.timer >= 6 ) //////////////////////////////// AND HERE //////////////////////////////////////////////////
self.timer-= 5;
wait 5;

else if( self.timer <= 5 )
self.timer-= 0.2;
wait 0.2;

if( self.timer <= 0 )
self notify( "time_out" );
wait 2;
self notify( "chest_full" );


chest_death_fx( last_origin, self_origin, area_radius )
soul = Spawn( "script_model", last_origin+( 0,0,50) );
soul setmodel( "tag_origin" );
dist = DistanceSquared( last_origin, self_origin );
radius = area_radius * area_radius;
time = undefined;
if( dist >= radius* 0.66 )
time = 1.3;
else if(  dist <= radius* 0.65 && dist >= radius* 0.33 )
time = 1;
else if( dist <= radius* 0.32 )
time = 0.5;

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["blst_chest_soul"], soul, "tag_origin" );
soul moveto( self_origin+( 0,0,30) , time, 0.5, 0);
wait time;
soul movez( 200, 0.4);
soul playsound( "soul_fly" );
wait 0.4;
soul delete();

if( level.chest_completed == level.chest_amount )
level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::special_powerup_drop( self.origin );
level.chest_active = false; //// leave this line in here, it deactivates the thread in _zombiemode_spawner

self endon( "took_gun" );
self endon( "disconnect" );

reward_trigger = getentarray( "soul_chest_reward" , "targetname" );
players = get_players();
players[i].free_ray_gun = false;
reward_trigger[i] enable_trigger();
reward_trigger[i] thread reward_trigger( );

ray_gun_rotate( ray_gun )
self endon( "took_gun" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
ray_gun rotateyaw( 360 ,1.5 );
wait 1.5;

reward_trigger( )
player = undefined;

ray_gun = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
ray_gun.angles = (-30,0,-30);
ray_gun setmodel( "weapon_usa_ray_gun" );
self thread ray_gun_rotate( ray_gun );

playfxontag (level._effect["powerup_on"], ray_gun, "tag_origin");

self setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
self setHintString( "Press and hold &&1 to take your free Ray-Gun." );

self waittill( "trigger", player );
player.has_gun = false;
player.has_gun_upgr = false;

if( player.free_ray_gun == false)
player.free_ray_gun = true;
old_gun = player getcurrentweapon();

weaplist = player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( weaplist[i] == "ray_gun" )
player.has_gun = true;
else if ( weaplist[i] == "ray_gun_upgraded" )
player.has_gun_upgr = true;

if( player.has_gun == true )
player switchtoweapon( "ray_gun" );
player givemaxammo( "ray_gun" );
player playsound( "ammo_pickup" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
ray_gun delete();
self delete();

else if( player.has_gun_upgr == true )
player switchtoweapon( "ray_gun_upgraded" );
player givemaxammo( "ray_gun_upgraded" );
player playsound( "ammo_pickup" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
ray_gun delete();
self delete();

else if( weaplist.size <= 1 )
player giveweapon( "ray_gun" );
player switchtoweapon( "ray_gun" );
player playsound( "weap_pickup_plr" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
ray_gun delete();
self delete();

else if( weaplist.size >= 2 )
player takeweapon( old_gun );
player giveweapon( "ray_gun" );
player switchtoweapon( "ray_gun" );
player playsound( "weap_pickup_plr" );
self notify( "took_gun" );
ray_gun delete();
self delete();

else if( player.free_ray_gun == true )
iprintlnbold( "This one is not for you..!" );
wait 0.1;

Thanks blunt! :)

So I did everything like said in the tutorial, replaced the soul chest script with the new one you gave me, but I get this error:

Server script compile error
bad token 'Â'
soul_chest_area = getentarea ( "soul_chest_area" ,
"targetname");Â. Â. Â. Â.

Any thoughts?
9 years ago
Having a similar problem myself. For your error about some not having connections, there are probably some that are too far apart. As for the nodes in solids I'm not sure. My problem is that when one of my doors gets opened, the zombies dont go through with me unless I slowly lead them right to the doorway, but then they still bug out. The doorway and room is correctly noded I believe so im not sure what my problem could be either
9 years ago
stamp the prefab and remove the model. Make sure it is centered where it should be. I think that is all. ! IF ! the model has KVP's, copy them to the new model (im not farmillar with his soul boxes)
i'm unsure about what you mean by 'stamp' the prefab. Could you be more specific? Sorry I'm still kinda new to this
9 years ago
Hmm...that's odd. Try undoing the custom barricades and then check your framerate. Just to see if thats what's causing the problem
9 years ago
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