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[34/40] Oil Rig – Slimy, yet satisfying.

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Created 9 years ago
by Koan
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Map created by steviewonder87.

Oil Rig is based on the MW2 mission “The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday.” A title rather ominous, because this map really isn't that easy. An isolated platform in the middle of the ocean is a rather unusual location for hordes of relentless, bloodthirsty zombies, but rarely is Treyarch's own zombie mode ever in a typical environment. Why should customs be any different? :please:

Stevie's maps tend to be more difficult than other maps, which some players don't take too kindly to, but in the modding world, many creators tend not to give a fuck. Oil Rig seems not to be drilling for oil, but rather for a single fuck for Stevie to give.

Without further ado...

- Detail. Obviously, there is always room for improvement, but this is the case with all maps, and I doubt I could do any better. For the environment given, the mapper's done a damn fine job of making it feel like a real oil rig. There are a lot of models, some may say modelspam, but they're used in context and most of the models present are used to the map's benefit.
- Nearly everything is custom. I couldn't find any WaW assets, other than the Ray Gun, but even that was customised. Guns from Titanfall and more, Ammo-matic perk, there is plenty of custom content to be found.
- The easter egg gets the player interacting with the map and forces them to search, think, and plan ahead after inevitably failing the first (or fifth) attempt. It means the map isn't finished with after one playthrough, as some maps seem to be.
- Selection of guns available in the mystery box is very good. Players are bound to find a gun they like to use, even if that gun is only useful as a points builder and nothing else. I found myself spending rather a lot of points on the box just to see all the guns.

- Difficulty progression seems a little superfluous. Having multiple bosses per round isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when several panzer soldats and Juggernaut soldiers are trying to fuck you sideways while you're surrounded by Nova crawlers breathing down your neck, all before round 20, it can get annoying. DW Deagles saved my ass nearly every time, and there are plenty of OP guns to counteract it, but regardless I do think the progression of how many bosses appear per round could have been slowed down a little.
- Players aren't given much choice. There's only one direction to choose from when you start. Granted, the map is based on an existing campaign map, and campaign maps tend to be linear and don't exactly lend themselves to zombie mode, but the point still stands. Combined with the difficulty level, players form very specific strategies which leave very little room for diversion from it, and it doesn't give players the opportunity to try anything new because they'll be raped by a panzer soldat if they dare to.
- Again, this is mainly due to campaign being the source of inspiration, but there isn't much diversity in the areas of the oil rig. The first indoor area doesn't feel or look any different to the others. This is only a minor point, and more of a personal criticism, but there is no harm done in creating diverse environments for the player to explore.

- No option to change FOV (I realise this causes problems with Zombie Blood but it's still frustrating).
- No extra game modes. Not required for a map to be good, but extra modes are always a good addition.

Oil Rig is excellent work from all the creators involved, and is a great addition to the library of maps that this community has to offer. I look forward to Stevie's next project, Isla Nublar, with sethnorris.


Level of Detail: 9/10 Edit: changed detail from 8 to 9
Custom Content: 9/10
Fun Scale: 8/10
Replayability: 8/10

Overall Score: 33/40

Download link:,9134.0.html
Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 05:02:24 pm by Koan
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Stevie's maps tend to be more difficult than other maps, which some players don't take too kindly to, but in the modding world, many creators tend not to give a fuck. Oil Rig seems not to be drilling for oil, but rather for a single fuck for Stevie to give.

Lol dude that paragraph is fucking perfect :D

Great review overall, I agreed with most of it.
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Koan, I gotta say that you're my favorite (serious) map reviewer on UGX (gotta give Tom crown for funniest reviews :P). And you beat me to this one, although I'm so slow my dead grandmother could out-write me.

Anyway, very snappy, clear, concise, entertaining, just well-fucking-thought-out and honest review. It's good to see a review that can actual take a neutral stance and review the facts rather than billow out opinions. I agree with most of the stuff here, although I probably would've given a 9-or-10 for detail.

As another note -- unselectable FOV is honestly making me want to punch a fucking wall. It's 2015, give your map a fucking FOV slider. Or please just set your map to goddamn 90 FOV.

I've actually quit playing a couple of the contest maps because the tunnel-vision FOV coupled with the tight layout was on the verge of giving me a brain hemorrhage. I can definitely tolerate Oil Rig's FOV in this case, but fucking A do I wish I could enter permanent Zombie-Blood FOV mode.

And man, look at how UGX went the extra mile: regular PLUS ads FOV sliders! I have to say, playing Requiem at 90 FOV on both regular hipfire and ironsights was one of the smoothest experiences I've had in zombies, unlike the dry-hole rape experienced on 65 FOV maps.

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This is actually unexpected. I like the way you used some expressions to criticize/support some ideas. Good job, a review well made.
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Decent review, but I'm in the process of updating the map heavily so perhaps you should have held off until then. Btw, people keep saying there is one path from the start, there is, up to the Ammomatic room, then you can take 2 distinct paths to the power switch area, with different pros and cons to each. And I'm not sure exactly how you wanted me to make 'different feeling' areas, if the spawn area at sea level and the top deck feel/look the same to you then the whole of AW must have felt like one long map. I mean I could have added a secret 'jungle ice cave on the Moon area' but it might have taken away from the whole 'oil rig' aspect...:P I know what you mean though, I would have liked an underwater lab area in Der Reise, but no, it all looks the same boring style...yawn ::)

So Oil Rig is one point lower than I.E (Scoba's review anyway), figures...:-\
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I would have given it an extra point or 2 for detail at least and maybe Fun Scale, map is pretty fun and detailed. :P
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I would have given it an extra point or 2 for detail at least and maybe Fun Scale, map is pretty fun and detailed. :P

I wonder what you have to do to get a 10 for custom content?
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I wonder what you have to do to get a 10 for custom content?
According to JiffyNoodles, you need a custom knife model :please:
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Decent review, but I'm in the process of updating the map heavily so perhaps you should have held off until then.

I'll update the review when you update the map :P

Btw, people keep saying there is one path from the start, there is, up to the Ammomatic room, then you can take 2 distinct paths to the power switch area, with different pros and cons to each.

I know that, but I still think players should be given the choice right off the bat. I realise the map's design doesn't allow this though.

And I'm not sure exactly how you wanted me to make 'different feeling' areas, if the spawn area at sea level and the top deck feel/look the same to you then the whole of AW must have felt like one long map. I mean I could have added a secret 'jungle ice cave on the Moon area' but it might have taken away from the whole 'oil rig' aspect...:P I know what you mean though, I would have liked an underwater lab area in Der Reise, but no, it all looks the same boring style...yawn ::)

Why is this not a thing yet? :please:

But yeah, I guess I was a little vague. Oil Rigs don't exactly lend themselves to diverse environments, and I did say you did a fine job of making it feel like a real oil rig. Lack of diversity doesn't detract from how fun the map is, I just think it adds to the experience when it's there. It is still a very well detailed environment regardless.

So Oil Rig is one point lower than I.E (Scoba's review anyway), figures...:-\

Oil Rig is better than IE imo, I would have given IE less than 34. Both are still very good maps, and it's not like 33 is a bad score... :please:
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According to JiffyNoodles, you need a custom knife model :please:

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