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[App] UGX WeaponsEditor++ v1.0.0

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Created 11 years ago
by treminaor
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Hi. I just downloaded the Weapons Editor. One thing, I don't know exactly how to use it yet. Another thing, is I click the weapons button, and it said it cont be found. I'm new to this, I am sorry.  :rainbow:
This tool was made for mappers and scripters who want to change specific weapon stats/ port weapons  in an easier fashion. It requires the mod tools and a basic knowledge on how call of duty modding works to simply make every gun have infinite damage or super fast reloads. I believe your in the wrong place. Try looking for a mod menu
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Would there be a auto pap option for the gun? for example : automatically generate 'PaP' weapon statistics for the current gun your editing.
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If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
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Would there be a auto pap option for the gun? for example : automatically generate 'PaP' weapon statistics for the current gun your editing.
I used to have a feature like that in a really old python-based version of this program but it was pretty shit. i don't recommend auto generating values, just make the PaP guns by hand.
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Apologies if this is commonly known, but is it possible I can take a custom xmodel_export from Blender, and convert all necessary files through AssMan, then edit a standing weapon file(say, for instance, Bazooka), and call those converted tables to use as the custom weapon?
If so, I've been unsuccessful; once I convert the xmodel, xanim, and material in AssMan, nothing happens. I cannot find my xmodel, etc. in the raw\ folders, so therefore I cannot add them to the standing weapon file.
Again apologies if this is simple enough for advanced users, but I have little experience for custom weapons. I have done only ports in my other private maps.

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