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[TUT] Adding custom ammo: Flame / Shock and Explosive

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by BluntStuffy
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Question on the triggers in radiant. Are the triggers specific to ammo types or they just to buy ammo for the specific gun your holding. If the triggers are for specific ammo what are the kvp's for the 3 different types?

They work for the gun your holding, there's not a seperate trigger for each ammo-type.
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Question on the triggers in radiant. Are the triggers specific to ammo types or they just to buy ammo for the specific gun your holding. If the triggers are for specific ammo what are the kvp's for the 3 different types?
So i'm also getting this error when trying to launch my map now
bad sentax: shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );

that's word for word what you have . why is this not working??
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So i'm also getting this error when trying to launch my map now
bad sentax: shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );

that's word for word what you have . why is this not working??

Post the entire function with that line in it in a code-box, so i can have a look at it..
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So its in my _spawners.gsc

first section with that line of code
Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );

if( is_magic_bullet_shield_enabled( self ) )

//ChrisP - 12/8 - no points for killing gassed zombies!
player.use_weapon_type = mod;

if( !IsDefined( player ) )
if( shock_ammo )
shock_tag = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::hit_tag( hit_location );
if( isdefined( shock_tag ) )
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "shock_impact_fx", 3, level._effect["blst_shock_ammo"], self, shock_tag );
self playsound( "imp_tesla" );

if( flame_ammo )
if( !isdefined( self.flame_ammo_on_fire ) || isdefined( self.flame_ammo_on_fire ) && !self.flame_ammo_on_fire )
flame_tag = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::hit_tag( hit_location );
if( isdefined(flame_tag))
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "flame_impact_fx", 3, level._effect["character_fire_pain_sm"], self, flame_tag );
self thread maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame_ammo( player );

if( explosive_ammo )
expl_tag = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::hit_tag( hit_location );
if( isdefined( expl_tag))
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "expl_impact_fx", 3, level._effect["blst_expl_ammo"], self, expl_tag );
self maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_expl_ammo( hit_location );

if( self zombie_flame_damage( mod, player ) )
if( self zombie_give_flame_damage_points() )
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage", mod, hit_location, self enemy_is_dog() );
else if( self maps\_zombiemode_tesla::is_tesla_damage( mod ) )
self maps\_zombiemode_tesla::tesla_damage_init( hit_location, hit_origin, player );
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage", mod, hit_location, self enemy_is_dog() );

if ( mod == "MOD_GRENADE" || mod == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" )
if ( isdefined( player ) && isalive( player ) )
self DoDamage( level.round_number + randomintrange( 100, 500 ), self.origin, player);
self DoDamage( level.round_number + randomintrange( 100, 500 ), self.origin, undefined );
else if( mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE" || mod == "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" || mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" || mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH")
if ( isdefined( player ) && isalive( player ) )
self DoDamage( level.round_number * randomintrange( 0, 100 ), self.origin, player);
self DoDamage( level.round_number * randomintrange( 0, 100 ), self.origin, undefined );
else if( mod == "MOD_ZOMBIE_BETTY" )
if ( isdefined( player ) && isalive( player ) )
self DoDamage( level.round_number * randomintrange( 100, 200 ), self.origin, player);
self DoDamage( level.round_number * randomintrange( 100, 200 ), self.origin, undefined );

//AUDIO Plays a sound when Crawlers are created
if( IsDefined( self.a.gib_ref ) && (self.a.gib_ref == "no_legs") && isalive( self ) )
if ( isdefined( player ) )
rand = randomintrange(0, 100);
if(rand < 10)
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(player);
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
player thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_crawl_spawn", 0.25, "resp_cspawn" );
else if( IsDefined( self.a.gib_ref ) && ( (self.a.gib_ref == "right_arm") || (self.a.gib_ref == "left_arm") ) )
if( self.has_legs && isalive( self ) )
if ( isdefined( player ) )
rand = randomintrange(0, 100);
if(rand < 3)
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(player);
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
player thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_shoot_limb", 0.25 );
self thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::check_for_instakill( player );

second place it appears
Code Snippet
zombie_damage_ads( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );

if( is_magic_bullet_shield_enabled( self ) )

player.use_weapon_type = mod;
if( !IsDefined( player ) )
if( shock_ammo )
shock_tag = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::hit_tag( hit_location );
if( isdefined( shock_tag ) )
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "shock_impact_fx", 3, level._effect["blst_shock_ammo"], self, shock_tag );
self playsound( "imp_tesla" );

if( flame_ammo )
if( !isdefined( self.flame_ammo_on_fire ) || isdefined( self.flame_ammo_on_fire ) && !self.flame_ammo_on_fire )
flame_tag = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::hit_tag( hit_location );
if( isdefined(flame_tag))
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "flame_impact_fx", 3, level._effect["character_fire_pain_sm"], self, flame_tag );
self thread maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame_ammo( player );

if( explosive_ammo )
expl_tag = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::hit_tag( hit_location );
if( isdefined( expl_tag))
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "expl_impact_fx", 3, level._effect["blst_expl_ammo"], self, expl_tag );
self maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_expl_ammo( hit_location );

if( self zombie_flame_damage( mod, player ) )
if( self zombie_give_flame_damage_points() )
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage_ads", mod, hit_location );
else if( self maps\_zombiemode_tesla::is_tesla_damage( mod ) )
self maps\_zombiemode_tesla::tesla_damage_init( hit_location, hit_origin, player );
player maps\_zombiemode_score::player_add_points( "damage_ads", mod, hit_location );

self thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::check_for_instakill( player );

if( GetTime() > self.flame_damage_time )
self.flame_damage_time = GetTime() + level.zombie_vars["zombie_flame_dmg_point_delay"];
return true;

return false;

zombie_flame_damage( mod, player )
if( mod == "MOD_BURNED" )
self.moveplaybackrate = 0.8;

if( !IsDefined( self.is_on_fire ) || ( Isdefined( self.is_on_fire ) && !self.is_on_fire ) )
self thread damage_on_fire( player );

do_flame_death = true;
dist = 100 * 100;
ai = GetAiArray( "axis" );
for( i = 0; i < ai.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( ai[i].is_on_fire ) && ai[i].is_on_fire )
if( DistanceSquared( ai[i].origin, self.origin ) < dist )
do_flame_death = false;

if( do_flame_death )
self thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();

return true;

return false;

hope that helps
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cange this:

Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );


into this:

Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );

And do the same for the other function
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cange this:

Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );


into this:

Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );

And do the same for the other function
get rid if that { at the end as well?

Double Post Merge: September 27, 2014, 07:26:46 pm
get rid if that { at the end as well?
because it now gives me
error bad sentax {

Double Post Merge: September 27, 2014, 07:32:15 pm
get rid if that { at the end as well?

Double Post Merge: September 27, 2014, 07:26:46 pm
because it now gives me
error bad sentax {
Ok so it was that last { that was causing the bad sentax

Everything works now map launches. THANKS!! glad you took the time to help me through it! +1
Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 07:32:15 pm by iBarnett
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Yes, NOT like this:

Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );


but like this:

Code Snippet
zombie_damage( mod, hit_location, hit_origin, player )
shock_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_shock( self.damageweapon, mod );
flame_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_flame( self.damageweapon, mod );
explosive_ammo = maps\_blst_custom_ammo::blst_explosive( self.damageweapon, mod, self );

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Ya super glad i came across this script you posted. I was having troubles with adding blops weapons but not being able to buy wall ammo. but i figured a neat way to add this in to make it all work out.
thanks again.

Double Post Merge: September 27, 2014, 09:39:43 pm
just thought i'd post a pic of a cool little machine for buying the custom ammo.

thanks again for the scripts Blunt!! will give credit when map is released.
Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 09:39:43 pm by iBarnett
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Question on the triggers in radiant. Are the triggers specific to ammo types or they just to buy ammo for the specific gun your holding. If the triggers are for specific ammo what are the kvp's for the 3 different types?

the way i got the different ammo triggers to work... Atleast i think they worked is " I split the ammos up in the _custom_ammo_buy.gsc and made different files for each ammo." I have attached some demo files for you to play with, but make sure you have backup of your original files and dont forget to add this line to your nazi_zombie_{MAP_NAME}.gsc

Code Snippet
Code Snippet
	thread maps\_custom_ammo_fire_buy::main();
thread maps\_custom_ammo_shock_buy::main();

dont forget to change the triggers in your map to the names in the files posted
Code Snippet
	trig = getentarray("fire_ammo","target");
Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 06:40:32 pm by OfficialMT22

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