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I can not understand the system zones(original scripts nazi_zombie_factory)

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Created 9 years ago
by ville88
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I can not understand the system zones(original scripts nazi_zombie_factory)
is only one zone work (reciever_zone)

it's my all files + .map file

Please help me(((

I need to know how to build an area for spawning zombie and dogs
and right script flags

Double Post Merge: October 06, 2015, 01:42:29 am
please do not offer me dlc3. I need the original zombie factory
Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 01:42:29 am by ville88
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

Goliath Script Placer:,11234.msg125257/topicseen.html#new

"...Christ, people. Learn C, instead of just stringing random characters
together until it compiles (with warnings)..."

-Linus Torvalds
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The original nazi_zombie_factory scripts are the same as the dlc3 scripts(i decompiled nazi_zombie_factory.ff to make sure) for zones.

This and the receiver zone that you were talking about make up factory's zones:

Code Snippet
// Note this setup is based on a flag-centric view of setting up your zones.  A brief
// zone-centric example exists below in comments

// Outside East Door
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );

// Outside West Door
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_outside_west" );

// Wnuen building ground floor
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_wnuen_building" );

// Wnuen stairway
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", "enter_wnuen_loading_dock" );

// Warehouse bottom
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_bottom_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_warehouse_building" );

// Warehosue top
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_bottom_zone", "warehouse_top_zone", "enter_warehouse_second_floor" );
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_top_zone", "bridge_zone", "enter_warehouse_second_floor" );

// TP East
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_tp_east" );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_east";
flag_array[1] = "enter_wnuen_building";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "outside_east_zone", flag_array, true );

// TP South
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_south_zone", "outside_south_zone", "enter_tp_south" );

// TP West
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_west_zone", "warehouse_top_zone", "enter_tp_west" );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_west";
flag_array[1] = "enter_warehouse_second_floor";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_west_zone", "warehouse_bottom_zone", flag_array, true );

// A ZONE-centric example of initialization
// It's the same calls, sorted by zone, and made one-way to show connections on a per/zone basis

// Receiver zone
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_outside_west", true );

// Outside East Zone
add_adjacent_zone( "outside_east_zone", "receiver_zone", "enter_outside_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "outside_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_wnuen_building", true );

// Wnuen Zone
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "tp_east_zone", "enter_tp_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", "enter_wnuen_loading_dock", true );

// TP East
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_tp_east", true );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_east";
flag_array[1] = "enter_wnuen_building";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "outside_east", flag_array, true );

Interestingly, you can pass an array as the third argument. Never knew that.
Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 03:25:22 am by daedra descent
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delete your map link. becuase it can give you some problems sometimes
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The original nazi_zombie_factory scripts are the same as the dlc3 scripts(i decompiled nazi_zombie_factory.ff to make sure) for zones.

This and the receiver zone that you were talking about make up factory's zones:

Code Snippet
// Note this setup is based on a flag-centric view of setting up your zones.  A brief
// zone-centric example exists below in comments

// Outside East Door
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );

// Outside West Door
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_outside_west" );

// Wnuen building ground floor
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_wnuen_building" );

// Wnuen stairway
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", "enter_wnuen_loading_dock" );

// Warehouse bottom
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_bottom_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_warehouse_building" );

// Warehosue top
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_bottom_zone", "warehouse_top_zone", "enter_warehouse_second_floor" );
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_top_zone", "bridge_zone", "enter_warehouse_second_floor" );

// TP East
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_tp_east" );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_east";
flag_array[1] = "enter_wnuen_building";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "outside_east_zone", flag_array, true );

// TP South
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_south_zone", "outside_south_zone", "enter_tp_south" );

// TP West
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_west_zone", "warehouse_top_zone", "enter_tp_west" );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_west";
flag_array[1] = "enter_warehouse_second_floor";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_west_zone", "warehouse_bottom_zone", flag_array, true );

// A ZONE-centric example of initialization
// It's the same calls, sorted by zone, and made one-way to show connections on a per/zone basis

// Receiver zone
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_outside_west", true );

// Outside East Zone
add_adjacent_zone( "outside_east_zone", "receiver_zone", "enter_outside_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "outside_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_wnuen_building", true );

// Wnuen Zone
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "tp_east_zone", "enter_tp_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", "enter_wnuen_loading_dock", true );

// TP East
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_tp_east", true );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_east";
flag_array[1] = "enter_wnuen_building";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "outside_east", flag_array, true );

Interestingly, you can pass an array as the third argument. Never knew that.

What I need to give names for spawners and zones?
Please see my MAP file, tell me where the error please
Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 04:12:23 am by ville88
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What I need to give names for spawners and zones?
Please see my MAP file, tell me where the error please

For the zones:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "<zoneName>"
Code Snippet
"script_noteworthy" "<zoneName>_spawners"

For the spawners:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "<zoneName>_spawners"

Should see a link between the info_volume and the spawners everytime you do this.

<zoneName> is whatever the zone's name is. Can be anything, but for the first zone its usually called "initial_zone" or "start_zone".
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For the zones:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "<zoneName>"
Code Snippet
"script_noteworthy" "<zoneName>_spawners"

For the spawners:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "<zoneName>_spawners"

Should see a link between the info_volume and the spawners everytime you do this.

<zoneName> is whatever the zone's name is. Can be anything, but for the first zone its usually called "initial_zone" or "start_zone".

thanks)) but not work((
I give up

I create info_volume "targetname" "tp_east_zone" + "script_noteworthy" "tp_east_zone_spawners" (not work)
and after just "target" "tp_east_zone_spawners" (not work)
 and create spawners "targetname" "tp_east_zone_spawners"
create in barricade/door "script_flag" "enter_tp_east"

No spawn(((

everything should work ... but nothing.  I'm going mad)))  I am trying to unravel the name zones, and the script flags with spawners in nazi_zombie_factory (der reise)
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thanks)) but not work((
I give up

I create info_volume "targetname" "tp_east_zone" + "script_noteworthy" "tp_east_zone_spawners" (not work)
and after just "target" "tp_east_zone_spawners" (not work)
 and create spawners "targetname" "tp_east_zone_spawners"
create in barricade/door "script_flag" "enter_tp_east"

No spawn(((

everything should work ... but nothing.  I'm going mad)))  I am trying to unravel the name zones, and the script flags with spawners in nazi_zombie_factory (der reise)

You don't need the script_noteworthy on the info_volume(for spawners atleast).

You also need to add the zone in the script.  It should look something like this:

Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone("<zone1>", "<zone2>", "<notify_string>");

<zone1> = zone that is currently open, the one that the player is probably currently in.
<zone2> = zone that will be activated when the <notify_string> is sent.
<notify_string> = the string that activates the zone when a player buys a debris(script_flag).
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who knows the names of the zones and spawn in Nazi zombies Factory (standart map)?
I tried everything but not spaw( no zombie no dogs)
maybe I do not prescribe the correct script flag but /-add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone",      "outside_east_zone",   "enter_outside_east" );

I want to understand how it works
DLС3 is easy to understand but the factory is a puzzle. It may be the right thing. or am I just doing the wrong spawners zombie
Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 06:43:15 pm by ville88
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who knows the names of the zones and spawn in Nazi zombies Factory (standart map)?
I tried everything but not spaw( no zombie no dogs)
maybe I do not prescribe the correct script flag but /-add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone",      "outside_east_zone",   "enter_outside_east" );

I want to understand how it works
DLС3 is easy to understand but the factory is a puzzle. It may be the right thing. or am I just doing the wrong spawners zombie
if you are trying to make zones for your map, take a look to this:,1083.msg10402.html#msg10402
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if you are trying to make zones for your map, take a look to this:,1083.msg10402.html#msg10402

how to do this on the basis of

it's my nazi_zombie_name.gsc

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\nazi_zombie_factory_teleporter;
#include maps\_music;

// This has to be first for CreateFX -- Dale

// used to modify the percentages of pulls of ray gun and tesla gun in magic box
level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun = 0;
level.pulls_since_last_tesla_gun = 0;
level.player_drops_tesla_gun = false;

level.dogs_enabled = true; //PI ESM - added for dog support
// level.crawlers_enabled = true; //MM - added for crawler support
level.mixed_rounds_enabled = true; // MM added support for mixed crawlers and dogs
level.burning_zombies = []; //JV max number of zombies that can be on fire
level.traps = []; //Contains all traps currently in this map
level.zombie_rise_spawners = []; // Zombie riser control
level.max_barrier_search_dist_override = 400;

level.door_dialog_function = maps\_zombiemode::play_door_dialog;
level.achievement_notify_func = maps\_zombiemode_utility::achievement_notify;
level.dog_spawn_func = maps\_zombiemode_dogs::dog_spawn_factory_logic;

// Animations needed for door initialization

level thread maps\_callbacksetup::SetupCallbacks();

level.zombie_anim_override = maps\nazi_zombie_night_storm::anim_override_func;

SetDvar( "perk_altMeleeDamage", 1000 ); // adjusts how much melee damage a player with the perk will do, needs only be set once



precacheModel("lights_indlight_on" );
precacheModel("lights_milit_lamp_single_int_on" );
precacheModel("lights_tinhatlamp_on" );
precacheModel("lights_berlin_subway_hat_0" );
precacheModel("lights_berlin_subway_hat_50" );
precacheModel("lights_berlin_subway_hat_100" );


level.use_zombie_heroes = true;

//ESM - activate the initial exterior goals
//level.exterior_goals = getstructarray("exterior_goal","targetname");

// level.exterior_goals[i].is_active = 1;
//ESM - two electrice switches, everything inactive until the right one gets used
// level thread wuen_electric_switch();
// level thread warehouse_electric_switch();
// level thread watch_bridge_halves();
level thread power_electric_switch();

level thread magic_box_init();

// This controls when zones become active and start monitoring players so zombies can spawn
// level thread setup_door_waits();

// If you want to modify/add to the weapons table, please copy over the _zombiemode_weapons init_weapons() and paste it here.
// I recommend putting it in it's own function...
// If not a MOD, you may need to provide new localized strings to reflect the proper cost.

//ESM - time for electrocuting
thread init_elec_trap_trigs();

level.zone_manager_init_func = ::factory_zone_init;
level thread maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::manage_zones( "receiver_zone" );


//AUDIO: Initiating Killstreak Dialog and Zombie Behind Vocals
players = get_players();

for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] thread player_killstreak_timer();
players[i] thread player_zombie_awareness();

players[randomint(players.size)] thread level_start_vox(); //Plays a "Power's Out" Message from a random player at start

level thread intro_screen();

level thread jump_from_bridge();
level lock_additional_player_spawner();

level thread bridge_init();

level thread phono_egg_init( "phono_one", "phono_one_origin" );
level thread phono_egg_init( "phono_two", "phono_two_origin" );
level thread phono_egg_init( "phono_three", "phono_three_origin" );
level thread meteor_egg( "meteor_one" );
level thread meteor_egg( "meteor_two" );
level thread meteor_egg( "meteor_three" );
level thread meteor_egg_play();
level thread radio_egg_init( "radio_one", "radio_one_origin" );
level thread radio_egg_init( "radio_two", "radio_two_origin" );
level thread radio_egg_init( "radio_three", "radio_three_origin" );
level thread radio_egg_init( "radio_four", "radio_four_origin" );
level thread radio_egg_init( "radio_five", "radio_five_origin" );
//level thread radio_egg_hanging_init( "radio_five", "radio_five_origin" );
level.monk_scream_trig = getent( "monk_scream_trig", "targetname" );
level thread play_giant_mythos_lines();
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_corkboard_1" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_corkboard_2" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_corkboard_3" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_teddy" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_fieldop" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_telemap" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_maxis" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_illumi_1" );
level thread play_level_easteregg_vox( "vox_illumi_2" );

// Special level specific settings
set_zombie_var( "zombie_powerup_drop_max_per_round", 3 ); // lower this to make drop happen more often

// Check under the machines for change
trigs = GetEntArray( "audio_bump_trigger", "targetname" );
for ( i=0; i<trigs.size; i++ )
if ( IsDefined(trigs[i].script_sound) && trigs[i].script_sound == "perks_rattle" )
trigs[i] thread check_for_change();

trigs = GetEntArray( "trig_ee", "targetname" );
array_thread( trigs, ::extra_events);

level thread flytrap();
level thread hanging_dead_guy( "hanging_dead_guy" );

spawncollision("collision_geo_32x32x128","collider",(-5, 543, 112), (0, 348.6, 0));

include_achievement( "achievement_shiny" );
include_achievement( "achievement_monkey_see" );
include_achievement( "achievement_frequent_flyer" );
include_achievement( "achievement_this_is_a_knife" );
include_achievement( "achievement_martian_weapon" );
include_achievement( "achievement_double_whammy" );
include_achievement( "achievement_perkaholic" );
include_achievement( "achievement_secret_weapon", "zombie_kar98k_upgraded" );
include_achievement( "achievement_no_more_door" );
include_achievement( "achievement_back_to_future" );


// Create the zone information for zombie spawning
// Note this setup is based on a flag-centric view of setting up your zones.  A brief
// zone-centric example exists below in comments

// Outside East Door
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );

// Outside West Door
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_outside_west" );

// Wnuen building ground floor
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_wnuen_building" );

// Wnuen stairway
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", "enter_wnuen_loading_dock" );

// Warehouse bottom
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_bottom_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_warehouse_building" );

// Warehosue top
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_bottom_zone", "warehouse_top_zone", "enter_warehouse_second_floor" );
add_adjacent_zone( "warehouse_top_zone", "bridge_zone", "enter_warehouse_second_floor" );

// TP East
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_tp_east" );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_east";
flag_array[1] = "enter_wnuen_building";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "outside_east_zone", flag_array, true );

// TP South
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_south_zone", "outside_south_zone", "enter_tp_south" );

// TP West
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_west_zone", "warehouse_top_zone", "enter_tp_west" );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_west";
flag_array[1] = "enter_warehouse_second_floor";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_west_zone", "warehouse_bottom_zone", flag_array, true );

// A ZONE-centric example of initialization
// It's the same calls, sorted by zone, and made one-way to show connections on a per/zone basis

// Receiver zone
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_west_zone", "enter_outside_west", true );

// Outside East Zone
add_adjacent_zone( "outside_east_zone", "receiver_zone", "enter_outside_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "outside_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_wnuen_building", true );

// Wnuen Zone
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "tp_east_zone", "enter_tp_east", true );
add_adjacent_zone( "wnuen_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", "enter_wnuen_loading_dock", true );

// TP East
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "wnuen_zone", "enter_tp_east", true );
flag_array[0] = "enter_tp_east";
flag_array[1] = "enter_wnuen_building";
add_adjacent_zone( "tp_east_zone", "outside_east", flag_array, true );

// Intro Chyron!

flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );
level.intro_hud = [];
for(i = 0;  i < 3; i++)
level.intro_hud[i] = newHudElem();
level.intro_hud[i].x = 0;
level.intro_hud[i].y = 0;
level.intro_hud[i].alignX = "left";
level.intro_hud[i].alignY = "bottom";
level.intro_hud[i].horzAlign = "left";
level.intro_hud[i].vertAlign = "bottom";
level.intro_hud[i].foreground = true;

if ( level.splitscreen && !level.hidef )
level.intro_hud[i].fontScale = 2.75;
level.intro_hud[i].fontScale = 1.75;
level.intro_hud[i].alpha = 0.0;
level.intro_hud[i].color = (1, 1, 1);
level.intro_hud[i].inuse = false;
level.intro_hud[0].y = -110;
level.intro_hud[1].y = -90;
level.intro_hud[2].y = -70;

level.intro_hud[0] settext(&"ZOMBIE_INTRO_FACTORY_LEVEL_PLACE");
level.intro_hud[1] settext("");
level.intro_hud[2] settext("");
// level.intro_hud[1] settext(&"ZOMBIE_INTRO_FACTORY_LEVEL_TIME");
// level.intro_hud[2] settext(&"ZOMBIE_INTRO_FACTORY_LEVEL_DATE");

for(i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
level.intro_hud[i] FadeOverTime( 3.5 );
level.intro_hud[i].alpha = 1;
for(i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
level.intro_hud[i] FadeOverTime( 3.5 );
level.intro_hud[i].alpha = 0;
for(i = 0 ; i < 3; i++)
level.intro_hud[i] destroy();

// Animation functions - need to be specified separately in order to use different animtrees
#using_animtree( "zombie_factory" );
level.scr_anim[ "half_gate" ] = %o_zombie_lattice_gate_half;
level.scr_anim[ "full_gate" ] = %o_zombie_lattice_gate_full;
level.scr_anim[ "difference_engine" ] = %o_zombie_difference_engine_ani;

level.blocker_anim_func = ::factory_playanim;

factory_playanim( animname )
self UseAnimTree(#animtree);
self animscripted("door_anim", self.origin, self.angles, level.scr_anim[animname] );

#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
level._zombie_melee[0] = %ai_zombie_attack_forward_v1;
level._zombie_melee[1] = %ai_zombie_attack_forward_v2;
level._zombie_melee[2] = %ai_zombie_attack_v1;
level._zombie_melee[3] = %ai_zombie_attack_v2;
level._zombie_melee[4] = %ai_zombie_attack_v1;
level._zombie_melee[5] = %ai_zombie_attack_v4;
level._zombie_melee[6] = %ai_zombie_attack_v6;

level._zombie_run_melee[0] = %ai_zombie_run_attack_v1;
level._zombie_run_melee[1] = %ai_zombie_run_attack_v2;
level._zombie_run_melee[2] = %ai_zombie_run_attack_v3;

level.scr_anim["zombie"]["run4"] = %ai_zombie_run_v2;
level.scr_anim["zombie"]["run5"] = %ai_zombie_run_v4;
level.scr_anim["zombie"]["run6"] = %ai_zombie_run_v3;

level.scr_anim["zombie"]["walk5"] = %ai_zombie_walk_v6;
level.scr_anim["zombie"]["walk6"] = %ai_zombie_walk_v7;
level.scr_anim["zombie"]["walk7"] = %ai_zombie_walk_v8;
level.scr_anim["zombie"]["walk8"] = %ai_zombie_walk_v9;


spawn_points = getstructarray("player_respawn_point", "targetname");
for( i = 0; i < spawn_points.size; i++ )

spawn_points[i].locked = true;


// handles lowering the bridge when power is turned on
flag_init( "bridge_down" );
// raise bridge
wnuen_bridge = getent( "wnuen_bridge", "targetname" );
wnuen_bridge_coils = GetEntArray( "wnuen_bridge_coils", "targetname" );
for ( i=0; i<wnuen_bridge_coils.size; i++ )
wnuen_bridge_coils[i] LinkTo( wnuen_bridge );
wnuen_bridge rotatepitch( 90, 1, .5, .5 );

warehouse_bridge = getent( "warehouse_bridge", "targetname" );
warehouse_bridge_coils = GetEntArray( "warehouse_bridge_coils", "targetname" );
for ( i=0; i<warehouse_bridge_coils.size; i++ )
warehouse_bridge_coils[i] LinkTo( warehouse_bridge );
warehouse_bridge rotatepitch( -90, 1, .5, .5 );

bridge_audio = getstruct( "bridge_audio", "targetname" );

// wait for power
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );

// lower bridge
wnuen_bridge rotatepitch( -90, 4, .5, 1.5 );
warehouse_bridge rotatepitch( 90, 4, .5, 1.5 );

if(isdefined( bridge_audio ) )
playsoundatposition( "bridge_lower", bridge_audio.origin );

wnuen_bridge connectpaths();
warehouse_bridge connectpaths();

exploder( 500 );

// wait until the bridges are down.
wnuen_bridge waittill( "rotatedone" );

flag_set( "bridge_down" );
if(isdefined( bridge_audio ) )
playsoundatposition( "bridge_hit", bridge_audio.origin );

wnuen_bridge_clip = getent( "wnuen_bridge_clip", "targetname" );
wnuen_bridge_clip delete();

warehouse_bridge_clip = getent( "warehouse_bridge_clip", "targetname" );
warehouse_bridge_clip delete();

maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "wnuen_bridge_zone", "bridge_zone" );
maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "warehouse_top_zone", "bridge_zone" );

trig = GetEnt( "trig_outside_south_zone", "targetname" );
trig waittill( "trigger" );

maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "outside_south_zone", "bridge_zone", true );
maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "outside_south_zone", "wnuen_bridge_zone", true );

maps\_zombiemode_utility::add_sound( "break_stone", "break_stone" );
maps\_zombiemode_utility::add_sound( "gate_door", "open_door" );
maps\_zombiemode_utility::add_sound( "heavy_door", "open_door" );

// Include the weapons that are only inr your level so that the cost/hints are accurate
// Also adds these weapons to the random treasure chest.
include_weapon( "zombie_colt" );
include_weapon( "zombie_colt_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_sw_357" );
include_weapon( "zombie_sw_357_upgraded", false );

// Bolt Action
include_weapon( "zombie_kar98k" );
include_weapon( "zombie_kar98k_upgraded", false );
// include_weapon( "springfield");
// include_weapon( "zombie_type99_rifle" );
// include_weapon( "zombie_type99_rifle_upgraded", false );

// Semi Auto
include_weapon( "zombie_m1carbine" );
include_weapon( "zombie_m1carbine_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_m1garand" );
include_weapon( "zombie_m1garand_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_gewehr43" );
include_weapon( "zombie_gewehr43_upgraded", false );

// Full Auto
include_weapon( "zombie_stg44" );
include_weapon( "zombie_stg44_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_thompson" );
include_weapon( "zombie_thompson_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_mp40" );
include_weapon( "zombie_mp40_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_type100_smg" );
include_weapon( "zombie_type100_smg_upgraded", false );

// Scoped
include_weapon( "ptrs41_zombie" );
include_weapon( "ptrs41_zombie_upgraded", false );
// include_weapon( "kar98k_scoped_zombie" ); // replaced with type99_rifle_scoped
// include_weapon( "type99_rifle_scoped_zombie" ); //

// Grenade
include_weapon( "molotov" );
include_weapon( "stielhandgranate" );

// Grenade Launcher
include_weapon( "m1garand_gl_zombie" );
include_weapon( "m1garand_gl_zombie_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "m7_launcher_zombie" );
include_weapon( "m7_launcher_zombie_upgraded", false );

// Flamethrower
include_weapon( "m2_flamethrower_zombie" );
include_weapon( "m2_flamethrower_zombie_upgraded", false );

// Shotgun
include_weapon( "zombie_doublebarrel" );
include_weapon( "zombie_doublebarrel_upgraded", false );
//include_weapon( "zombie_doublebarrel_sawed" );
include_weapon( "zombie_shotgun" );
include_weapon( "zombie_shotgun_upgraded", false );

// Heavy MG
include_weapon( "zombie_bar" );
include_weapon( "zombie_bar_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_fg42" );
include_weapon( "zombie_fg42_upgraded", false );

include_weapon( "zombie_30cal" );
include_weapon( "zombie_30cal_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_mg42" );
include_weapon( "zombie_mg42_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_ppsh" );
include_weapon( "zombie_ppsh_upgraded", false );

// Rocket Launcher
include_weapon( "panzerschrek_zombie" );
include_weapon( "panzerschrek_zombie_upgraded", false );

// Special
include_weapon( "ray_gun", true, ::factory_ray_gun_weighting_func );
include_weapon( "ray_gun_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "tesla_gun", true );
include_weapon( "tesla_gun_upgraded", false );
include_weapon( "zombie_cymbal_monkey", true, ::factory_cymbal_monkey_weighting_func );

//bouncing betties
include_weapon("mine_bouncing_betty", false);

// limited weapons
maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "zombie_colt", 0 );
//maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "zombie_type99_rifle", 0 );
maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "zombie_gewehr43", 0 );
maps\_zombiemode_weapons::add_limited_weapon( "zombie_m1garand", 0 );

if( level.box_moved == true )
num_to_add = 1;
// increase the percentage of ray gun
if( isDefined( level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun ) )
// after 12 pulls the ray gun percentage increases to 15%
if( level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun > 11 )
num_to_add += int(level.zombie_include_weapons.size*0.1);
// after 8 pulls the Ray Gun percentage increases to 10%
else if( level.pulls_since_last_ray_gun > 7 )
num_to_add += int(.05 * level.zombie_include_weapons.size);
return num_to_add;
return 0;

// Slightly elevate the chance to get it until someone has it, then make it even
players = get_players();
count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( "zombie_cymbal_monkey" ) )
if ( count > 0 )
return 1;
if( level.round_number < 10 )
return 3;
return 5;

include_powerup( "nuke" );
include_powerup( "insta_kill" );
include_powerup( "double_points" );
include_powerup( "full_ammo" );
include_powerup( "carpenter" );

//turn on all of the perk machines
//activate perks-a-cola
//level notify( "master_switch_activated" );

//level notify( "specialty_armorvest_power_on" );
//level notify( "specialty_rof_power_on" );
//level notify( "specialty_quickrevive_power_on" );
//level notify( "specialty_fastreload_power_on" );



#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
if( !IsDefined( self ) )

if( !self.gibbed )
refs = [];

refs[refs.size] = "no_legs";

if( refs.size )
self.a.gib_ref = animscripts\death::get_random( refs );

// Don't stand if a leg is gone
self.has_legs = false;
self AllowedStances( "crouch" );

which_anim = RandomInt( 5 );

if( which_anim == 0 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1;
self set_run_anim( "death3" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl1"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl1"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl1"];
else if( which_anim == 1 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v2;
self set_run_anim( "death4" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl2"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl2"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl2"];
else if( which_anim == 2 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1;
self set_run_anim( "death3" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl3"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl3"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl3"];
else if( which_anim == 3 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v2;
self set_run_anim( "death4" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl4"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl4"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl4"];
else if( which_anim == 4 )
self.deathanim = %ai_zombie_crawl_death_v1;
self set_run_anim( "death3" );
self.run_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl5"];
self.crouchRunAnim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl5"];
self.crouchrun_combatanim = level.scr_anim["zombie"]["crawl5"];

if( > 50 )
{ = 50;

// force gibbing if the zombie is still alive
self thread animscripts\death::do_gib();

// This initialitze the box spawn locations
// You can disable boxes from appearing by not adding their script_noteworthy ID to the list
//MM - all locations are valid.  If it goes somewhere you haven't opened, you need to open it.
level.open_chest_location = [];
level.open_chest_location[0] = "chest1"; // TP East
level.open_chest_location[1] = "chest2"; // TP West
level.open_chest_location[2] = "chest3"; // TP South
level.open_chest_location[3] = "chest4"; // WNUEN
level.open_chest_location[4] = "chest5"; // Warehouse bottom
level.open_chest_location[5] = "start_chest";

the electric switch under the bridge
once this is used, it activates other objects in the map
and makes them available to use
trig = getent("use_power_switch","targetname");
master_switch = getent("power_switch","targetname");
master_switch notsolid();
//master_switch rotatepitch(90,1);
trig sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_ELECTRIC_SWITCH");

//turn off the buyable door triggers for electric doors
// door_trigs = getentarray("electric_door","script_noteworthy");
// array_thread(door_trigs,::set_door_unusable);
// array_thread(door_trigs,::play_door_dialog);

cheat = false;

if( GetDvarInt( "zombie_cheat" ) >= 3 )
wait( 5 );
cheat = true;

user = undefined;
if ( cheat != true )
trig waittill("trigger",user);

// MM - turning on the power powers the entire map
// if ( IsDefined(user) ) // only send a notify if we weren't originally triggered through script
// {
// other_trig = getent("use_warehouse_switch","targetname");
// other_trig notify( "trigger", undefined );
// wuen_trig = getent("use_wuen_switch", "targetname" );
// wuen_trig notify( "trigger", undefined );
// }

master_switch rotateroll(-90,.3);

//TO DO (TUEY) - kick off a 'switch' on client script here that operates similiarly to Berlin2 subway.
master_switch playsound("switch_flip");
flag_set( "electricity_on" );
clientnotify( "revive_on" );
clientnotify( "fast_reload_on" );
clientnotify( "doubletap_on" );
clientnotify( "jugger_on" );
level notify( "sleight_on" );
level notify( "revive_on" );
level notify( "doubletap_on" );
level notify( "juggernog_on" );
level notify( "Pack_A_Punch_on" );
level notify( "specialty_armorvest_power_on" );
level notify( "specialty_rof_power_on" );
level notify( "specialty_quickrevive_power_on" );
level notify( "specialty_fastreload_power_on" );

// clientnotify( "power_on" );
ClientNotify( "pl1" ); // power lights on

trig delete();

playfx(level._effect["switch_sparks"] ,getstruct("power_switch_fx","targetname").origin);

// Don't want east or west to spawn when in south zone, but vice versa is okay
maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "outside_east_zone", "outside_south_zone" );
maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "outside_west_zone", "outside_south_zone", true );

Electrical trap
//trap_trigs = getentarray("gas_access","targetname");
//array_thread (trap_trigs,::electric_trap_think);
//array_thread (trap_trigs,::electric_trap_dialog);

// MM - traps disabled for now
array_thread( getentarray("warehouse_electric_trap", "targetname"), ::electric_trap_think, "enter_warehouse_building" );
array_thread( getentarray("wuen_electric_trap", "targetname"), ::electric_trap_think, "enter_wnuen_building" );
array_thread( getentarray("bridge_electric_trap", "targetname"), ::electric_trap_think, "bridge_down" );


self endon ("warning_dialog");
level endon("switch_flipped");
timer =0;
players = get_players();
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
dist = distancesquared(players[i].origin, self.origin );
if(dist > 70*70)
timer = 0;
if(dist < 70*70 && timer < 3)
timer ++;
if(dist < 70*70 && timer == 3)

index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(players[i]);
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
//players[i] create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_level_start", 0.25 );
self notify ("warning_dialog");

This controls the electric traps in the level
self = use trigger associated with the trap
electric_trap_think( enable_flag )
self sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_FLAMES_UNAVAILABLE");
self.zombie_cost = 1000;

self thread electric_trap_dialog();

// get a list of all of the other triggers with the same name
triggers = getentarray( self.targetname, "targetname" );
flag_wait( "electricity_on" );

// Get the damage trigger.  This is the unifying element to let us know it's been activated.
self.zombie_dmg_trig = getent(,"targetname");
self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use = 0;

// Set buy string
self sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_BUTTON_NORTH_FLAMES");

// Getting the light that's related is a little esoteric, but there isn't
// a better way at the moment.  It uses linknames, which are really dodgy.
light_name = ""; // scope declaration
tswitch = getent(self.script_linkto,"script_linkname");
switch ( tswitch.script_linkname )
case "10": // wnuen
case "11":
light_name = "zapper_light_wuen";

case "20": // warehouse
case "21":
light_name = "zapper_light_warehouse";

case "30": // Bridge
case "31":
light_name = "zapper_light_bridge";

// The power is now on, but keep it disabled until a certain condition is met
// such as opening the door it is blocking or waiting for the bridge to lower.
if ( !flag( enable_flag ) )
self trigger_off();

zapper_light_red( light_name );
flag_wait( enable_flag );

self trigger_on();

// Open for business! 
zapper_light_green( light_name );

//valve_trigs = getentarray(self.script_noteworthy ,"script_noteworthy");

//wait until someone uses the valve
self waittill("trigger",who);
if( who in_revive_trigger() )

if( is_player_valid( who ) )
if( who.score >= self.zombie_cost )
self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use = 1;

//turn off the valve triggers associated with this trap until available again
array_thread (triggers, ::trigger_off);

play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", who.origin );
self thread electric_trap_move_switch(self);
//need to play a 'woosh' sound here, like a gas furnace starting up
self waittill("switch_activated");
//set the score
who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( self.zombie_cost );

//this trigger detects zombies walking thru the flames
self.zombie_dmg_trig trigger_on();

//play the flame FX and do the actual damage
self thread activate_electric_trap();

//wait until done and then re-enable the valve for purchase again
self waittill("elec_done");

clientnotify(self.script_string +"off");

//delete any FX ents
self.fx_org delete();
self.zapper_fx_org delete();
self.zapper_fx_switch_org delete();

//turn the damage detection trigger off until the flames are used again
self.zombie_dmg_trig trigger_off();

array_thread (triggers, ::trigger_on);

//COLLIN: Play the 'alarm' sound to alert players that the traps are available again (playing on a temp ent in case the PA is already in use.
//speakerA = getstruct("loudspeaker", "targetname");
//playsoundatposition("warning", speakera.origin);
self notify("available");

self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use = 0;

//  it's a throw switch
light_name = ""; // scope declaration
tswitch = getent(parent.script_linkto,"script_linkname");
switch ( tswitch.script_linkname )
case "10": // wnuen
case "11":
light_name = "zapper_light_wuen";

case "20": // warehouse
case "21":
light_name = "zapper_light_warehouse";

case "30":
case "31":
light_name = "zapper_light_bridge";

//turn the light above the door red
zapper_light_red( light_name );
tswitch rotatepitch(180,.5);
tswitch playsound("amb_sparks_l_b");
tswitch waittill("rotatedone");

self notify("switch_activated");
self waittill("available");
tswitch rotatepitch(-180,.5);

//turn the light back green once the trap is available again
zapper_light_green( light_name );

if(isDefined(self.script_string) && self.script_string == "warehouse")
else if(isDefined(self.script_string) && self.script_string == "wuen")


fire_points = getstructarray(,"targetname");

fire_points[i] thread electric_trap_fx(self);

//do the damage
self.zombie_dmg_trig thread elec_barrier_damage();

// reset the zapper model
level waittill("arc_done");

self.tag_origin = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
//self.tag_origin setmodel("tag_origin");


self.tag_origin playsound("elec_start");
self.tag_origin playloopsound("elec_loop");
self thread play_electrical_sound();


self.tag_origin stoploopsound();

self.tag_origin delete();
notify_ent notify("elec_done");
level notify ("arc_done");

level endon ("arc_done");
wait(randomfloatrange(0.1, 0.5));
playsoundatposition("elec_arc", self.origin);


self waittill("trigger",ent);

//player is standing electricity, dumbass
if(isplayer(ent) )
ent thread player_elec_damage();
ent.marked_for_death = true;
ent thread zombie_elec_death( randomint(100) );
if(IsDefined (self))
org = self.origin;
playsoundatposition("elec_vocals", org);
playsoundatposition("zombie_arc", org);
playsoundatposition("exp_jib_zombie", org);
self endon("death");
self endon("disconnect");

if(!IsDefined (level.elec_loop))
level.elec_loop = 0;

if( !isDefined(self.is_burning) && !self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self.is_burning = 1;
self setelectrified(1.25);
shocktime = 2.5;
//Changed Shellshock to Electrocution so we can have different bus volumes.
self shellshock("electrocution", shocktime);

if(level.elec_loop == 0)
elec_loop = 1;
//self playloopsound ("electrocution");
self playsound("zombie_arc");
if(!self hasperk("specialty_armorvest") || - 100 < 1)

radiusdamage(self.origin,10, + 100, + 100);
self.is_burning = undefined;

self dodamage(50, self.origin);
//self playsound("zombie_arc");
self.is_burning = undefined;



self endon("death");

//10% chance the zombie will burn, a max of 6 burning zombs can be goign at once
//otherwise the zombie just gibs and dies
if(flame_chance > 90 && level.burning_zombies.size < 6)
level.burning_zombies[level.burning_zombies.size] = self;
self thread zombie_flame_watch();
self playsound("ignite");
self thread animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();

refs[0] = "guts";
refs[1] = "right_arm";
refs[2] = "left_arm";
refs[3] = "right_leg";
refs[4] = "left_leg";
refs[5] = "no_legs";
refs[6] = "head";
self.a.gib_ref = refs[randomint(refs.size)];

playsoundatposition("zombie_arc", self.origin);
if( !self enemy_is_dog() && randomint(100) > 50 )
self thread electroctute_death_fx();
self thread play_elec_vocals();
self playsound("zombie_arc");

self dodamage( + 666, self.origin);
iprintlnbold("should be damaged");

self waittill("death");
self stoploopsound();
level.burning_zombies = array_remove_nokeys(level.burning_zombies,self);

// Swaps a cage light model to the red one.
zapper_light_red( lightname )
zapper_lights = getentarray( lightname, "targetname");
zapper_lights[i] setmodel("zombie_zapper_cagelight_red");

zapper_lights[i].fx delete();

zapper_lights[i].fx = maps\_zombiemode_net::network_safe_spawn( "trap_light_red", 2, "script_model", zapper_lights[i].origin );
zapper_lights[i].fx setmodel("tag_origin");
zapper_lights[i].fx.angles = zapper_lights[i].angles+(-90,0,0);

// Swaps a cage light model to the green one.
zapper_light_green( lightname )
zapper_lights = getentarray( lightname, "targetname");
zapper_lights[i] setmodel("zombie_zapper_cagelight_green");

zapper_lights[i].fx delete();

zapper_lights[i].fx = maps\_zombiemode_net::network_safe_spawn( "trap_light_green", 2, "script_model", zapper_lights[i].origin );
zapper_lights[i].fx setmodel("tag_origin");
zapper_lights[i].fx.angles = zapper_lights[i].angles+(-90,0,0);

self endon( "death" );

if (isdefined(self.is_electrocuted) && self.is_electrocuted )

self.is_electrocuted = true;

self thread electrocute_timeout();

// JamesS - this will darken the burning body
self StartTanning();

if( == "axis")
level.bcOnFireTime = gettime();
level.bcOnFireOrg = self.origin;

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_torso"], self, "J_SpineLower" );
self playsound ("elec_jib_zombie");
wait 1;

tagArray = [];
tagArray[0] = "J_Elbow_LE";
tagArray[1] = "J_Elbow_RI";
tagArray[2] = "J_Knee_RI";
tagArray[3] = "J_Knee_LE";
tagArray = array_randomize( tagArray );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_md"], self, tagArray[0] );
self playsound ("elec_jib_zombie");

wait 1;
self playsound ("elec_jib_zombie");

tagArray[0] = "J_Wrist_RI";
tagArray[1] = "J_Wrist_LE";
if( !IsDefined( self.a.gib_ref ) || self.a.gib_ref != "no_legs" )
tagArray[2] = "J_Ankle_RI";
tagArray[3] = "J_Ankle_LE";
tagArray = array_randomize( tagArray );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_sm"], self, tagArray[0] );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["elec_sm"], self, tagArray[1] );


self endon ("death");
self playloopsound("fire_manager_0");
// about the length of the flame fx
wait 12;
self stoploopsound();
if (isdefined(self) && isalive(self))
self.is_electrocuted = false;
self notify ("stop_flame_damage");



self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
players = getplayers();
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(self);
//zombie = get_closest_ai(self.origin,"axis");

zombs = getaiarray("axis");
if(DistanceSquared(zombs[i].origin, self.origin) < 200 * 200)

dist = 200;
case "walk": dist = 200;break;
case "run": dist = 250; break;
case "sprint": dist = 275;break;
if(distance2d(zombs[i].origin,self.origin) < dist)
yaw = self animscripts\utility::GetYawToSpot(zombs[i].origin );
//check to see if he's actually behind the player
if(yaw < -95 || yaw > 95)
zombs[i] playsound ("behind_vocals");
if(players.size > 1)
//Plays 'teamwork' style dialog if there are more than 1 player...
close_zombs = 0;
if(DistanceSquared(zombs[i].origin, self.origin) < 250 * 250)
close_zombs ++;
if(close_zombs > 4)
if(randomintrange(0,20) < 5)
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
self thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_oh_shit", .25, "resp_ohshit" );

//player = getplayers();
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(self);

player_index = "plr_" + index + "_";
if(!IsDefined (self.vox_oh_shit))
num_variants = maps\_zombiemode_spawner::get_number_variants(player_index + "vox_oh_shit");
self.vox_oh_shit = [];
self.vox_oh_shit[self.vox_oh_shit.size] = "vox_oh_shit_" + i;
self.vox_oh_shit_available = self.vox_oh_shit;
sound_to_play = random(self.vox_oh_shit_available);

self.vox_oh_shit_available = array_remove(self.vox_oh_shit_available,sound_to_play);

if (self.vox_oh_shit_available.size < 1 )
self.vox_oh_shit_available = self.vox_oh_shit;

self maps\_zombiemode_spawner::do_player_playdialog(player_index, sound_to_play, 0.25);

index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index( self );
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
wait( 6 );
self thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_level_start", 0.25 );

while (1)
self waittill( "trigger", player );

if ( player GetStance() == "prone" )
player maps\_zombiemode_score::add_to_player_score( 25 );
play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", player.origin );

self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
self waittill( "trigger" );

targ = GetEnt(, "targetname" );
if ( IsDefined(targ) )
targ MoveZ( -10, 5 );

// Activate the flytrap!
flag_init( "hide_and_seek" );
level.flytrap_counter = 0;

// Hide Easter Eggs...
// Explosive Monkey
level thread hide_and_seek_target( "ee_exp_monkey" );
level thread hide_and_seek_target( "ee_bowie_bear" );
level thread hide_and_seek_target( "ee_perk_bear" );

trig_control_panel = GetEnt( "trig_ee_flytrap", "targetname" );

// Wait for it to be hit by an upgraded weapon
upgrade_hit = false;
while ( !upgrade_hit )
trig_control_panel waittill( "damage", amount, inflictor, direction, point, type );

weapon = inflictor getcurrentweapon();
if ( maps\_zombiemode_weapons::is_weapon_upgraded( weapon ) )
upgrade_hit = true;

trig_control_panel playsound( "flytrap_hit" );
playsoundatposition( "flytrap_creeper", trig_control_panel.origin );
thread play_sound_2d( "sam_fly_laugh" );
//iprintlnbold( "Samantha Sez: Hahahahahaha" );

// Float the objects
level achievement_notify("DLC3_ZOMBIE_ANTI_GRAVITY");
level ClientNotify( "ag1" ); // Anti Gravity ON
thread play_sound_2d( "sam_fly_act_0" );

thread play_sound_2d( "sam_fly_act_1" );
//iprintlnbold( "Samantha Sez: Let's play Hide and Seek!" );

// Now find them!
flag_set( "hide_and_seek" );

flag_wait( "ee_exp_monkey" );
flag_wait( "ee_bowie_bear" );
flag_wait( "ee_perk_bear" );

// Colin, play music here.
// println( "Still Alive" );

// Controls hide and seek object and trigger
hide_and_seek_target( target_name )
flag_init( target_name );

obj_array = GetEntArray( target_name, "targetname" );
for ( i=0; i<obj_array.size; i++ )
obj_array[i] Hide();

trig = GetEnt( "trig_"+target_name, "targetname" );
trig trigger_off();
flag_wait( "hide_and_seek" );

// Show yourself
for ( i=0; i<obj_array.size; i++ )
obj_array[i] Show();
trig trigger_on();
trig waittill( "trigger" );

level.flytrap_counter = level.flytrap_counter +1;
thread flytrap_samantha_vox();
trig playsound( "object_hit" );

for ( i=0; i<obj_array.size; i++ )
obj_array[i] Hide();
flag_set( target_name );

phono_egg_init( trigger_name, origin_name )
if(!IsDefined (level.phono_counter))
level.phono_counter = 0;
players = getplayers();
phono_trig = getent ( trigger_name, "targetname");
phono_origin = getent( origin_name, "targetname");

if( ( !isdefined( phono_trig ) ) || ( !isdefined( phono_origin ) ) )

phono_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
phono_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

phono_trig waittill( "trigger", players);
level.phono_counter = level.phono_counter + 1;
phono_origin play_phono_egg();

if(!IsDefined (level.phono_counter))
level.phono_counter = 0;

if( level.phono_counter == 1 )
//iprintlnbold( "Phono Egg One Activated!" );
self playsound( "phono_one" );
if( level.phono_counter == 2 )
//iprintlnbold( "Phono Egg Two Activated!" );
self playsound( "phono_two" );
if( level.phono_counter == 3 )
//iprintlnbold( "Phono Egg Three Activated!" );
self playsound( "phono_three" );

radio_egg_init( trigger_name, origin_name )
players = getplayers();
radio_trig = getent( trigger_name, "targetname");
radio_origin = getent( origin_name, "targetname");

if( ( !isdefined( radio_trig ) ) || ( !isdefined( radio_origin ) ) )

radio_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
radio_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
radio_origin playloopsound( "radio_static" );

radio_trig waittill( "trigger", players);
radio_origin stoploopsound( .1 );
//iprintlnbold( "You activated " + trigger_name + ", playing off " + origin_name );
radio_origin playsound( trigger_name );

radio_egg_hanging_init( trigger_name, origin_name )
radio_trig = getent( trigger_name, "targetname");
radio_origin = getent( origin_name, "targetname");

if( ( !isdefined( radio_trig ) ) || ( !isdefined( radio_origin ) ) )

radio_trig waittill( "trigger", player);
dist = distancesquared(player.origin, radio_trig.origin);
if( dist < 900 * 900)
radio_origin playsound( trigger_name );

//Hanging dead guy
hanging_dead_guy( name )
//grab the hanging dead guy model
dead_guy = getent( name, "targetname");

if( !isdefined(dead_guy) )

dead_guy physicslaunch ( dead_guy.origin, (randomintrange(-20,20),randomintrange(-20,20),randomintrange(-20,20)) );

if (!IsDefined (level.eggs))
level.eggs = 0;

level.eggs = 1;

//player thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_audio_secret", .25);

level.eggs = 0;

meteor_egg( trigger_name )
if(!IsDefined (level.meteor_counter))
level.meteor_counter = 0;

meteor_trig = getent ( trigger_name, "targetname");

if( !isdefined( meteor_trig ) )
meteor_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
meteor_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

meteor_trig waittill( "trigger", player );
player playsound( "meteor_affirm" );
level.meteor_counter = level.meteor_counter + 1;

if(!IsDefined (level.meteor_counter))
level.meteor_counter = 0;

if( level.meteor_counter == 3 )
thread play_music_easter_egg();

if(!IsDefined (level.flytrap_counter))
level.flytrap_counter = 0;

if( level.flytrap_counter == 1 )
//iprintlnbold( "Samantha Sez: Way to go!" );
thread play_sound_2d( "sam_fly_first" );
if( level.flytrap_counter == 2 )
//iprintlnbold( "Samantha Sez: Two? WOW!" );
thread play_sound_2d( "sam_fly_second" );
if( level.flytrap_counter == 3 )
//iprintlnbold( "Samantha Sez: And GAME OVER!" );
thread play_sound_2d( "sam_fly_last" );

round = 5;

vox_rand = randomintrange(1,100);

if( level.round_number <= round )
if( vox_rand <= 2 )
players = get_players();
p = randomint(players.size);
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(players[p]);
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";
players[p] thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_gen_giant", .25 );
//iprintlnbold( "Just played Gen Giant line off of player " + p );
else if (level.round_number > round )

play_level_easteregg_vox( object )
percent = 35;

trig = getent( object, "targetname" );

if(!isdefined( trig ) )

trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

trig waittill( "trigger", who );

vox_rand = randomintrange(1,100);

if( vox_rand <= percent )
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(who);
plr = "plr_" + index + "_";

switch( object )
case "vox_corkboard_1":
//iprintlnbold( "Inside trigger " + object );
who thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_resp_corkmap", .25 );
case "vox_corkboard_2":
//iprintlnbold( "Inside trigger " + object );
who thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_resp_corkmap", .25 );
case "vox_corkboard_3":
//iprintlnbold( "Inside trigger " + object );
who thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_resp_corkmap", .25 );
case "vox_teddy":
if( index != 2 )
//iprintlnbold( "Inside trigger " + object );
who thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_resp_teddy", .25 );
case "vox_fieldop":
if( (index != 1) && (index != 3) )
//iprintlnbold( "Inside trigger " + object );
who thread create_and_play_dialog( plr, "vox_resp_fieldop", .25 );

Double Post Merge: October 07, 2015, 09:06:42 pm
in "Nazi Zombie Factory" all works..  but I have a map with these scripts and do not work

Double Post Merge: October 07, 2015, 09:29:14 pm
it's my zone manager

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;

//  Checks to see if a player is in a zone_name volume
player_in_zone( zone_name )
// If the zone hasn't been activated, don't even bother checking
if ( !IsDefined(level.zones[ zone_name ]) )
return false;
zone = level.zones[ zone_name ];

// Okay check to see if a player is in one of the zone volumes
players = get_players();
for (i = 0; i < zone.volumes.size; i++)
for (j = 0; j < players.size; j++)
if ( players[j] IsTouching(zone.volumes[i]) )
return true;
return false;

// Disable exterior_goals that have a script_noteworthy.  This can prevent zombies from
// pathing to a goal that the zombie can't path towards the player after entering.
// It is assumed these will be activated later, when the zone gets initialized.
special_goals = getstructarray("exterior_goal", "targetname");
for (i = 0; i < special_goals.size; i++)
if (IsDefined(special_goals[i].script_noteworthy))
special_goals[i].is_active = undefined;
special_goals[i] trigger_off();

// Allows zombies to path to the specified barriers.
// All barriers with a script_noteworthy should initially triggered off by
// deactivate_barrier_goals
activate_barrier_goals(barrier_name, key)
entry_points = getstructarray(barrier_name, key);

entry_points[i].is_active = 1;
entry_points[i] trigger_on();

// Call this when you want to allow zombies to spawn from a zone
// - Must have at least one info_volume with targetname = (name of the zone)
// - Have the info_volumes target the zone's spawners
zone_init( zone_name )
if ( IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name ] ) )
// It's already been activated

// Add this to the list of active zones
level.zones[ zone_name ] = spawnstruct();
level.zones[ zone_name ].is_enabled = false; // Does the zone need to be evaluated?
level.zones[ zone_name ].is_occupied = false; // Is the zone occupied by a player?
level.zones[ zone_name ].is_active = false; // Are the spawners currently enabled for spawning?
level.zones[ zone_name ].adjacent_zones = []; // NOTE: These must be defined in a separate level-specific initialization
level.zones[ zone_name ].volumes = GetEntArray( zone_name, "targetname" );

assertEx( IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name ].volumes[0] ), "zone_init: No volumes found for zone: "+zone_name );

if ( IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name ].volumes[0].target ) )
// Grab all of the zombie and dog spawners and sort them into two arrays
level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners = [];
level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners = [];

spawners = GetEntArray( level.zones[ zone_name ].volumes[0].target, "targetname" );
for (i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++)
if ( issubstr(spawners[i].classname, "dog") )
level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners = add_to_array( level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners, spawners[i] );
level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners = add_to_array( level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners, spawners[i] );

// Grab all of the zombie dog spawn structs
level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations = GetStructArray(level.zones[ zone_name ].volumes[0].target + "_dog", "targetname");

// grab all zombie rise locations for the zone
level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations = GetStructArray(level.zones[ zone_name ].volumes[0].target + "_rise", "targetname");

// Turn on the zone
enable_zone( zone_name )
level.zones[ zone_name ].is_enabled = true;

// activate any player spawn points
spawn_points = getstructarray("player_respawn_point", "targetname");
for( i = 0; i < spawn_points.size; i++ )
if ( spawn_points[i].script_noteworthy == zone_name )
spawn_points[i].locked = false;

activate_barrier_goals( zone_name+"_barriers", "script_noteworthy" );

// Makes zone_a connected to zone_b.  If one_way is false, zone_b is also made "adjacent" to zone_a
add_adjacent_zone( zone_name_a, zone_name_b, flag_name, one_way )
if ( !IsDefined( one_way ) )
one_way = false;

// If it's not already activated, it will activate the zone
// If it's already activated, it won't do anything.
zone_init( zone_name_a );
zone_init( zone_name_b );

// B becomes an adjacent zone of A
if ( !IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ] ) )
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ] = SpawnStruct();
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].is_connected = false;
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].flags_do_or_check = false;
if ( IsArray( flag_name ) )
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].flags = flag_name;
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].flags[0] = flag_name;
// we've already defined a link condition, but we need to add another one and treat
// it as an "OR" condition
assertEx( !IsArray( flag_name ), "add_adjacent_zone: can't mix single and arrays of flags" );
size = level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].flags.size;
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].flags[ size ] = flag_name;
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].flags_do_or_check = true;

if ( !one_way )
if ( !IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ] ) )
// A becomes an adjacent zone of B
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ] = SpawnStruct();
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].is_connected = false;
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].flags_do_or_check = false;
if ( IsArray( flag_name ) )
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].flags = flag_name;
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].flags[0] = flag_name;
// we've already defined a link condition, but we need to add another one and treat
// it as an "OR" condition
assertEx( !IsArray( flag_name ), "add_adjacent_zone: can't mix single and arrays of flags" );
size = level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].flags.size;
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].flags[ size ] = flag_name;
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].flags_do_or_check = true;

// Gathers all flags that need to be evaluated and sets up waits for them
flags = [];
for( z=0; z<level.zones.size; z++ )
zkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones );
for ( az = 0; az<level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones.size; az++ )
azkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones );
for ( f = 0; f< level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags.size; f++ )
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( flags, level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags[f] );
if( no_dupes )
flags = add_to_array(flags, level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags[f] );

for( i=0; i<flags.size; i++ )
level thread zone_flag_wait( flags[i] );

// Wait for a zone flag to be set and then update zones
zone_flag_wait( flag_name )
if ( !IsDefined( level.flag[ flag_name ] ) )
flag_init( flag_name );
flag_wait( flag_name );

// Enable adjacent zones if all flags are set for a connection
for( z=0; z<level.zones.size; z++ )
zkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones );
for ( az = 0; az<level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones.size; az++ )
azkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones );

if ( !level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].is_connected )
if ( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags_do_or_check )
// If ANY flag is set, then connect zones
flags_set = false;
for ( f = 0; f< level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags.size; f++ )
if ( flag( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags[f] ) )
flags_set = true;
if ( flags_set )
level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].is_connected = true;
if ( !level.zones[ azkeys[az] ].is_enabled )
enable_zone( azkeys[az] );
// See if ALL the flags have been set, otherwise, move on
flags_set = true;
for ( f = 0; f< level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags.size; f++ )
if ( !flag( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].flags[f] ) )
flags_set = false;
if ( flags_set )
level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].is_connected = true;
if ( !level.zones[ azkeys[az] ].is_enabled )
enable_zone( azkeys[az] );

// This needs to be called when new zones open up via doors
connect_zones( zone_name_a, zone_name_b, one_way )
if ( !IsDefined( one_way ) )
one_way = false;

// If it's not already activated, it will activate the zone
// If it's already activated, it won't do anything.
zone_init( zone_name_a );
zone_init( zone_name_b );

enable_zone( zone_name_a );
enable_zone( zone_name_b );

// B becomes an adjacent zone of A
if ( !IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ] ) )
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ] = SpawnStruct();
level.zones[ zone_name_a ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_b ].is_connected = true;

if ( !one_way )
// A becomes an adjacent zone of B
if ( !IsDefined( level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ] ) )
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ] = SpawnStruct();
level.zones[ zone_name_b ].adjacent_zones[ zone_name_a ].is_connected = true;

// This one function will handle managing all zones in your map
// to turn them on/off - probably the best way to handle this
manage_zones( initial_zone )
assertEx( IsDefined( initial_zone ), "You must specify an initial zone to manage" );

deactivate_initial_barrier_goals(); // Must be called before zone_init

level.zones = [];
// Setup zone connections
if ( IsDefined( level.zone_manager_init_func ) )
[[ level.zone_manager_init_func ]]();

if ( IsArray( initial_zone ) )
for ( i = 0; i < initial_zone.size; i++ )
zone_init( initial_zone[i] );
enable_zone( initial_zone[i] );
zone_init( initial_zone );
enable_zone( initial_zone );


// Now iterate through the active zones and see if we need to activate spawners
while(getdvarint("noclip") == 0 ||getdvarint("notarget") != 0 )
zkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones );

// clear out active zone flags
for( z=0; z<zkeys.size; z++ )
level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_active   = false;
level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_occupied = false;

// Figure out which zones are active
// If a player occupies a zone, then that zone and any of its enabled adjacent zones will activate
a_zone_is_active = false; // let's us know if an active zone is found
for( z=0; z<zkeys.size; z++ )
if ( !level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_enabled )

level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_occupied = player_in_zone( zkeys[z] );
if ( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_occupied )
level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_active = true;
a_zone_is_active = true;
for ( az=0; az<level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones.size; az++ )
azkeys = GetArrayKeys( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones );
if ( level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].adjacent_zones[ azkeys[az] ].is_connected )
level.zones[ azkeys[ az ] ].is_active = true;

// MM - Special logic for empty spawner list
if ( !a_zone_is_active )
level.zones[ "receiver_zone" ].is_active = true;
level.zones[ "receiver_zone" ].is_occupied = true;

// Okay now we can modify the spawner list
for( z=0; z<zkeys.size; z++ )
zone_name = zkeys[z];

if ( !level.zones[ zkeys[z] ].is_enabled )

if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].is_active )
// Making an assumption that if one of the zone's spawners is in the array, then all of them are in the array
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners.size > 0 )
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners[0] );
if( no_dupes )
for(x=0;x<level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners.size;x++)
level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.enemy_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners[x]);

// Making an assumption that if one of the zone's spawners is in the array, then all of them are in the array
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners.size > 0 )
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_dog_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners[0] );
if( no_dupes )
for(x=0;x<level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners.size;x++)
level.enemy_dog_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_dog_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners[x]);

// activate any associated dog_spawn locations
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations.size > 0 )
// Making an assumption that if one of the structs
// is in the array, then all of them are in the array
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes(level.enemy_dog_locations, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations[0]);
if( no_dupes )
for(x=0; x<level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations.size; x++)
level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.enemy_dog_locations = add_to_array(level.enemy_dog_locations, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations[x]);

// activate any associated zombie_rise locations
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations.size > 0 )
// Making an assumption that if one of the zone's spawners
// is in the array, then all of them are in the array
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes(level.zombie_rise_spawners, level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations[0]);
if( no_dupes )
for(x=0; x<level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations.size; x++)
level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.zombie_rise_spawners = add_to_array(level.zombie_rise_spawners, level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations[x]);
// The zone is not active so disable the spawners
// Making an assumption that if one of the zone's spawners
// is in the array, then all of them are in the array
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners.size > 0 )
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners[0] );
if( !no_dupes )
for(x=0;x<level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners.size;x++)
level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners[x].locked_spawner = true;
level.enemy_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].spawners[x]);

// Making an assumption that if one of the zone's spawners is in the array, then all of them are in the array
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners.size > 0 )
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_dog_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners[0] );
if( !no_dupes )
for(x=0;x<level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners.size;x++)
level.enemy_dog_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_dog_spawns, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_spawners[x]);

// deactivate any associated dog spawn locations
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations.size > 0 )
// Making an assumption that if one of the structs is in the array, then all of them are in the array
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes(level.enemy_dog_locations, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations[0]);
if( !no_dupes )
for(x=0; x<level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations.size; x++)
level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.enemy_dog_locations = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_dog_locations, level.zones[ zone_name ].dog_locations[x]);
// deactivate any associated zombie_rise locations
if ( level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations.size > 0 )
// Making an assumption that if one of the zone's spawners
// is in the array, then all of them are in the array
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes(level.zombie_rise_spawners, level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations[0]);
if( !no_dupes )
for(x=0; x<level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations.size; x++)
level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.zombie_rise_spawners = array_remove_nokeys(level.zombie_rise_spawners, level.zones[ zone_name ].rise_locations[x]);

//wait a second before another check
Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 09:29:50 pm by ville88

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