Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default". Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water". Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli". Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli". Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L". Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner". Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_sm". Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_md". Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_lg". Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_object_ripple". Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn". Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles". Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple". Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple". LOADING... - game media done LOADING... clients Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/". Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/". Error: Could not load material "blank". Error: Could not load material "waypoint_targetneutral". Error: Could not load material "waypoint_capture". Error: Could not load material "waypoint_defend". Error: Could not load material "ugxm_maxammo". dvar set r_watersim_windDir 0 Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_fthrow_vert_short". *** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models. ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 17) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "asphalt", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ****** script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 18) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "brick", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 19) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "carpet", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "cloth", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 21) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "concrete", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_sand - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "dirt", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 23) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "foliage", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_sand - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 24) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "gravel", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_sand - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 25) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "grass", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 26) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "metal", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_mud - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 27) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "mud", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_mud" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 28) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "paper", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 29) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "plaster", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_sand - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 30) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "rock", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_sand - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 31) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "sand", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_water - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 32) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "water", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_water" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect bio/player/fx_footstep_dust - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 33) clientscripts\_utility::setFootstepEffect( "wood", LoadFx( "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust" ) ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_zapper_powerbox_on - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 40) level._effect["zapper_fx"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_zapper_powerbox_on"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_zapper_wall_control_on - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 41) level._effect["zapper_wall"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_zapper_wall_control_on"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_green - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 44) level._effect["zapper_light_ready"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_green"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_red - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 45) level._effect["zapper_light_notready"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_red"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_eye_single - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 49) level._effect["eye_glow"] = LoadFx( "misc/fx_zombie_eye_single" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_zapper_powerbox_on - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 66) level._effect["zapper_fx"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_zapper_powerbox_on"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_zapper_wall_control_on - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 67) level._effect["zapper_wall"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_zapper_wall_control_on"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_green - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 70) level._effect["zapper_light_ready"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_green"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_red - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 71) level._effect["zapper_light_notready"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_red"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_eye_single - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 75) level._effect["eye_glow"] = LoadFx( "misc/fx_zombie_eye_single" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 41) level._effect["snow_thick"] = LoadFx( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 87) [[level.DLC3_Client.myFX]](); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_transporter_beam - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 91) level._effect["transporter_beam"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_transporter_beam"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_transporter_pad_start - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 92) level._effect["transporter_pad_start"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_transporter_pad_start"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_transporter_start - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 93) level._effect["transporter_start"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_transporter_start"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_transporter_ambient - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 94) level._effect["transporter_ambient"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_transporter_ambient"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_all - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 95) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_link_all"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_all"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_single - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 96) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_link_single"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_single"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_linked - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 97) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_linked"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_linked"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 98) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_beam"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 99) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_flat"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat_start - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 100) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_flat_start"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat_start"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam_start - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 101) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_beam_start"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam_start"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_flashback_american - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 102) level._effect["zombie_flashback_american"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_flashback_american"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect destructibles/fx_dest_fire_vert - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 103) level._effect["gasfire2"] = LoadFx("destructibles/fx_dest_fire_vert"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 104) level._effect["mp_light_lamp"] = Loadfx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_difference - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 105) level._effect["zombie_difference"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_difference"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_steam - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 106) level._effect["zombie_mainframe_steam"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_steam"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_heat_sink - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 107) level._effect["zombie_heat_sink"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_heat_sink"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_smoke_stack - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 108) level._effect["mp_smoke_stack"] = loadfx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_smoke_stack"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_spark_fast_random - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 109) level._effect["mp_elec_spark_fast_random"] = loadfx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_spark_fast_random"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_elec_gen_idle - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 110) level._effect["zombie_elec_gen_idle"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_elec_gen_idle"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_moon_eclipse - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 111) level._effect["zombie_moon_eclipse"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_moon_eclipse"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_clock_hand - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 112) level._effect["zombie_clock_hand"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_clock_hand"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_elec_pole_terminal - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 113) level._effect["zombie_elec_pole_terminal"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_elec_pole_terminal"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_broken_light_1shot - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 114) level._effect["mp_elec_broken_light_1shot"] = loadfx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_broken_light_1shot"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp_no_eo - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 115) level._effect["mp_light_lamp_no_eo"] = loadfx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp_no_eo"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect misc/fx_zombie_electric_trap - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 118) level._effect["zapper"] = loadfx("misc/fx_zombie_electric_trap"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) clientscripts\dlc3_code::DLC3_FX(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_rail_view - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 12) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_rail"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_rail_view"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 13) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_tube"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view2 - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 14) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_tube2"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view2"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view3 - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 15) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_tube3"] = loadfx("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view3"); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_rail_view_ug - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 17) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_rail_upgraded"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_rail_view_ug" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view_ug - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 18) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_tube_upgraded"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view_ug" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view2_ug - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 19) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_tube2_upgraded"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view2_ug" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ ******* script runtime error ******* loadedfx could not find effect maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view3_ug - ensure that effect is precached in the server script, and included in appropriate CSVs. : (file 'clientscripts/', line 20) level._effect["tesla_viewmodel_tube3_upgraded"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_tube_view3_ug" ); * Error: called from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 22) clientscripts\_zombiemode_tesla::init(); * Error: started from: (file 'clientscripts/', line 5) main() * Error: ************************************ Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player". Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass". CL_InitCGame: 0.34 seconds Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: -764328040 dvar set con_gameMsgWindow0Filter gamenotify obituary dvar set con_gameMsgWindow1Filter boldgame dvar set con_gameMsgWindow2Filter subtitle dvar set con_gameMsgWindow3Filter coopinfo Hiding channel: gamenotify Hiding channel: obituary Adding channel: gamenotify Adding channel: obituary Hiding channel: boldgame Adding channel: boldgame Hiding channel: subtitle Adding channel: subtitle Hiding channel: coopinfo Adding channel: coopinfo Database: Assets Sync Started Database: Assets Sync Finished dvar set cl_paused 0 dvar set cl_network_warning 0 dvar set com_voip_resume_time 16196 dvar set cl_network_warning 0 dvar set r_lightTweakDiffuseFraction 0.3 dvar set com_voip_resume_time 16200 dvar set cl_network_warning 0 dvar set sv_network_warning 0 Fade in 15704 1250 dvar set ragdoll_enable 1 dvar set compass 0 dvar set hud_showStance 0 dvar set cg_thirdPerson 0 dvar set cg_thirdPersonAngle 0 dvar set ammoCounterHide 0 dvar set miniscoreboardhide 0 dvar set ui_hud_hardcore 0 dvar set friendlyfire_enabled 0 Model 'cg_drawPerformanceWarnings': Database: Assets Sync Started Database: Assets Sync Finished dvar set cl_paused 0 dvar set long_blocking_call 0 dvar set sv_network_warning 0 dvar set cl_network_warning 0 dvar set loc_language 0 dvar set loc_forceEnglish 0 dvar set language english dvar set cl_paused 0 dvar set com_errorTitle Error dvar set com_errorMessage Unhandled exception caught quitting...